《Wrong number Avengers》patrol


3rd person pov

y/n arrives at the roof of delmas and waits for peter. the wait is short as she sees a red person in spandex swinging over to her.

'h-hey y/n' he stutters

'sup parker' she reply's smirking. the hero's swing down to the shop below them and order a sandwich. y/n tried to convince peter not to spend any money on her but he insisted. she caved and got a sandwich. the pair swung of to another building which had the best view of the city including stark tower. peter and y/n were mid bite when they herd a scream a couple blocks away due to their heightened senses they both pinpointed where. peter swung whereas y/n just used her other powers to fly. the thing is with y/n she is known for fire however her most powerful powers one from that of the mindstone. she had powers like wanda the skill set of nat and the strength and agility of spider-man. however she rarely used these powers in fear of hurting someone innocent. instead she uses her first power from that day. her fire.

the pair get to the scene and see a mother and 2 young children about 4 years old. the mother was held at gun point by one of the men demanding money whereas the little children have been taped at the mouth and are getting pushed into the car. peter jumps into action helping the woman whereas y/n goes to help the kids.

peter pov

y/n and i were fighting the attackers trying to help the innocent family. i knock the gun out of the mans hand mover to to hand to hand combat. for a civilian this guy was pretty strong we both got a few hits on each other until one punch to his knocked him out. i moved him over to the wall of the ally and webbed him to the wall. i turn back to y/n seeing she had already dealt wit her problem. the man was defiantly not waking up anytime soon his face smushed against the ground. the kids had run off to their mother and they were all hugging and crying. i knew that y/n and i felt the sam jealousy of not having parents or siblings i was lucky to have my aunt y/n i believe had no one.


y/n pov

peter and i call the cops ad within minutes thy arrived the the criminals were in police custody. the press came up asking me all these questions i couldnt deal with t it was all to loud i fled the scene running down the path. peter notices and comes up after me.

'hey y/n are you okay?' eh questions i could tell he had a sympathetic look in his eyes under the mask.

'fine, just was to loud' i breathed out. he smiles i assume and we swing/fly off to the building from earlier.

nats pov

fury had called a meeting at 1am which was highly uncalled for. i had been up but still. i walk over to my cupboard and grab a loose oversized shit. i hear a familiar soft knock on the door. 'come in' i reply pulling the shirt over my head.

'hey nat' wanda says walking in.

'hey wands what's up?' i question.

'1 could i borrow a shirt, 2 do you know wat this meeting is about' wanda and i both slept in similar ways. sports bra shorts and but the room always had to be cold. i walk over again to my cupboard and had her another of my shirts.

'thanks'. we get into the elevator but before the door can close pietro comes speeding in literally.

'hey sis, nat' he says nodding towards me. we arrive on the floor with all the meeting rooms and make our way over the designated room. the rest of the sleepy avengers pile into the room various drinks in their hands most in pajamas. tony had the entire coffee pot in his hand and was drinking directly out of it.

'morning avengers.' fury starts we all just stare at him.

'why are we up at 1' tony asks taking another sip for dramatic effect.


'the vigilante spider man as wel as his new ally need to be in our data base' a few scoffs and groans come form the team.

'why they have done nothing but help new york.' clint states. many agree

'yes but-' fury is cut off

'couldnt this wait until morning' sam says getting up.

'no the violates are out now and i would like 2 people to go get their identity's' fury declares.

'not it' sam, pietro, scott, tony and clint say at the same time walking out of the room. i sigh i would love to get more sleep however i know i would not be able to accomplish that tonight.

'ill do it' i say getting up. wanda agrees to come with me and everyone else leaves.

'great girls night,' fury starts 'they are currently on a building not to far from here. all i want you to do is get their names and why they do what they do' he pauses 'got it' we both nod 'good now go suit up'

3rd person pov

the teens make it back to their abandoned sandwiches finishing them in seconds however both are still hurngy and up getting some maccas.

peter and y/n half take off their masks to eat. y/n was booming with joy at the taste. this was the first time she had had maccas in 10 years, the recipes had defiantly changed. she was drinking her thicksake and peter was eating his burger when red whisps appear in front of them. they both couldnt care right now just enjoying the food. wanda and nat appear infornt of them. y/n gulps if she said to much they both could defiantly recognise her. the teens lean back against the stone wall and look up at them. peter slurpes the end of his frozen coke and stares at them. we both burst out laughing.

'so what brings you here' peter starts

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