《Wrong number Avengers》the libray


there is a slight ⚠️tw on this s3xual ⚠️

y/n pov

i walk into the nearest maccas strolling over to the self ordering machines (a/n idk if these are anywhere else in the world). scrolling threw the menu i switch over to McCafé and order a muffin and ice coffee my total exactly $5.

after receiving my number i walk over to a seat near the window looking out at the park i had just been at no one was performing, i think to my self that i should perform later tonight so maybe i could get another meal. that is when i remember the 2 women from before their names already slipped from my mind. i smile to myself thinking about how i made someone's day as i remember how familiar the older redhead looked. i could have sworn i had seen that face before. when my number was called the realisation hit me ,the women who i ran into earlier was the same as now. 'small world' i whisper to myself small smirk caught in my lips.

3rd person pov

y/n grabs a small food bag drink in hand and leaves the unpleasant smelling fast food place. she makes her way down to her favourite library praying it was still there. she walks over the final hill seeing the large library building still there. y/n loved this library it was an escape from her previous foster family's. that was until she got put in a placement in russia for a year,moved to the red room the next. she makes her way to the large wooden doors still being an old library. y/n walked down to the back near the the computers and situates herself in front of one. opening her bag the freshly made choc chip muffin was warm to the touch. they pull it out her stomach rumbling as she did. y/n takes a bite not realising how hungry she was the muffin was gone in seconds. she moves onto her coffee looking up to the computer . she wanted to know how much had changed since she left..


she created an instagram and logged into the social media looking up her friend. she typed Ned Leeds scrolling threw until the desired profile comes up. the first photo she had clicked into was one of ned and two other teens. a human equivalent to a puppy and a beatiful girl nose deep in the book song of achellies. the caption said :

midtown science fair — (peter is gonna win again but it will still be fun).

the last part in brackets. so she had figured peter was the guy. taking another sip of coffee they scroll further down the page. until she lands on a certain post on april 2nd this year. this one was a photo of her and ned at her 4th birthday. they looked barely recognisable. Ned had captioned

happy birthday y/o/n — you probably wont see this but hope ur well wherever you are.

That's when it hit her she never said goodbye to ned. the placement was so fast she didn't even get to take a bag only what was on her.

y/n had to make this up to ned she did a bit more digging and found out where midtown is. hacking into their school domain she was able to enrol herself as if she had been there before. Therefore getting to skip majority of the process. once she was done she printed off the necessary papers and signed off.

y/n walked over to the beanbags plopping herself down and pulling out her phone to text the one number she had.


hey spider mom

what did you and your friend end up doing for lunch??

spider mom

hey kid

not much we watched a street artist for a bit than went to a nearby cafe

what did you have for lunch?


a muffin and coffee

and that artist would have been cool


spider mom

1 kid u shouldn't be having coffee

2 a muffin isn't lunch. what else have you eaten today

3 it was cool they played my favourite song


1 i can i'm 15

2 uh nothing. but its fine my fast metabolism deals with it

3 nice

spider mom

1 should you be telling me your age

2 kid that is the opposite of fast metabolism u need more food not less

3 before today when did you last eat be honest i will know if ur lying


1 nothing to loose come kidnap me i'll give u my address

and 2 well uh i think i had a piece of bread on monday

spider mom

i'm not kidnapping you

and KID it's sunday please try to get some more food before tonight


i will try

thanks mom

i have to go now goodbye

spider mom

bye kid

nats pov

i look up from my phone with mixed emotions. one the kid called me mom not spider not spider mom just mom. but on the other hand they don't sound like they have a easy life. in one of my first texts they said they know their life doesnt mean anything, (a/n ur life means something don't forget that) 2 they just wanted to be kidnapped and 3 they don't seem to be getting a lot of food. its true i'm worried about the kid.

y/ns pov

i say goodbye to spider when i hear slight whimpering in the isle close to me. i get up from my spot to walk closer to the sound. checking on every isle once i get to the last one i see a girl a bit older than me backed up against the wall by an older man early 30's he has her pressed against the wall. his left hand up her shirt his right on her hips. the man leans down putting hickies on the girls neck, this is when i can see the girls face she looks scared for her life. i know something is seriously wrong here.

i stealthily walk up to the pair looking directly into the girls eyes smiling slightly. i pull my hood up and get close to the male i think about his blood turning to ash burning him from the inside. the man stands straight up pulling at his skin in attempt to stop it. he sees me because i am now infront of the girl putting me inbetween them. i stop the torture looking him dead in the eyes flames erupting over my irises now he is the one scared. the man runs out of the library and it looks could kill he would be deader than dead right now.

i turn to the female behind me her eyes red tears pooling. i cup her face in comfort wiping the tears with my thumbs. she pulls me into a hug mumbling thank you into my neck. the girl pulls away after a couple minutes

"is there anything i can do to repay you" she asks

"no just doing my job" i smile back

"are you sure" she questions i just nod taking a few steps away. "wait before you go what's your name" i look at her confused. "your superhero one that is" i think for a second before replying

"uh Pyro i guess" she nods. i walkaway staring at my hands. i hadn't used my powers for good in a long time. i couldn't describe this feeling. was this happiness.

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