《Wrong number Avengers》they see me rolling



3rd person pov

natasha plays some music while they make their drive to the compound. she didnt try to make conversation which y/n was grateful for she could feel wanda was tense and her face was pale. it mustve been yesterday when they got drenched and wanda didnt have a shower to get warm again. y/n continues to rub wandas back, texting mj.

she feels wanda shift next to her and she sits up leaning on y/n. 'you okay?' y/n asks instantly putting her phone down to give wanda all her attention. the witch nods and closes her eyes again but not falling asleep.

'are you gonna tell me whats wrong yet?' y/n inquires wanting to help wanda, she sighs

'its just a cold love' she confirms y/ns suspicions 'ill be fine' wanda coughs and scrunches her face up at how much it hurt. now y/n is the one to sigh

'let me help' y/n looks at wanda with big eyes

'okay' wanda says finally

'yes!' y/n pumps her fist in the air in victory. wanda smiles and grabs y/ns hand playing with the rings.

the couple had matching rings that thor had gotten them for christmas. and they constantly fiddled with them when they were away from eachother.

'mom how much longer until we're there'. y/n asks.

'about 30 minutes ' nat answers, they both nod and do whatever.

suddenly there was a beeping under the car. 'do you guys here tha-' y/n starts but gets interrupted when an explosion goes off and sends the car flying. (imagine the scene from bw) the car rolls over a couple times and y/n shields wanda getting alot of the blow. nat was covered by the airbag and was overall surviving.

the car comes to a stop upsidedown and nat and wanda climb out. but y/n lays unconscious. 'y/n get up' wanda says in a shaky voice sitting next to the car barely able to move. 'y/n this isnt funny, please' wanda says looking at y/n who lies there unresponsive.


'fuck, no' nat mumbles holding her stomach. pulling herself infront of wanda and next to y/n she grabs wandas hand and uses the other to shake y/n. 'come on wake up' nat has tears in her eyes. by now the others have been notified of "ms romanoffs car crash" as friday puts it. wanda was crying. not even noticing the team come and rush around them steve and tony help pull y/n out as the others help nat and wanda who were still in shock.

'i-is is s-she de-dead' peter stutters. bruce goes up to her

'uh' he searches for a pulse but doesnt find anything he bites his lip and listens for breathing. nothing. he begins to do what he can to try and get her to come back. everyones breath was caught in their throats as they waited for y/n to begin breathing again. after a couple of compressions her chest begins moving again and they all let out a breath. with help from her brother wanda moves and sits next to y/n holding her hand. the witch was sat cross legged next to y/n and she leaned down folding over her legs kiss y/ns head.

she doesnt know who called but eventually the ambulances and paramedics were around them. one was leading natasha to a van trying to get her to respond and stuff but she was still in shock from y/n almost dying. clint was helping her into the back while nat didnt take her eyes off y/n until the doors shut. clint was sitting next to her holding her hand as the spy crys.

the next thing wanda feels is a hand on her shoulder and people in her face. she refused to move when people were helping y/n but now paramedics wanted to check up on wanda. they only managed to get her a few feet away from y/n but it was enough. the witch had tears in her eyes. wanda got into the ambulance with y/n pietro came to while the rest got in their cars and speedily followed them back to the hospital.


when they were there instantly y/n was rushed into surgery wanda and nat were taken for further check ups and so they could get their wounds delt with. the shit thing was that wanda was still sick so everything was slow. fortunately she was the least out of the 3 so she wasnt in a rush. tony was talking to the front person getting the best care and rooms. natasha kept insisting she was fine and trying to get up only to be pushed back down by clint each time.

an hour later.

y/n's surgery went well and if all goes good should be up tonight, with her healing properties and all. (i low key forgot she had like enhanced healing) nat wanda and y/n were all in the same room but with those collapsible wall things dividing them. nat was humming a russian lullaby to try to wrap her head around what happened, it comforted wanda but worry for y/n kept her up.

y/n pov

i wake up feeling like ive been thrown off a cliff, ripped apart by sharks and then rolled over by those cement flattening machines. i look aroung and see im in a hospital. god i hate hospitals. more sense comes back and i feel myself attached to wires. disgusted i rip them off and swing my legs over the side of the bed. landing on my feet i almost fell and my head was spinning but i had to make sure wanda and nat were okay holding the wall for stability i walk to the next room following the lullaby.

looking in the room i see wanda laying in bed in a couple bandages and also hooked up to machines. i wobble over to her and smile when i get to her bedside. she looks to me expecting to see a nurse but when she registers my face she smiles sitting up and hugging me. i hug her back

'are you okay buba' i ask looking over her knowing she was still sick

'i should be asking you that love, your the one that-' wanda cuts herself off 'nevermind. does nat know your awake' she changes the subject

'no' i say looking to the door than back at wanda that to the door again.

3rd person pov

'here' she says and the walls fold away. at the sudden noise nat looks over and practically jumps out of her skin y/n rushes as fast as she can (which wasnt fast) over to nat who ripped cords off herself to meet her daughter in the middle.

they all go sit back down on wandas bed and sit close together. 'i really dont want to be here' y/n mumbles after a minute. everyone knew of her hate for hospitals

'i bet we can get out of here by midnight' nat says knowing how annoyingly persuasive tony could be y/n nods. 'how sick are you still wands' nat inquires

'im actually feeling a lot better' wanda says realising her sore throat was mostly gone

'noooo i wanted to take care off youuuu' y/n whines still a bit high on the drugs they gave her. wanda and nat laugh just as nurses and the avengers come in.

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