《Wrong number Avengers》lunch shenanigans


tw mention of r4pe, underage drinking (super underage if your legal age is 21)

the whole gang meets in the penthouse dining room. thor, loki, shuri, t'challa, pietro, maria, nat, yelena, bruce, tony, pepper, peter, clint, laura, all their kids, steve, sam, rhodey, bucky, ( idk if i forgot anyone sorry. scott and the guardians will come in in in sequel) were sitting around the table wanda was holding y/ns hand near the doorway rubbing her thumb over the back of y/n's hand who was hesitant to go in.

'if its to much bubs we can just grab food and eat somewhere else' wanda offers. putting a hand on y/ns arm softly.

when the pair were walking back from the studio y/n only grew more nervous. inevitably y/n shook her head and they headed over to the rest. just to their luck there was only two seats left across from eachother. wanda smiles encouragingly and y/n sits next to nat while wanda sits next to pietro.

y/n feels a pair off feet gently tap hers she refocuses and looks at wanda to find her already smiling back at her. the pair intertwine their feet under the table small smiles on their faces which blended in with the atmosphere.

they were all smiling and laughing as they put on the weird paper crowns and read the bad Christmas jokes, the little toys kept many people occupied throughout the lunch.

nat noticed y/n wasnt eating much 'все ли в порядке хун' (is everything okay hun) nat asks softly so no one else could hear her

'C-Могу ли я поговорить с вами после обеда. Пожалуйста' (c-can i talk to you after lunch) y/n asks her voice shaky

'Конечно. Если это важно, мы можем поговорить сейчас' (of course. if its important we can talk now) nat says pointing slightly to the balcony across the room. y/n shakes her head and takes a bite of her snag (sausage sizzle)


(a/n nothing beats a snag at your local bunnings lmao)


i-i think so

wanda smiles at y/n across the table who smiles back. they zone back into the conversation when yelena reaches under the table. she brings up a bottle of straight vodka and drinks a couple gulps.

'yelena the children' pepper says disapprovingly

'oh right wheres my manners, want some' she smirks holding the bottle out to anyone willing. y/n smiles and grabs the bottle before she could get a sip nat snatches the bottle. taking a swig before handing it back to yelena

'mom i haven't had vodka in ages just a small sip' y/n whines

'you've had vodka!' pepper asks shocked y/n just smiles at her giving the whole answer.

'come on romanoff its christmas' tony says y/n looks at nat who rolls her eyes

'fine 1 drink' she offers and y/n smirks.

yelena pours the cup and hands it over to y/n

'are we just gonna ignore the fact that your all okay with a 15 year old drinking alcohol' everyone just shrugs but a couple dont give an answer.

'want some' y/n offers wanda how tilts her head but trys some anyway her nose scrunches up which makes y/n smirk. she found the expression cute

'i dont know how you guys drink that' y/n laughs and takes her drink back.

the rest of lunch was fun talking eating and drinking. afterwards wanda and y/n used their magic to do the dishes. because there was mountains and everyone was going into food comas

'and you didnt tell us that either off you could do that, like ages ago' bucky complains remembering how many times he got dish soap stuck in his arm.

'in my defence you never let me do the dishes in the beginning' y/n shrugs


nats pov

all throughout lunch i was trying to think of what y/n needed to talk about so once everyone was settling down for a movie i pulled y/n into my room.

'what did you want to talk about?' i questioned her when we sat on the floor

'Вы должны пообещать, чтобы никому не рассказывать' (you have to promise not to say anything) y/n tells me in a low voice

'Хорошо, я обещаю' (okay i promise) i say kinda concerned on what she was about to tell me

(this next part is gonna be in russian but im to lazy to translate so)

'w-when i graduated... at 7. they told me i was to young for them to sterilise me so instead they got this man. h-his name was i-ivan.' y/n could barely say the name. i had my suspicions on who this was i met him the day off my graduation. but i didnt interrupt y/n. 'every night since my graduation h-he would take me from the dorms and to some cell. there...everynight. he would r-r4pe me. all i remember was the pain' she cried. i had tears in my eyes as well as she curled up into a ball in my arms.

'i graduated days before the older girls on december 25th. mom thats the day it all started' it all pieced together, why she was off all day.

'oh hun' i coo sweet nothings into her ear as she crys in my arms. i wipe away my own tears hugging her tightly. 'does wanda know?' i ask she slowly nods her head. that would explain the extra pda. of course the pair were always holding hands or cuddling but today was slightly different

'and m-mom' she studders

'yes hun' i kiss her head

'thank you really, just for everything'

'i would do anything for you, whatever it takes' i smile at her she smiles weakly and lays her head on my chest. a couple minutes later i her breathing even out and see that she has fallen asleep. i smile standing up with her. i lay y/n down in my bed. tucking her in before kissing her head and leaving turning off the lights and closing the door.

i go back into the lounge room to see some asleep on the couch others heading to their rooms. clints family was about to leave so i give laura a hug. 'stay safe nat' she smiles i smile back. waving as they all leave.

im going camping tmmr afternoon till sunday so 3 days i probably wont post. i will try to post in the morning but ill probably be packing

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