《Wrong number Avengers》haven


tw abuse/bulling

wanda pov

y/n's voice seems so familiar as if i met her before. that's when i realise were i knew her. almost 2 weeks ago when nat and i had gone out for lunch we came across a street player.

'hey y/n' i ask looking at her

'yeah?' she questions pulling her focus from the birds around us to look at me.

'about two weeks ago did you play american pie in a park near a cafe' i ask she gives me a confused look

'uh yeah' that is until realisation hits her 'wait u were one of the chicks that came up to me after' she pauses for a second 'sorry probably shouldn't have called an avenger a chick' she finishes. i chuckle.

'how did i not recognise u?' she questions

'the power of sunglasses and baseball caps' we laugh. that is until both out phones erupt to life with tens of texts. we both confusingly take out of phones. i have to pass y/n her phone considering it was still on the ground. we both check our phones. i reply to a question sam was asking when y/n's phone goes off. we both glance at each others phones. surprised when we see the same group chat displayed on the screens.

'your the y/n in the chat?' i question

'ur witchy?' i nod 'wait that means ive been texting THE avengers. holy shit' i chuckle at her reaction. than she realises something again 'Oh god, that means nat is natasha romonoff and that means ive been calling THE black widow mom' she blushes in embarrassment. y/n checks the time 'shit' i hear her mumble

'what's up' i ask she looks up.

'my curfew was 20 minuets ago' she explains standing up but stumbling. get up myself.


'i can fly u home if you would like. ' i offer

'no, that's okay ill be fine, thank you anyway'. she begins to hobble away before i could respond. i watch her for a couple more seconds before heading back to the tower.

y/n pov

i curse as i check the time. i quickly apologised and left. i hobbled down the street almost falling a couple times whilst holding my stomach.

as i reach the door to my "home" i walk inside the place instantly reeking of alcohol every since i was little i couldnt stand the smell it made me want to throw up. however without any food in my stomach it wouldn't be good. i round the corner a couple feet from the door when i feel hands grab at my braids. i yelp as im pulled back. i get pushed onto the floor . the bruises on my back killing me.

'what happens when ur late' he questions.

'p-punishment'i studder

he swings his fists at my face hitting my eye. he kicks my already bruised torso i hear another crack and that's when he stopps. it was the shortest punishment i had ever received from a man. that's when we hear a knock at the door. he stands up straighter.

'go clean ur self up' he says kicking my foot.' as i'm walking down the stairs i hear a familiar voice.

'good evening mr thomas i'm hear for y/n's 2 week check in' ms jamison states.

'of corse ill go get her' i hear his heavy footsteps. the man grabbs my arm harshly 'u got in a fight at school got it' i shakily nod my head.

once i make y way out to the living area i see her face. when she looks up from her tablet.her face sinks when she sees my appearance. she gets up her hands cupping my cheeks.


'y/n what happened' she gives me a knowing look. all i had to do was subtlety tell her yes. i look over to mr thomas who was know behind ms jamison.he gives me a challenging look. ms jamison notices i look over to mr thomas and allready knows.

'school fight' i say staring directly into her eyes. her eyes shift into empathy.

wandas pov

i walk into the tower and see everyone seated in the living room watching a movie. i take a seat next to pietro (a/n he is alive because i said so, also just pretend that everyone is in the group chat) 'i met y/n. today ' i blurt out.

'hey i wanted to meet her first' clint is quick to complain

'1 she's my child and 2 wanda how did u meet her' nat asks

'i ran into her than our phones went off at the same time from sam and buckys argument' i explain.

nats pov

i can tell wanda was lying. i think as loud a s i can wanda. i hear her sigh (nats thoughts

what's the whole story

wanda explains the whole encounter

geez poor kid she goes through a lot

not my place to tell but lets just say ive got more than 1 call about how to fix a stab wound

'what' wanda says looking at me. the whole team is confused. she apologised to the team

y/n pov

ms jamison reaches for her tablet. she waves me away and i know what this means so i go to pack all my things.

i come back a couple of minuets later to see mr thomas in cuffs.

'y/n ive kept you out for a while but i'm sorry the last place is haven orphanage' she sighs. the drive to the orphanage was comfortable she had put on one of my new favourite artists spacey jane. (a/n their songs are great) my favourite songs were; booster seat, papava and good for you (not by olivia) we arrive at the orphanage and i pull out my one bag. getting out of the car and finding ms on the other side as we walk to the doors. the orphanage had nice exterior and interior. but i had a feeling the truth about is was much less welcoming.

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