《Wrong number Avengers》jason


1 week later

y/n pov

i had started to eat dinner with the team ever afternoon after the internship. today was just another one of those days i was in the lab with peter and tony i finnished my ai a while ago and i was now working on a personal assistant, i hadn't told tony yet i think he will like it. basically using nano tech a small robot folds into smart watch that you can wear with a hand action it turns on and you can decide to use the regular watch function or activate a hologram, this hologram is everything you want it to be a tv a friend anything. i was planing on adding my ai into the main programming of the watch.

'y/n/n, what are you working on' tony asks curiosity leaning over to my work bench. i'm to deep into my work and just hand him my journal. he takes it and begins to read. i dont know what he looks like but i assume he looks weird. 'this is amazing' he says shocked.

'eh just a prototype' i respond. a couple of hours later which in my defence only felt like 10 minutes i'm being lifted by someone away from work. 'oiiiii' i complain 'i wasn't finnished'

nats pov

i walk into the the lab after tony and peter say they cant get y/n's attention and see her on the ground papers around her a journal open random tech and her head ducked down into a computer. i sigh

'y/n' i simple state, she does nothing 'Y/N' i say louder still no response, i look at my watch its dinner now, i try to. get her attention a couple more times but she is to focused in her work to notice. i roll my eyes picking her up slinging her over my shoulder.


'oiiiii' she complains 'i wasn't finnished'.

'yes you are' i order 'it's past dinner' i state she looks at her watch and her eyes go wide. but she just shrugs it of fling limp letting her self be taken, i laugh.

we make it up to the dinning room and all the team is sat eating. 'look who came out of the rabbit hole' tony gestures. she rolls her eyes.

'y/n u get the prototype done??' peter asks excitedly.

'uh no like half of it' sh says turning on the watch on her arm. she explains why it can do so far and we are all amazed. she than proceed to bring up a video of captain america?? 'i'll show you how good the video quality is' she smirks.

'Y/N NO' steve shouts peter and y/n both snicker the rest of us confused.

'how about a little psa' peter smiles. y/n plays the video and steve is red in embarrassment we all smile why bucky is telling y/n to send him the video in russian, i add for her to send it to me aswell which she says yes to. by the end of dinner peter asks the time to which friday responds with 7pm y/n's eyes widen as she excuses her self saying her good byes to leave. i offer to drive her but she insists she is fine.

y/n pov

when friday announces the time i scramble to get my things and make it home quick enough not. to get a bad beating. nat offers to drive but i decline. they had done so much these past week i already owe them enough.

as i'm approaching the orphanage i see red and blue flashing lights dozens of them. i get closer and see about 5 cop cars aswell as 3 ambulances. i'm right at the scene and i see 5 body's getting covered over with white sheets. 1 of them i notice the most jason. shit i think, i try to find kayla and the others when a officer comes up to me.


'are you y/n' she asks pointing a finger. i nod and she tells me to follow her. the lady leads me around a couple cars and to an ambulance in the back. there i see all my friends crying as soon as they see me they leap from their seats to hug me. god that felt nice.

'w-what happped' i ask none of them meet my eyes until ethan speaks up.

'ms and her friends came over they were drunk and pissed' he spat 'we were eating dinner at that time and they came in and started to go for all of us. smashing plates bottles everything' he sighs '5 dead people.' kayla winces at this.'21 in hospital 16 injured, than their is you' he says i feel bad for not being there. i go over to comfort kayla when several people come over. each claim to want to take us to our new homes, however i was just to overwhelmed. i run, i run really fast to who knows where. i hear shouting in the distance and loud footsteps but i just keep running till the noise is faint and the lights are out. somehow i make it to the tower i cant just walk in their so i go fo the next best thing. i walk the couple of blocks it is to my "home" form before when i lived on the streets'.

tony's pov

it was weird when the kid just ran of but i shrugged it off. wanda turned on the tv and her and her brother instantly decided on criminal minds. sometimes these two scare me. suddenly the screen switches channel and they protest. i shush them as i read the breaking news.

'—the investigation on haven orphange continues as the owner was arrested on site with charges of neglect, abuse, torture, child endangerment, and murder, 5 kids from the orphanage are now deceased, 21 are in hospital and 16 are injured, all children will be going to new better homes over the city now over to you coshie' the news person finishes. my eyes grow ten ties the size my mouth hangs open and i drop my glass.

't-that's y/n's orphange' i studded

'WhAt1!!!' the team exclaimed

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