《Wrong number Avengers》Dancing in the rain


3rd person pov

hours later most people that were here for the holidays left and now it was just the live in avengers plus maria, loki and thor. y/n was still asleep in nats room, but would have to wake up soon if she was gonna sleep tonight.

it was getting dark and the sunset was beautiful everyone sat relaxing before the big move tomorrow.

'hey nat have you seen-' wanda asks

'yeah shes in my room, you should probably wake her' nat says not taking her eyes off her book until she was just about done talking. wanda nods and heads to nats room.

wandas pov

i softly knock on nats door but when there was no response i just open it inside i see y/n curled up in the corner of the bed. your could hear her soft snores and the occasional deep breath. i walk over crawling onto the bed since it was a double and in the corner. i sit cross-legged in front of her sleepy form. i lean down and kiss her forehead gently shaking her awake. she opens her eyes slowly and yawns stretching her arms above her head and extending her legs. y/n rolls onto her back and smiles up at me.

'morning' she yawns, i softly laugh

'its the evening love' i smirk, she looks taken aback

'huh, what day is it' she says sitting up and leaning against the wall.

'still the 25th, you fell asleep around 2 its 6' i inform her knowing whats it like when you have a nap in the afternoon. she nods slowly and gets out of bed.

'what do you wanna do' she asks me, i shrug

'i dont mind buba' i say standing up

'i have and idea' she smirks and pulls me out of the room. when we're out we realise its drizzling rain. confused since it was just nice out she pulls me into our room and out to the balcony. 'friday play my playlist cap old' she smiles.


3rd person pov

when the music starts playing y/n takes wandas hands and begins dancing to the music spinning her around and moving their hips to the songs. wanda dances along both with smiles on their faces. the rain made it the perfect vibe. they were smiling and slow-dancing occasionally. another song played and by now y/n had her arms around wandas waist her head on her shoulder as the pair gently swayed to the music. it was nice and calming wanda held y/ns hands leaning back into her chest.

the rain picked up and it begun wetting the deck. smirking y/n pulls away from the dance and glides her food along the water to make it spray wanda.

'really y/n' wanda frowns while y/n was laughing wanda kicked more water onto y/n and this started a war.

lets just say now they were drenched head to toe in rain water and they were freezing. 'come inside before you get sick, you know your immune system sucks' wanda says holding the door open for y/n to walk through.

still with a smile on her face y/n walked in and rushed to the bathroom to have a hot shower. not even bothering to close the door y/n turns on the shower and hums as the hot water warms her back up.

wanda walks into the bathroom already changed and drying her hair with a towel. she doesnt get sick to easily and wasnt that cold anyway so there was no need for a shower. 'imma put our wet stuff in the dryer okay?' she calls picking up y/ns discarded clothes off the bathmat.

'thank youuuuu' y/n drags out sticking her head out the shower door for a kiss. wanda smiles and kisses her

'your adorable'

20 minutes later y/n was wearing wandas face pyjamas as she always does now and her hair was very curly from being wet. her and wanda sat on the arm chair playing mario cart with clint, peter and pietro as dinner was being made. y/n offered to help but it was well known nat and her can barely cook more than toast


'haha losers' y/n smirks being very good at mario cart. wanda playfully slaps y/n because she kept winning

'i used to be the best' clint pouts putting the controller down and goes to get a drink

'im gonna beat you y/n' peter says determined as the next round starts.

'sure you will' y/n smirks getting comfortable in wandas lap.

it was just easy dinner for dinner so steve brought the kids dino nuggets and potato wedges putting their dinner next to them as they were focused on the game the adults had chicken tenders, wedges and a salad and they ate watching the kids.

'you dweebs!' y/n shouts winning another round. wanda laughs at her exitement and puts her food in her lap. they all begin eating in a comfortable silence the background music of mario cart scores page playing in the background as pietro beheads another dinosaur.

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