《Wrong number Avengers》internship


Time skip to monday after school

y/n pov

peter and i left the school 10 minutes early in order to make it to the internship on time. as we were walking i was ranting about the entire Percy Jackson universe and how intricate the characters were. he was smiling. actively listening.

'what?' i asked laughing looking at him.

'nothing' he reply's walking up to the front entrance of stark tower. i sigh and walk in behind him. i quickly send nat an exited text.



i'm so exited and nervous which i dont feel very often.

i start today at the internship

oh gtg

ttyl bye

nats pov

'FRIDAY' i call out clint by my side.

'yes scary russian' she reply's. i roll my eyes at tony's update.

'can you inform us when y/n and peter get here.' clint asks.

'of course merida' she finishes. clint and i walk to the team near the couches and walk in to them watching some movie steve put on. Bucky and steve were cuddling up under a blanket. Wanda was sititing on the floor next to pietro. everyone else was either in a lab on a couch or had gone out. i sit in the spot behind wanda asking to do her hair she agrees and i begin to do an intricate braid. clint sneaks up behind stucky as he likes to call them and scares the pair. stealing buckys arm and running off. i sigh such children.

'y/n and peter have arrived ms romonaff' i smirk tony had changed the name back. i get up from where i was standing. finishing wandas hair. i go find clint he is just climbing into a different vent in the kitchen. i grab his ankle he squeals.

'come on the kids are here'


peter's pov

we enter the lobby and walk up to a woman around her late 30's typing away at her computer. i clear my throat and she looks up.

'hello what are your names' she says in a very customer service way.

'peter, peter parker' the lady types something than turns to y/n

'and you' the looks raising an eyebrow. y/n had been focused on the moving fan behind the lady.

'huh.' she says as i nudge her. 'oh y/n' she reply's

'last name' she reply's with a duh look on her face

'uh i dont have one' the lady looks annoyed now. but proceeds to type.

'here is your passes; floor 86, ask friday for directions' we nod thanking her and heading to the elevator.


'86th floor please friday' peter asks

'of course mr parker' friday responds. 'also miss y/n you seem to be starving and have bruising all over aswell as 5 cracked ribs would you like me to call someone?' shit shit shit shit. i look over at peter who looks like he is about to faint he had gone that white. i'm quick to respond.

'no thanks Friday. i'll be okay' i lie.peter believed me luckily regaining some colour.

'ok. i will inform mr stark so he can send a car after your shift' friday reply's.

'NO that is okay i'll tell him' i lie again.

the doors open to a large lab. Back in Black blasting threw the speakers. instantly peter and i cover our ears both having extremely high senses. there is a man with his back to us. when the elevator dinged he turned around when he saw us with hands over our ears he turned the music off.

'peter and y/n right' tony asks he seems much more formal than on the group chat.we both reply yes. 'great. so what do you guys wanna do first.' he says guttering to his lab we are both shocked by his question considering this is his lab.


'uh anything you would like mr stark' peter responds. tony looks confused at first but than gets and idea. he walks over to a desk with some stuff on it. the man simply grabs his arm and pushes all the stuff onto the floor.'here you can set your stuff down here. anddddd' he drags out. 'make an a.i like friday' both peter and i's eyes light up and get started straight away.

nats pov

clint and i decide not to bust in on the kids first day but we want to see what they look like so we quickly looked at the camera footage. 'they look adorable' i coo. 'they are' clint seconds.

time skip like an hour.

3rd prose pov.

nat and clint stopped watching the kids and started to get some food form the kitchen.

tony looks over at peter and y/n expecting them to be so confused watching useless youtube videos. but instead he sees the pair with numerous papers around them and almost fully finished programs.

'wha—how' tony starts. y/n jumps slightly thinking she did something wrong.

'oh i had allready started crating an ai before so i continued working on it along with peter' y/n explains. 2 stomachs rumble but no one knows who's.

'hungry?' tony questions.

'yes' peter says

'no' y/n says at the same time.

'y/n?' friday says in a motherly tone???

'friday what do you mean by that?' toney questions looking at y/n.

'friday dont' y/n pleads

'Sir y/n is currently starving and seems to not have had a meal in weeks?' tony mouth falls agape. 'she also has severe bruising and 5 cracked ribs.' friday finishes. tony is visibly shocked.

'come on you need food.' tony says walking to the elevator. y/n and peter follow tony not wanting to upset their new boss. they all get in the elevator and hea up toward the living quarters.

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