《Wrong number Avengers》idk


3rd person pov

Sage brings her into the teens shared room where they were currently playing bullshit with cards. (great card game) by now y/n had passed out and was laying limp in her friends arms. Maria grabbed the first aid and begun dealling with y/n's face. Carefully cleaning it, her lip had been busted, both her eys had obvious black bruising. If only ms had taken her rings off before she started punching their also wouldn't have been cuts littered on her face.

"Sage what happened" kaleb asks concerned, he had kinda just adopted y/n as his little sister. Both maria and kaleb were the parents friends of the group and often helped the others at time like these the group had made an oath to never go to the police or hospital because they didn't want the littler kids to be out of their protection. The group tried to give the kids a decent life.

"uh so you know gaby the new 10 year old, brown curly hair" sage questions, doing some hand actions. kaleb nods. "great well uh she came up to me after i got out of the bathroom and informed me what had happened"

"so what happened" ethan inquired getting up from the ground.

"so gaby says that she didn't do anything but ms still beat her up but a couple seconds in y/n came home and stopped her." Sage breathes "told ms to beat her up instead so y/n i guess got that thus protecting gaby" she says gesturing to y/n unconscious on the bed.

y/n pov

"faster y/n", they start increasing the treadmill speed past whats humanly possible. Behind y/n was the other girls who couldn't reach the desired speed their lifeless bodys laying limp at the end of the treadmill creating a pool of sticky red liquid. From the same wound in each of their heads. y/ns feet begin to slow not being able to go much longer. She lands on her foot wrong and ended up flying of the treadmill. "pathetic" was the last thing she herd before everything went black.


3rd person pov

y/n wakes to something soft under her another soft thing draped over her very sore small body. She has learned to take in her surrounding before making her consciousness known a trick of the redroom.

"should we call someone?" a voice asks "do you think she beat her to death?'" another questions. That's when she realises they are talking to about her, how long was she out??

"last time i checked im alive" y/n answers sitting up. The group turns to y/n and engulf her with a short hug.

"oh thank the gods your alright" kayla smiles. The rest of the group agreeing.

"im fine im used to it" y/n replys not realising what she just said.

'YoUr UsEd tO iT' maria says shocked. The rest of the group was shocked. y/n had been passed out for hours and the first thing she says is they are used to it.

"yeah ive had worse" y/n laughs pushing the matter aside. "so what time is it?" she questions standing up. However she feels light headed and decides to sit on the ground instead.

"10:05 but there is no chance your going anywhere if that's what ur thinking" kaleb responds. y/n thinks for a second before responding.

"but i already promised i would go out tonight" y/n winned and pouted "what the fuck was that" she responded after hearing herself. Everyone just shrugged stiffing a laugh. One thing the group had learned about y/n is that if she got really tried she acted so little. y/n stood up walking into the bathroom and coming back out with the trackies and hoodie mj had lent her covering her. Her red hair out and messy. "fine but if my friend comes and kidnaps me in the night don't blame me" y/n says struggling to get into her bunk. She gets up and flops on her back. Holding her phone out above her.



hello friends


hey y/n


sup loser

did u read the new yet


ooo yea

have you

that really gave me some good points


am i the only one concerned that there is a chance these two are planning on murdering someone


i am a LITERAL assassin

this bich smh

peter/ ned



Living the dream


*inhumane cackling*




So y/n where were you tonight


sorry pete i had to stay at home today


that's okay, i helped an old lady with directions and she bought me a churro!!


That's great

soooo how was the internship


it was absolutely amazing. We got to continue working on our A.I's and make a couple projects with mr stark


yeah. ALSO we met black widow and hawkeye!!!

And y/n already knew them


Black widow??



Ned u ok??




Speaking of which y/n how did you know them


uh gtg kayla needs help


y/n pov

the group was playing cards and i decided to join. "kaleb?" i asked. He looked up

"yes y/n" he said playing his cards.

"could you help me down" i asked. He got up from his spot and helped me down to the ground. when kaleb played his cards he had won the game. Jason was shuffiling (a/n i honestly forgot i created him) we played various games till 12 than decided to go to bed before we get our asses beat. I text peter wanting to go out. What my friends didnt know was that i had put my suit on under my pyjamas.





spider boi


peter skeeter

hey im not a child im older than u



now wanna patrol

i think i can sneak out

peter skeeter





y/n pov

and with that i open the window. Luckly my small frame can fit through the gap. I slide my body through the gap and land on the floor. I somehow winded myself so i lay their for a second before getting up. I pull my bag from the top of my bunk. Push the hoddie and trackies into to it grabbing my mask and flying off to delmars to meet peter.

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