《Wrong number Avengers》curry


'holy shit y/n' mj whisper screams as she gets out of the car??? i completely ignore her questions and ask one of my own.

'u can drive' i ask looking between mj and the car although it was hard to focus on mj right in front of me as black dots cloud my vision. ' might take a nap right now night' i say sleepily as the blood loss begins to get to me.

'no y/n stay awake' she asks concerned. i could tell strong emotions were a new thing for her me to. i begin to close my eyes my neck not being able to support my head anymore. i feel two cold hands grab my face before i black out.

mj pov

i had received a text form y/n at 11 which was strange. after i read i i assumed it was related to the bruises from this morning however when i arrived to y/n's location i was. surprised at her state. blood soaked her clothes that's when i realised. the suit this is the new vigilante in new york. this makes me wonder if the bruises are the same as they way peter got his or if it was because of something or someone else.

y/n passes out. i decide to pick her up and take her to my car which was most definitely illegal. i lift her up i'm not the strongest but i'm far from weak and i'm really surprised at how light she was they feel like a child. i take her back to my place like a good friend would do. when i go to pick her up agin i notice their eyes start to open.

i honestly had little idea to how to help her so i needed to ask her what she wanted me o do. luckily my parents were out or a couple days.


'hey y/n/n is their someone i can call to help' i notice her eye lids getting heavy again she manages one word before passing out again. mom. i was extremely confused i thought she was an orphan like pete. i use her finger to unlock her phone and scrolls threw her phone contacts supprised when i only see a few.

i see the contact called spider mom and belive that this is the one that she ment. i press the call button. it rings once before the person picks up.

nats pov

i was about to head for a shower when my phone started to ring. i hesitantly walk over to it hoping it isn't fury wanting me to do a last minute mission. i'm shocked when i see the contact name i pick it up.

'hello, kid?' i question

'uh hey person' this is not my kid i think. 'i'm y/n's friend she said to call u than she passed out again. i dont really know what to do but i think she has been stabbed...twice??' i audibly gasp. te thought of the kids name being y/n being pushed to the back f my mind

'ok hi, where was she stabbed' i ask worried. there is ruffling of clothing i assume they are checking.

' a hand up from the left hip bone and in the right thigh they are both still bleeding but idk how long they have been.' the friend finishes.

'okay how good are your sewing skills'.

okay i never thought i would have to do that' the girl breaths out

'yeah, at least didn't have to do it to yourself' i chuckle at the last time i had to walk y/n through a class on how to stitch yourself up. ' does she have any other injury's?' i question


'uh yeah, quite decent brushing it may be a cracked rib, looks like a bad ankle and i dont think she has eaten for a while' i nod and tell the kids friend what to do when she wakes up.

with that i hang up and head back into the bathroom.

y/n pov

i wake up in a hoodie and trackies in an unfamiliar house. my eyes dart around the space until they lock on mj curled up on the couch across from me deep in thought as she reads her book.

she looks up at the movement . 'hey y/n' she starts are you gonna tell me how ou got stabbed

'i stopped a mugging' i reply ed not even attempting to lie to mj

'ok what about the fact that you are the new super hero' she ask getting p from he spot and walking into the kitchen i turn around to see she is heating up some food.

'uh yeah surprise' i laugh. she walks back over to me handing me the curry. coincidence i slowly accept the food as she sends me a glare as if saying dont eat and i will forfeit down your throat.

'ur spider mom person said to feed u as soon as u woke up so eat' she explains. i thank her and check the time 138 in the morning. great.

'sorry for keeping you up' i apologies

'it's fine, anything for a friend.' as soon as we make eye contact we burst out laughing neither of us showed affection we usually bullied out friends.

we end up falling asleep on the couch. harry potter and the prisioner of Azkaban playing in the background.

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