《Wrong number Avengers》looking out for the little guy


⚠️tw abuse⚠️

y/n pov

i text back and forth with spider and birdbrain for a couple hours i could tell they had know each other for a long time and were best friends. their dynamic was amazing.

spider mom

birdbrain here decided to do a prank on me and now he will die


ooooo what did he do


i put blue hair dye in her shampoo now she looks 11 again.


ooo haha ur dead bird brain

bird brain

i hear footsteps gotta run


wait do u guys live together

spider mom

yeah with a bunch of other friends too


that sounds fun

i live with some man that doesn't feed me

spider mom




that was a joke


but i gotta go get home now


bird brain

bye child


by kid and please have some dinner

y/n pov

i get a notification from my other friends that is when i notice how late it is getting. i check the time 509 fuck i think as i rush home. when i got outside the door i paused and my stomach rumbled indicating i was hungry. i hesitantly opened the door which was a mistake. mr thomas stood on the other side with a belt in hand.

nats pov

i get up from pinning clint down on the ground and clint can tell i'm worried he face says it all. 'yes i'm worried' i say to his face the man child gets up of the ground to speak to me

'maybe it was just a joke they are just bad at them??' clint asked hopefully.

'maybe but ik their humour they use it as a coping mechanism' i explain. i've surprisingly grown attached to this kid quicker than i thought.

y/n pov


i looked up at mr thomas than down to the belt back up at him that to the money on the bench. he found it. i knew i should have taken it with me.

'what it this' he holds up the money. i continue to mentally curse at myself.

'it's my money' i say trying to sound confident but i think he herd it as a challenge

'is it now?' he asks taking a step forward. i don't answer and this makes him more mad. the buff man un folds the belt from his hands gripping it tightly. i take a step back only to hit the door. he takes a step forward and lashes the belt across my abdomen i wince in pain all the abuse from yesterday had yet to heal. he keeps hitting and hitting until i fall down to the ground. this is when he resorts to kicking over and over again i thought it would never end. i was slipping in and out of consciousness when one final kick to my head knocks me out cold.

i wake the next morning quite early and make my way to the bathroom. i pull off my shirt. my torso was littered with black and blue bruises ,red strips of welts lined my skin. i'm so sore i feel like collapsing .inevitably i put my shirt back on grab my denim shorts and change those i decide to do my hair later again.

i realise i'm in no shape to go to school but i have to i know if i try to hide the truth will come out. so i decide to go to school acting as if nothing was wrong. i text mj asking her to bring a hoodie for me since 1 it was getting colder and 2 some of the injuries were visible on my arms. as i left all i herd was 'dont come home.'


mj showed up with two hoodies and begins to hand one to me, however she stops when she sees my body and pulls me into the girls bathroom checking no one was there she turns to me.

'y/n what the hell happened' she asks slightly concerned

'i-i got mugged' technically it wasn't much of a lie she shows another emotion slightly that i can't pin point. mj sighs and hands the hoodie over. i thank her and slip it on. we walk back out and see ned and peter by peters locker.

'sup losers' we say in unison. ned turns to peter

'i feel like i shouldn't of introduced them they are creepy' he whispers. rude i scoff .

'y/n are you gonna eat' peter asks i look up from the book mj had let me borrow.

'uh no?' i question this causes all of their heads to turn toward me confused

'why not' ned asks concern growing in his eyes

'i don't have any money' i reply. mj pushes he tray over to me.

'pick' her eyes look like they could kill me if i didn't take something. hesitantly i took a single orange slice of her plate and pushed it back. she looked at me unimpressed but decided not to argue.

mj pov

i had observed y/n since she got here i could tell she was malnourished but decided not to press it. idk if she knew but she wasn't very good at hiding the bruises she acquired somehow. we quickly became good friends.

the bell rings for our next class and we head our seperate directions. i had a theory as to explain the behaviour but needed more evidence.

((—time skip to end of the day—))

y/n pov

because i couldn't go home today to avoid a beat i decide to go out. by this time it was already dark i flew from building to building in a black mask my vest and a long black suit i (a/n let's just say they had this the entire time)

i stop a building away because i see a figure sitting on a ledge in ,is that a spandex suit? i question to no one in particular. i jump the final building and land behind the person. they quickly noticed my presence turning around

'who are you' i question

'me i'm spider man who are you' the person answers

'uh pyro and who is spider man' this leaves the person shocked although i couldn't see their face i could feel it. something about their voice seemed so familiar

'so what are you doing here' i ask confused as to why this boy is in spandex on a roof

'well i'm your friendly neighbourhood spider man i help out the little guy wbu'

'yeah same' we laugh

3rd person

the super hero duo talk and explain their powers to one another for hours. they also saved some people stopped a robber etc

'see you tmmr?' spider man asked

'of course spider boy' pyro answers. she flys off before he could respond

'ITS SPIDer man' he gets quieter as he realises she is to far away to hear.

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