《Wrong number Avengers》Avengers groupchat


3rd person pov.

having no were to go y/n pulls out her phone and texts the group chat

hello friends

spider mom

who said we were friends

birdbrain & y/n

ur mom


u guys are literal children

bird brain

so y/n who is ur favourite avenger


black widow is literally the best

like she is also russian

has red hair but dyed it blond like mua

and is a total badass

much better than any of the men

spider mom

i 100% agree with that

nats pov

i looked up at clint who was across form me at the dinner table. who was pouting, mumbling no one erver picks me etc i chuckle which makes everyone confused.

'what are you laughing at' steve questions

'nat and i are texting our friend' clint answers 'well they are more like nats child'. wanda gives me a look and asks me in my head if it was the child form the other night. i reply in my head yes.

'ooo i wanna know who' tony adds. clint looks over to me

'no. clint dont' i respond

'i just gonna ask' he responds looking back down at his phone. i sigh and see what he is typing.

bird brain

hey i just had the best idea

spider mom

oh this is never good

bird brain



child wanna meet our other friends??

spider mom



oooooo YES

spir mom

this isn't a good idea


ur probably right

but y/n imma add u to our group chat.

i hear everyone's phones go off and they all pull it out looking at the notification.

(a/n i couldn't think of a name if u have one tell me)


hello friends of spider and bird brain




hey kid




nice to meet you









u must be the reason spider was smiling


that i am

anyway i need names for all of u

tell me somthing bout ur selves

actually no someone tell me somthing about another

it will be more funny


? is very old


so are you


why 001


it is the old guy from squid game

geez u must be old

(((001 , witchy , richie rich , cyborg , pigeon , pop tart , science , law , spider and bird brain)))

richie rich

so who is ur favourite avenger y/n


spider and bird brain asked this earlier

i'm just gonna copy and paste the answer because the author is lazy





any way

black widow is literally the best

like she is also russian

has red hair but dyed it blond like mua

and is a total badass

much better than any of the men

i also like the scarlet witch

in terms of lab experiments she is defiantly the best

like look at her

her powers *chefs kiss*

nats pov

i look up to wanda to see her blushing from the message. we all notice and end up slightly chuckling. the team had finished dinner by now and was sprawled out on the couch.

spider mom

so kid what did u end up having for dinner?


wait hold on ill go see what we are having

y/n pov

i internally panic.i cant lie to her but i definitely cant tell the truth. as if on cue my stomach rumbled indicating i was hungry i had only eaten a muffin and small breakfast in the past 11 days and my fast metabolism was literally killing me.

spider mom




nats pov

i instantly knew she was lying. she said her foster parent doesn't feed her and last time she told me what her meal was it was a muffin.


spider mom



oooo what kind


is it spicy

richie rich

ooo what type.. is it chicken

nats pov

of course the boys were oblivious. the only people that suspected they were lying was : clint,wanda, and i. i anxiously wait for their response

y/n s pov

shit. i knew nat knew i was lying but i guess i had to go along with the lie so others didn't catch on.


spicy chicken and veggie curry. it smells rlly good. gotta go eat it now. ciao

every one


y/n pov

i hope that was good enough. i knew it wasn't as soon as i received a text from spider on our pm

spider mom


please try to eat something before you go to bed

u have fast metabolism

please eat


i'm sorry

but ill try

i have to go

y/n pov

i herd someone yelp and looked over the edge of the building i was on there was a man being pushed against the wall by another man the attacker had a knife pointed at the victims neck. the attacker was digging threw the other mans bag with his free hand. i jump down from the ledge and land ont the attackers back effectively pulling him away from the man.i told the victim to run which he did without hesitation. now time to deal with the attacker.

the man twisted and turned in my grip it wasn't till he stabbed eh side of my arm i would let him go. he stood i front of be now. knife in hand waving it at me.

the fight went on for a couple minutes it would have been down in seconds if i wasn't on the brink of starvation if not already starving. he got a couple more jabs, i think badly rolled my ankle and defiant bruises all over. i had him pinned when the cops arrived.

they asked if i was okay i simply waved them off and sat back down in the ally. i couldn't move. i needed food. i was about to text nat but she couldn't help i didnt even know her. i was gonna text ned but realised he couldnt help. plus he would fangirl over me being a super hero..

after the police had showed up that's when the paparazzi showed up also. they had seen me with spider man earlier. luckily the police got them to leave than left themselves.

peter seems like the type of kid that would hate seeing a friend in this state so i couldn't burden him with feeling that. i feel like the person that would question me the least would be mj since she seems pretty chill. i pull out my phone sighing angrily as teh screen is more cracked.


hey mj r u up

i need help



y/n pov

that is when i rememberd this morning when she shaw my bruises. ah fk


what is it

where are you


ah idk new york

i'll send u my location

y/n shared location with mj


i'm on my way

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