《Wrong number Avengers》sigh


y/n pov

i lay tossing and turning in bed i cant stop thinking about the posibilitys tmmr. would i finally get a break or could it be worse. i try to get some sleep closing my eyes and laying on my back. i cant focus. why do little kids have to snore so loud. i roll my eyes grabbing my backpack and leaving.

i change into my suit in an ally and fly up to a building slumping down admiring the stars. i didnt realise i was crying

until i felt the warm liquid trickled down my cheek, i didnt bother to wipe it. it had been years since i last cried. i was at peace laying on the roof however when i felt an aproching presence i sat up.

'hey pete' i say wiping my tears luckiy i could hide my emotion very well and my eyes wernt that red.

'hey y/n' he smiles as he pulls of his mask. he passes me a sandwhich. i look at him confused.

'how'd you i was here' i ask exepting the sandwwhich. 'was it your peter tingle' i snicker.

'1 i told u not to call it that 2 no i saw u flying when i was at delmas so i got u a sandwhich' he shrugged taking a huge bite. we both eat in silence until peter speaks up.

'did you hear about that orphange?' he questions. 'must've sucked for the kids, i hope they are okay.' he looks over in the direction of the orphange.

'y-yeah' i nod a shiver running threw my spine.

'you okay?' he asks tilting his head. i nod he was about to speak again until we herd a loud thud and whimpering. without hesitation i get up and fly to the sound peter close behind. i peer over the edge of the ledge and see a bunch of girls beating up another. i fly down grabbing one of the girls legs and throwing them to the side. half of them around 4 came after me while the other 3 finnished kicking the poor girl. i quickly took down the girls. peter was trying to stop the others he did get them away so they were going at him but he will survive.


i run up to the girl she lays curled in a ball trying to sooth the pain. i stroke the hair out of her face noticing the bruising.

'what do you need' i ask, i wasn't sure if she just needed to lay there or go to hospital or home. she just grunted and said to leave her there. i couldn't so i sat. she looks up at me confused.

'what are you doing?' she asks

'well 1 i'm watching my friend get beat up by girls and 2 making sure your okay' she nods and leans against the wall. we watch peter for a bit before he successfully scared all the girls away. i chuckle and stand up offer img a hand to the girl i learned to be mayling a sweet kind girl, i couldn't see why they were beating her up.

'hey if u don't mind me asking, why did they beat u up?' i ask turning towards her.

'oh no i don't mind. i got a lead part in my schools drama and one of them kinda wanted it like a lot so her friends beat me up' mayling shrugged. i nod.

time skip bc i'm tired

so basically they got her home and now peter and y/n are on a roof looking at the stars. suddenly blasters is herd. come on this is the 3rd time this week.

nats pov

i hoped that y/n was okay enough. i was about to text her goodnight and if she responded that i would tell her she should try to sleep. but than FRIDAY announced that spider man and pyro was out. i sighed. maybe it will get my mind of y/n.

tony decides to bring the whole team in because why not he just wants to impress the vigilantes. we all get suited up and head of toward the hero's. we get to a roof and see that they are just laying their talking and looking at the stars. i'm annoyed still at why fury wants us to capture these two. they are so harmless.

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