《Wrong number Avengers》y/n?


y/n pov

i'm pulled from my nightmare by a harsh hand around my arm. i open my eyes in a groggy state. i focus on the person in front of me. The yellow teeth, bad breath, black hair covered his cold blue eyes. the hangover was very noticeable. mr thomas stares at me for a while before pulling me up off the bed. i loose my footing and fall back to the floor harshly on the floor. he simply straightens up and leaves.

i am left confused on the floor. i walk over to my phone picking it up. the bright screen reads 4:05. did i wake him up i question. i cant fall asleep so i decide to just go on my phone for a couple hours. at 430 i decide to text spider. i couldn't really care right now if she questions me i just wanna talk to someone.


hey spider mom

that's when i realise it is only 430 in the morning i would be disturbing her she probably has work later.



sorry you are probably sleeping

i switch back over to instagram looking threw various posts. however when my phone goes off a minute later i'm surprised.

nats pov

i woke up sweating again from a nightmare. i grab my phone off the bedside table checking the time. 4:26 i pull the covers off getting up to get a drink. when i reach the door i realise what i'm wearing. a sports bra and basketball shorts, i contemplate putting on a shirt but decide against it im gonna be quick. i walk into the kitchen grabbing a glass from the cupboard. walking to the fridge i grab the apple juice and pour my self a glass.

i hear a click of a door from up the hall. i wonder who it is, i glance at the oven its 4 28 no one should be up for training. i hope it isn't one of the boys. Wanda walks out of the hallway in her long baggy pyjama pants and a oversized polo surprised to see me. ' hey wands couldn't sleep?' i ask handing her my glass i was yet to drink out of and grab another. she thanks me and takes a sip before answering.


'yeah, what about u' she reply's her sikovian (a/n ik it's spelt wrong) accent more noticeable i just nod as if saying same, when my phone dings. my eyebrows scrunch in confusion so does wandas, she comes over to my side checking the phone with me.


hey spider mom


sorry you are probably sleeping

wanda looks up to me expecting me to explain who this is. 'wanda this is my kid' i say making her confused even more. 'your kid' she questions looking so confused. i stifle a laugh and reply they texted the wrong number two days ago and we continued talking' i reply a few things seem to click in her mind 'ok but what's with the mom thing' she asks ' they claim i act like a mom thus me asking u and clint the other day' i finish she is smiling now. 'why are you smiling i question. she simply walks out of the room with the glass in hand. i sigh looking back to my phone. i type an answer on my way back to my room.

spider mom

its okay

i was up anyway

but i may ask why you were up



i have school i have to get ready for

spider mom

at 4 30??

seems suspicious


hey i didnt ask questions as to why you are up at half past 4 did i

spider mom


now go to sleep you have school later


u remembered??

and fine mom night

or well morning

spider mom

of course i remembered my child

now sleep

3rd person pov

both women turned off their phones and tried to get more sleep however both failed miserably.

y/n pov

i get up at 630 having less than half an hour to get out of the house.

i take a quick shower changing the bandages i had put on last night. i put on my faded cargo pants white shirt on deciding to deal with my hair later just putting it up in a bun. i make it out of the house at 753. i realise i have no idea where midtown is i pull my phone out typing the location into my phone. i follow the maps and it leads me to the school. i see it a few blocks away and tun the maps off. i walk up to the school and see a blond girl standing at the front looking around for someone. her eyes lock on me as soon as i'm near the gates of the school. the blond chick walks up to me.


'hey i'm betty your y/n right'. i look at her confused for a second before remembering the email i got said there would be a student showing me around 'uh yeah' i respond. 'great follow me'


'this is your first class maths sir should introduce you. bye y/n' and with that betty left to go to her class as soon as the late bell rang i walked in.

'ah our new student. hi i'm mr Blakey and i will be your maths teacher' he puts his hand out for be to shake, hesitantly i reach out to shake it, he has a firm grip. he turned to the class. 'alright students this is our new student y/n. y/n would you like to say something about yourself.' he questions, i'm just standing there awkwardly

'uh no thank you' i smile at him, mr blakely seems disappointed but tells me where my seat is any way. he points to a spot in the back and that is when i noticed ned in the sitting by himself the seat he pointed at right next to him. i walk over to ned. he has his earbuds in obviously not hearing the teacher. i tap him on the shoulder and he takes his earbud out. neds mouth falls open. 'hey loser i'm y/n' i smirk at him. i can tell he wanted to hug me but the desks kinda prevented that. 'y/n is that rlly you' he asks shocked 'idk is it' i say smirking stifling a laugh. ' it is you' he seems over joyed. ned is smiling ear to ear 'when did you get back to new york he questions. 'couple days ago now shush i'm trying to pay attention' i say looking at the work on the bored. 'you've known this since you were 8 y/n come on' i stare at him but turn back to the lesson.

the teacher announces a test a choir of groans erupts there the class. 'y/n i don't expect you to do this test since your new' he says handing ned the test.

'uh sir if its anything like what's on the board it should be easy enough could i have a copy' i ask sheepishly. he seems sceptical but passes it over. walking away mumbling something like she is just gonna fail bla bla bla i was only able to hear because of my super senses.

' the tests begin in 3. 2. 1. please turn over your papers'

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