《Wrong number Avengers》never had one?


nats pov

tony had just blurted out that that horrible orphange was y/n's. i felt pissed that i didn't realise earlier.i mean all the signs were there.

'wait but doesn't that mean that—y/n at the- do you think y/n ever got hurt?' clint asks in disbelief. i run out of the room for my phone, returning a second later scrambling a text

y/n pov

i lay down on my old makeshift bed. well it was a couple of ripped fabric for a pillow and concrete. i sigh, luckily my only possessions all fit in my bag resulting in me carrying them everywhere. all stuffed into the bag ms jamison had given me. everything i owned was old apart from my hoodie from nat and hoodie and trackies fro mj. i had the outfit i wore the most which was my black cargo pants and white top. than i had my vest, i loved teh vest it had many pockets and someone who was like my big sister gave it to me. i also had a phone and pen and book that was it. i would charge my phone at school with neds charger and that was how it was. (a/n i honestly forgot what day it was soooo it is currently friday.) luckily it is friday so i don't have the internship tmmr.

i realise ive been mia for a while so igrab my phone and realise i have over 1000 texts from all my friends geez, 687 was from AvEnGeRs AsSeMbLe, 123 from crackhead central, and the rest from individual people. first i look into he individual people.

i roll my eyes sending him a copy. next is mj

6 days ago

i gasp faking hurt even though no one was there


hope the offer still sands


maybe at 8pm

i smile and go to the next person or well group chat. geez i have a lot of texts

crackhead central










holy shit

ur alive


dude social services isn't even after you

where are you






ss is splitting us all up but we each have a pair to go with

we have only tonight in the orphange than we are getting split in the morning.



ethan/ bailey



problem solved

and. thought they would have taken you straight away??


what about you??

and they were going to but to many kids to find homes at once


bish we aren't about to just ditch u like this

come back please


fine but i want to be by myself for a bit

meet me at our spot at 11 and we can figure it out

they all agree. i leave the other group chat for later knowing it will have hundreds of aruguing to read threw. i just put my phone down when i got a text

spider mom

hey y/n

i herd haven orphanage was your orphanage

and i just wanted to know

did she ever hurt you?

you don't have to respond btw

i just want to know your safe

you feel a bit bad for lying but you dont want pity



i'm fine

y/n has gone offline

i swipe away the messages app and realise it is almost time to meet mj. i change into my well mj's tracksuit and start heading to the library.

when i get there. i greet the library lady and head to my usual spot down the back. about ten minutes later mj text s me asking where i am. i respond and i see her walking around. she sees me and comes up. we completely skip greets and she just sits down next to me and begin to talk like we have been talking for hours.


'uh the boys are asking about periods saying that they past a group of girls and guys arguing about weather being kicked n the balls hurts more than period cramps and they want our opinion' mj states monotone while looking up at me.

'couldnt say' i shrug. mj looks at me confused 'i've never had one' i answer shrugging but it was more like that one shoulder shrug thing.

'you've never had one??' she asks tilting her head slightly

'ok i didnt want to tell anyone yet but your cool so. uh i grew up in the red room' i say in russian not wanting anyone else to hear us. she is still confused so i explains eh whole thing linking in the hole alf hydra experiment thing. she looks at em with no expression.

'that's nice, do you think you could teach my some moves??' she states very calmly

'y-your not disgusted or anything scared??' i asked shocked

'i mean it was your past pretty interesting but i dont think you mean anyone any harm' she shrugs 'wait this is what you meant when you said i am literally a trained assassin' she realises and i nod.

she types a quick response saying periods are worse. she would have gone into detail explaining why it hurts more etc etc but unfortunately we were kicked out at 11. that is when i realised it WAS 11. i said my goodbyes to mj and literally ran to the park.

when i was their i met up with the others. we talked for a bit and they said that they asked to the ss worker and they said i could come with one of them aswell. we were all happy and went to maccas for food kalebs shout. (a/n it means kaleb paid for it). we successfully walked back down to the orphange and got in bed for the day ahead. never said sleep////

nats pov

when i got a reply, y/n seemed ...fine?? i think the way she said it and the sudden disappearance was strange but her tone yes her tone over text seemed genuine. i partially believed her for now but i would have to wait until she spoke up about it to really know.

the team was all worried spaming the group chat when they realised it was 12 and she was probably asleep. what the team didnt know is that y/n doesn't sleep. even when she sleeps she doesn't. but i decide it is time for me to go to sleep and head down to my room.

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