《Wrong number Avengers》dinner


Nats pov

i was a bit concerned when i saw scars littering her body especially the large one on her hip. i decide to ask her later. i also see a couple fading bruises but just assume she is clumsy

i walk down to tony's lab where i assumed peter and him would still be working. i walk in and see peter smiling while helping tony with some project.

'stank can you email her orphanage that she will be staying the night' i think for a second 'say it is because of work' i add. he nods and moves to a different laptop beginning to type.

'may i ask why?' tony asks clicking a few keys, looking up threw his eyebrows waiting for my answer.

'i just want to make sure she is okay.' i reply 'pete you can stay aswell if you like'i ad motioning to him

'uh thank you ms romonoff but my aunt and i are going out tonight' he answers rubbing the back of his neck. i nod.

'going soft romonoff?' tony snickers. i roll my eyes and head back up tp the common area.

3rd person pov

'pete do you know which orphanage she lives at' tony turning to peter realising he didn't know.

'um i dont know sorry' peter apologises 'but i could ask our other friends however i dont think they know either' he says feeling bad he couldn't help.

'that's okay' tony reasures. he hacks into child services and only looks for y/n's current home feeling like if he dug further that it was to much of private information. he finds it quickly reading the name "haven orphanage" tony faintly recognises the name fuzzily remembering seeing it on a loan form he signed i bit ago. the billionaire sends a quick email getting a fast reply.


that's okay tony . as long as y/n doesn't bother you

- sophia langly

a couple of hours later peter leaves and tony heads up to the rest of the team.

nats pov

i walk into the living room realising i had put my book back in my room. i quickly go and open the door. y/n was still in a similar position looking very relaxed and in deep sleep like she hadn't had a good night sleep in ages. i grab my book looking at y/n again and leaving.

'hey nat how is y/n' tony questions from the kitchen.

'she seems okay but has been asleep since' i answer receiving confused glances from the team.

'y/n? ' the team all questions at once. Clint smirks he finally knows something the rest of the team dont.

'wait y/n y/n' wanda realises pointing to her phone. tony, clint and i all nod. it takes a while but they eventually understand.

'oooo i wanna meet her' bucky coos getting up. i tell him she is asleep and he looks disappointed but gets exited again when i tell him he can meet her at dinner. the team continues to watch some disney movie i didnt recognise for an hour or so when people started to get hungry. tony looks up form his phone.

'chinese??' he questions tot the group realising no one wants to cook. everyone agrees and we begin to order no one really knew what to order for y/n so we just got her a simple noodle dish. about 10 muinets later the food was here and i had to wake y/n up.

3rd person pov

nat gets up and walks to her room quietly opening the door. 'y/n' she whispers 'y/n come on you have to get up' she try's 'foods here' nat gently rubs her thumb over y/no cheek, 'come on hun get up' she says above a whisper. to this y/n startles awake. her eyes looking around not recognising anything. fear evident. 'hey , hey its okay i'm here, your in stark tower' nat informs y/n softly grabbing her face to make the small girl focus on her.


's-sorry'y/n breathes. looking down at her lap.

'nothing to be sorry for' nat assures her 'come lets eat' i tell her getting up. y/n gets up and follows nat through a couple hallways and into the dining area. seeing almost everyone of the avengers (that live at the tower) y/n quietly takes a seat down next to nat wanda next to her. wanda smiles at the teen y/n is just happy that their is another familiar face. everyone just eats for a couple of minutes until everyone's curiosity gets the better of them.

'so y/n ya like jazz' steve asks not knowing. pietro, wanda, sam, clint and y/n the kids of the tower all stifle a laugh. 'what ?' steve questions

'it's a meme hun' bucky informs him pulling up the clip on his phone.

'ohhhhhh okay?' he questions still not totally getting it.

'uh i dont know mr rogers ive like only herd a couple songs in my life' y/n says now being able to say she knows more than 2

the team asks questions for the rest of dinner and y/n begins to feel comfortable around them. after dinner y/n gets up grabbing everyone's dishes. that is until wanda and clint take them off her. she just looks completely confused.

'your the guest you dont have to do the dishes' clint adds walking over to the sink to begin washing up. y/n still looks shocked and confused. 'uh mr stark how much was dinner; she asks. now everyone was confused.

'it's okay y/n you don't have to pay me back' tony assures. she stats to complain but gets cut off by pietro.

'y/n come watch a move with meeeeeee' pietro asks. he leads y/n into the living room 'okay what do you wanna watch' he asks as the rest of the team piles in.

'uh i dont mind you can pick' pietro sighs nod picks a movie (i legit cant think of anything)

nats pov

after dinner the team went to watch a movie i turn to y/n 'feeling better?' i question. the colour had returned to her face and the light bags under her eyes had disappeared. she nods and curls up in a ball trying to take up teh least amount of room possible.

about halfway through the movie i felt a weight on my shoulder i look ove about to shove them off when i see it was y/n. she looked very calm and adorable. wanda looked at me and smiled. i smiled back and returned my gaze tot eh tv.

when the movie finishes i pick y/n up still shocked by her weight. we make it to my room and i place her down on the left side of my bed draping the covers over her. she smiles and snuggles into them which made her look so cute. i smirk and get ready for bed myself. when i'm dressed i get back to bed and lay down next to y/n. she moves and i'm worried i woke her but instead she moves to put her head on my chest. i smile and play with her hair before going to sleep.

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