《Wrong number Avengers》M.I.A


mats pov

its around 2am when i'm woken by quiet whimpering. i open my eyes to see y/n her face all scrunched up eyebrows frowned together her hands in slight fists on top of that she was shaking. it was obvious it was a nightmare however i dont know wether to let it run its course or wake the poor kid. silent tears begin to run down her face as her nails dug into her palms drawing blood. i had yet to see this side of y/n even when we were texting she never showed this side she was always funny in a sarcastic way, was quick at responses and loved talking about things she enjoyed however here she is haveing what looks to be a pretty bad nightmare.

y/n dream

Dreykov laughs in my face. 'you really thought they cared' he snickers 'than why were yu so easy to take back?' he questions 'right. from. under. their noses, and now your back!!' he smiles wickedly. 'welcome home y/n'

'no' i breathe 'they care s-she cares' i studded i dont know wether i'm trying to convince myself or him.

'keep telling yourself that y/n' he walks back behind his desk. 'your reconditioning with the taskmaster begins now' the sick man smirks. suddenly the doors open and 2 widows walk in grabbing me by the arms dragging me to hell. they throw me to the ground of a plain room.

'hello again y/n' he laughs. without hesitation we both jump into a fighting stances. all of a sudden everything just stopped. i cant move the taskmaster is frozen.

nats pov

when blood begins to appear on her palms i decide i need to wake her. 'дорогой wake up' (dorogoy-sweetheart) i lightly shake her. she stops shaking and doesn't make any sound 'дорогой come on wake up'. her red teary eyes open. 'morning hun, are you okay?' i coo whipping the tears on her cheeks.


'да, я в порядке' (yes i'm fine) she whispers her voice horse 'извини, что разбудил тебя' (sorry for waking you). i had almost forgotten she knew russian. i guess i was just used to hearing russian accents.

'все в порядке, дорогуша' (its okay hun) 'ты хочешь сказать мне, что случилось' (do you want to tell me what happened) she shook her head 'хорошо иди спать милая' (okay go to sleep hun) i coo. she closes her eyes and her face relaxes, i smile and close my eyes.

da morning

i wake y/n at 6 since she still had school. she springs up walking around the room for a second then she just pauses. 'sorry' she mumbles confused.

'come on breakfast than i can drive you to school' i offer 'that's if your okay after yesterday' i add.

'y-yeah i'm fine' she says. i nod not totally believing her. i gesture for her to follow me and we walk out of the room. we make it to the kitchen and i can tell she is anxious. i grab the pancake mixture that was left over from when most of the boys had before training turning on the stove to cook them. a couple of minuets later wanda walks out

'morning y/n. morning nat' she greets sleepily and sits down next to y/n

'morning' y/n and i greet. i slide a plate that has 3 pancakes each o them. they both thank me and dig in. half way thew y/n's first. wanda had just finnished her second. suddenly y/ns phone errupts to life with messages. 10's at a time

'woah someone's famous' i laugh. she pulls out her phone silenceing it than checking the dozens. she reply's to a couple reads a lot than puts her phone down screen facing down. i see various photos of different people and even what i assume is young y/n, i smile. y/n pushes her plate away and tells me she's done. i look at the plate than back at her. she had only eaten one and a bite.


'finnish another half than you can give the rest o wanda' i tell y/n pushing the plate back she nods

time skip to in the car on the way to school

y/n pov

after 2 meals in less than 24 hours which i was not used to i was pretty sure everything had healed. last night when nat washed my hair i didnt miss the concerned expression she had. i assumed seh had noticed the scars and bruises littering my body i mean they weren't hard to miss.

'hey y/n?' i hear nat questions. i hum in response. 'you dont have to tell me but how did you get those scars?' she asks taking a left. i knew this question would come sooner or later.

'let's just say some of the foster homes weren't the best' i shrug technically i wasn't lying a few were from that. i knew she kinda believed me considering i had to ask her how to stitch a stab wound. she looks at me with what i faintly remember as empathy. and smiles. we arrive at the school gates and she stops luckily no one was around to see me get out of a very fancy car. we exchange goodbyes and she asks me if i would like to be picked up wich i decline insisting she has already done plenty. she emits defeat and drives away. i wave and she sticks her hand out the window to wave back.

i walk around for a bit before i find mj, ned and peter, they all rush up to me. questioning if i'm okay. peter instantly asks wat it was like staying at the tower fo a night to which ned almost faints at. i briefly explain the night ant they were all smiling.

after school

i get home rushing upstairs to my shared room. as soon as i walk in everyone rushes over to me worried, shocked, and happy,

'omfg i thought you were dead' sage whisper screams while hugging me.

'me what why?' i question genuinely confused,

'1 you were MIA for almost 24 hours' jason starts

'2 ms kept saying she would do the same to us what she is to you' kayla adds

'which we all thought was a death threat.' jason finishes.

'1 i responded this morning, i think 2 ms dont do anything that bad 3 i'm sorry for scaring you' i explain

'what do you mean no tat bad' kaleb questions.

'she just locked me in the freezer for a couple hours nothing death threatening' i shrug . thy all look shocked.

'Y/N!!!' they all whisper shout. i just laugh.


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