《Wrong number Avengers》identitys



'so what brings you here' peter smirks. i stifle a laugh. i knew we were both freaking out for similar reasons however we both just love messing with people.

'our boss wants your identities' black widow explains bluntly.

'uh what about no' i offer . you can hear the smirk in my voice

'look just give us your names and we wont hurt you' nat explains obviously done. this just amuses peter and i more. of corse if it wasn't 1am an we weren't in that tried like drunk faze we wouldn't challenge the avengers but hey life is to short not to. black widow and the Scarlett witch take one step to close peter and i grab out food and fly off to another building. as soon as we get their we laugh again.

peters pov

i laugh along with y/n i smile to myself y/n hadn't been laughing like this when we first met but since she kept hanging out with us she had gotten happier. we don't see the female avengers so we resume eating. that is until the red whisps come back. we both groan.

'why cant you just tell us your names' wanda starts this time. nat behind her

'becauseeeeeeeee' peter drags out 'you will use give that to ur boss who will put it in some easily hacked database' he looks to me

'which some teens could hack into thus anyone else being able to get our names that will give them the advantage on us. putting our friends and ...family in danger' i finished now taking a sip of my thick shake.

'SHEILD is very hard to hack' nat intervenes. peter and i sigh.

'fine i'm draco, draco malloy and this is harry pottaa. there you go good bye' i say doing a impression of draco we had to leave before laughing.


once we get away y/n speaks up after laughing. 'you know that's just gonna make them use force later' y/n says

'but that is a problem for future peter and y/n' i say mimicking her.

wandas pov

i smirk at the vigilantes response im gonna have to hand it to them they did a pretty good draco impression im impressed. i'm guessing nat only half understood it.

once we are back at the tower witch it is now closer to 2 fury says we can tell him what happend in the morning. nat and i head back to out room to hopefully get a couple more hours of sleep.


i wake still tired to the sound of friday's voice informing us we have another meeting.


everyone took the same seats as last time and waited for fury to speak.

'so nat, wanda any information on the vigilantes' fury asks. tony again has a pot of coffee however there s now an entire coffee machine in the room. everyone else just looks tired

'no not really in terms of useful stuff' nat explains

'than what did you find out' fury ask annoyed

'they like maccas, and harry potter' i explain recalling the events from last night or a couple hours ago.

'fine if they wont give you their names than use force. half the team will go next time they are out to apprehend them' everyone lazily agrees and leaves.


i managed o sneak back in last night not waking anyone. i got changed before slipping into unconscious last night so hopefully my friends don't suspect anything. i'm woken by kayla waking me.

'come on do you want to wake the kids or cook' she asks waiting for my response

'i'll wake the kids' i groan she laughs and smacks my face with a pillow.


'up' she insists i stare at her before rolling out of bed inevitably heading towards the floor kayla spins around and catches me. 'why?' she questions letting me go.

'why not' i respond she leaves and that is when i notice no one else in the room. i get changed into my cargo pants and sports bra, i cant be bothered for a shirt so i just put the hoodie back on. i leave the room to see jason.

'sup loser' i smirk/ he flips me off and points to the next room. i assume i have to wake the kids in their so i walk towards it. i open the room it its the 3-6 year olds they are so cute when they sleep. i go around carefully waking each kid. once they are all awake i leave the room. and go down stairs as jason had already woke the others.

'morning y/n' sage comments as she scrapes food onto a plate for nimaya a 6y/o. bailey walks up to me with a plate of food.

'here' he pushes the plate in front of me.

'no ill eat last, gotta make sure their is enough food for the kids' i laugh.

'y/n everyone is already eating you are the last one.' he states extending it further in front of me. i thank him and take the plate. i look around at the kids they are so amazing they defiantly deserve homes.

after breakfast i help to clean up than go pack my bag for school. i still only had the one book and pen and the book was getting pretty full. it'll last a bit longer though. we dont make it out of the house by 7. which made ms langly pissed, i pushed the others out the door since they all go to a different school. ms ,grabbs me by my bag and yanks me to the ground while i'm on the ground she takes advantage of me being on the floor and starts to kick me occasionally stomping her heel into my stomach. she grabs a empty beer bottle and through it at my head. i want to move but cant. it smashes on my head. she screams at me to get out so i fumble with the door handle and make it outside. as i'm walking my stomach growls, i had breakfast but my metabolism just ate straight through that. i sigh bringing a hand up to my head. only for my fingers to have a bit of blood on them great. i grab my phone and a tissue and wipe the cut, it woul have to do for now. i walk up to the gates and see my friends. they call me over and i rush up to them.

'hey y/n' ned greets smiling.

'morning' i reply smiling that's when they all saw my face,mj is the only one who knew that i lived at the orphanage, but she didnt know it was abusive i can only assume she had suspicions.

'what happend to your head' peter asked the question on everyone's minds.

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