《Wrong number Avengers》"home"


trigger warning ⚠️@buse and swearing⚠️

y/n pov

i wake up to the sound of things moving around in the kitchen. i lift the covers off me wondering how i got tucked in in the first place. i hobbled over to the door handle twisting it and pulling it open.

i make my way over to the kitchen when ms jamison notices me in the light all my bruises and healing cuts are more visible i could hear a small gasp escape her lips due to my powers. she walks over to me hands on my shoulders. ms jamison pulls me into a hug i flinch slightly due to the pain but feel safe in her arms. she pulls away.

'go have a shower hun, i'll have some spare clothes on the bed when you come out and breakfast should be ready by then'. i smile at her making my way back into the room. i grab my mini first aid kit and head to the bathroom.

i strip my dirty bloody clothes on a pile on the floor i turn the water on surprised about the warmth. it has been years since i had a hot shower, i wanted to stay in here for ever but than felt bad for using so much of her hot water. i gently scrub all the dirt off of my skin, the hot water burning some of my cuts. i rinse out my hair washing it with coconut shampoo.

turning the water off i step out looking over my small beat body in the mirror. i look so pale my bones visible bruises littering my body cuts and scars painted my arms, legs,face and especially my torso. i wrap a towel around me stepping into the bedroom i notice a small nike sports bra, simple white shirt and black denim shorts layed out on the bed i chuck on the underwear and shorts putting the bra on i walk out to miss jamison a bit embarrassed of the scars on my stomach.


i walk over to her handing her the small pouch.

'uh could you help with some of the uh cuts'. i studded out she smiles warmly and leads be over to the bench stools. ms jamison finishes the last bandage chucking me the shirt i had carried out. i slip it over my head just as the plate of a hash brown bacon english muffin sandwich is placed in front of me along with a bottle of apple juice.

i thank the kind woman as she explains that she had found a wonderful placement for me. a man mr thomas who had been fostering for years him and his wife were foster kids until his wife died last year.

while i'm eating she quickly washes my clothes getting the stains out. as 9oclock comes around she gave me a basic black bag i put my phone, first aid and clothes in. i thanked her as we left here apartment building.

getting into the car again i sit in the back not wanting to be rude. on the ride to the mans house we exchange small conversations she decides to give me her number in case something happens again. we pull up to mr thomas's getting out i walk up to the door feeling little emotion. now i'm just used to it .most kids should hope for a big house and other kids to play with i just hope for a meal occasionally.

ms jamison knocks on the door smiling in my direction. a tall buff man answers the door. i could small the faint smell of alcohol. great another alcoholic i think my emotions disappeared.

'good morning mr thomas this is y/n and you will love her she is very sweet' ms jamison introduces. the man smiles his rotten yellow teeth hiding only a bit of the horrible breath.

after a few more minutes of talking i am left alone with this man. once that door closes a switch flips in his head. he turns to me


'u go to school right bitch' he spits

'yes sir i go back tomorrow' i answer

'good i want you outta here by 7' i nod waiting further instruction 'follow me' i do as i'm told following mr thomas down a set o stairs he stops in front of a door with numerous locks on it.the man unlocks it with all his keys leading me into the small room. 'u will stay here and be quiet if u are not working or at school got it' i nod 'good put your stuff down over there and come back up the stairs when your done. with that he turns and leaves.

i pull out my phone sending a quick text to nat



i just got to a new home dont know wen i can text

so please dont be worried if i dont reply

bye spider mom

i hide my phone in case i'm not allowed it and hurry back up stairs. once i'm up i see mr thomas standing by a filthy kitchen. 'good your here. clean this then tell me when your done and i will inspect it' i dont respond so he slaps me. 'you will answer to me when you are spoken to'

'yes sir' i answer beginning to work about an hour into cleaning the filth im putting the last plate away when i dropthe plate as i'm drying it. it smashes on he ground ceramic sliding over the floor. i hear heavy footsteps come from across the house. mr thomas looks at the floor than at me and back to the beer bottle in his hand. the man throughs the bottle at me it smashing against my head pieces of glass in my head. he wobbles over to me hands in fists.he swings but my 6th sense tells me to move left so i do. the man annoyed i blocked his punch swigs again this time catching my jaw due to the fact i thought it would be bad for him to miss again pain runs threw me as a few more hard punches to the head makes my vision blurry he goes and starts knee ing my abdomen. i double over in pain. new bruises form. i'm pushed down onto he floor and he starts kicking me. i'm laying in glass curled up in a ball the pain unbearable as this man kicks and punches me over and over until i almost pass out. he grabs a small knife from the beach bringing it up to me. i flinch and back away he stabs my shoulder. i cry out in pain,. now he seems satisfied , he walks away. i pick up the glass of the floor putting it in the bin and head down to my 'room' texting nat. i knew if i called ms jamison i would probably be sent to a worse home at least this one i get can handle. i open my phone to see a message from nat

spider mom

oh ok

i hope you are alright sent 30 min ago


hey nat

do you think you could call me


i need you

nats pov

i get a message thinking it is work but when 3 more come after that i check it . its from my kid i get worried. she has never sounded this desperate even when i first met her. i instantly press the call button hopping they are okay.

incoming call from spider mom

' h-hey'

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