《Wrong number Avengers》floating boxes


everyone went to bed to prepare for tomorrow it was gonna be a big day of moving. tony already had many of the lower floors cleared and the stark employees have moved into their new labs so lastly it was just y/n, peter and tonys labs plus all the bedrooms

when y/n and wanda got back to their room they decided to start packing. floating clothes into bags books into boxes labelled fragile. because who wants their books squashed. anyway disassembling furniture and taking down posters the two were met with an empty room and a bed

'i wonder what the compounds gonna be like' y/n says throwing herself onto the bed, rolling over to her back.

'big i assume, tony said he built a new section for living so hopefully we wont get the noise from other people' wanda says getting in next to y/n

'as long as im with you i wont care how noisy it is' y/n smiles and kisses wanda wrapping her arms under wandas back burring her head in wandas chest

'what would you do without me' wanda scrunches her nose and smiles. y/n just hums and the two fall asleep.

wandas pov

i watch as y/n slowly falls asleep, deciding im not to tired i decide to just read a bit. with both my hands i trace circles and shapes on her back and shoulders as the book floats in front of me. the page occasionally turns as the soft sound of snow calms the area. y/n shifts in her sleep rolling over to her back but her body was still half on me

after a few more chapters i close the book and get more comfortable. looking at the ceiling i cant help but smile as i fall asleep surrounded by darkness.

voila its morning

3rd person pov

awoken by the sun in her face y/n yawns and stretches before opening her eyes feeling the hard ground underneath her she pushes herself up with her arms and looks around confused as to why she was on the floor.


ignoring it she yawns again and flops back onto the bed, wanda rolls over to hug y/n

'morning' the sokovian mumbles in a thick accent

'good morning' y/n smiles running her hands through wandas hair untangling the occasional small knot. their moment was interrupted by a soft knock on the door 'come in' y/n says as she pulls wanda over her body. y/n lifted her knees so wanda was in between and looked over to the door

'morning guys' peter smiles coming over to sit on the bed. 'wheres my hug' he raises an eyebrow. y/n goes to make a sarcastic comment before wanda beats her to it.

'no fuck off shes mine' wanda cuddles further into y/n, y/n laughs kissing wandas head and looks back over at peter who was beginning to ask something

'when were settled in the compound we should go out on a double date' peter suggests

'sure pete, i haven't seen mj in ages' y/n replys peter nods and they think wandas fallen back asleep. 'what did you need?' she enquires

'tony said theres breakfast ready than we start moving boxes' the boy informs them getting up and going to the door. he leaves and y/n brings her attention back to wanda

'love you have to get up' she coos scratching her head softly and pulling her hand through wandas hair down her back and back up again, softly pulling the witch out of unconsciousness

'mhm' she yawns sitting up straddling y/n as she tiredly rubs her eyes. y/n pulls herself to a seated position as well and stands up picking wanda up as well, who just melts into y/n

'why are you so tired bubs' y/n asks kinda concerned. wanda just shrugs almost falling asleep. when they leave the room y/n shifts wanda in her arms to enable her to lift arm to feel the witches forehead it was a bit warm.

the pair make it to the kitchen and grab 2 pieces of toast for the 2 of them. sitting at the table wanda doesnt get off y/ns lap.


y/n pov

i frow my eyebrows ive never seen wanda so tired, im worried but decide to wait a bit. putting a bit of jam on the toast i lean back a bit and hold it up to wanda she shakes her head. 'you gotta eat something' i say quietly she shakes her head and closes her eyes again i tilt my head in confusion i hope shes not sick.

'is she okay' nat mouths to me when she entered the room

'i dont know ' i mouth back hugging my girlfriend with 1 arm i slowly eat the single piece of toast. pushing the other piece of toast away to the middle of the table for the others to eat i get up still with wanda and go to grab a glass off water for both off us . tony comes in with papers showing whos boxes need to go into what trucks so i grab our page seeing it as A-73 memorising the number i take a sip of mine before holding the other up to wandas lips for her to drink. slowly she parts her lips and i pour the cold liquid down her throat i see she winces which confuses me but inevitably i go back to our room.

3rd person pov

y/n sits wanda at the end of the bed and kneels in front of her grabbing the witches warm hands. 'whats wrong, please tell me' she asks as wandas eyes float open.

'n-nothing im fi-f-fine' she slurs getting up beginning to grab boxes with her powers and walk out to the hall,

'WANDA' y/n calls but grabs more off the boxes and follows her. as she passes the others she hears bucky call

'now thats unfair' he says referring to how the girls would be done in 2 trips. y/n continues running down after wanda who choose the stairs and was stumbling at every second step.

'wanda slow down your gonna hurt yourself' y/n says meeting her at the bottom of the stairs

'im f-fine y/n' a shiver goes up her spine and she shakes a bit before continuing her path. they load their boxes into the allocated truck and get in the elevator. y/n decides to give wanda a break form her asking so they ride up just talking quietly.

y/n cant help but feel worried, wanda kept stumbling so obviously her mucles were tense and sore, she slurred her words meaning she was tired still, and didnt eat anything. y/n knows somethings up.

they finish their room and wanda helps y/n with the lab. the witch cant walk in a straight line bumping into tables and tripping alot. on several occasions y/n sees wanda holding her head to.

wanda was never one to admit she was sick and she knew she should tell y/n they tell eachother everything but today was important she just needed to sit down for a second. eventually a second turned into a minute and y/n noticed and came over.

'here come on' she outstretches her hand and lifts wanda to her feet. the witch slowly makes her way over to y/ns couch. 'ill take this out last ok, take a nap or just relax, please' y/ns says lightly pushing her down onto the couch. wanda was to tired to complain so she curls up on the couch closing her eyes.

y/n kisses her forehead and continues to clean and pack her lab. an hour passes since y/n had so many small things to go through and eventually everything's packed. she grabs several boxes and carrys them to the truck.

after a lot more trips than the bedroom y/n was done an it was around 1, walking over to the couch it was the only thing in the room other than a couple tables.

sitting on the couch behind wanda she pulls her into her lap and feels her face to feel it was warmer than before. 'somethings got her doesnt it' a voice calls from the door.

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