《Wrong number Avengers》Uhh im not Ned


I had just received a text from some random number. At first I thought it could be a threat but chose not to come to conclusions to quickly so I decided to get as much information out of this person before stealing Tony's laptop to investigate them and hack their phone.

Ned come on you literally wrote ur number down on the letter

anyway i need like first aid so any ideas where the next closest one is??

or does my life not mean anything

hah lmao ik.

first aid !? We will get back to that life not meaning anything and Yeah i'm still not 'ned' kid.

how do you know i'm a kid...pedo.

So why would my life mean anything to you 'not ned'

also prove you are not him

how many starwars movies are there??

is this kid serious geez. so far all I know is that this kid needs medical for a reason I will find out but I inevitably decided to keep texting them. this meeting is boring anyway.

um like 4 i think

and kid i'm not a pedo

*le gasp*

there are 12!!!

on more serious notes i'm starting to think your are not ned

alsoooooo that is EXACTLY what a pedo would say...pedo

I laugh a little at the kids antics which confuses the surrounding avengers. "natasha what about potential mass murder and arson do you find amusing" tony asked with me with an unamused expression. I simply stares daggers right into his soul making him gulp and continue. "uh ok as I was saying....." I zoned back out of the teams conversation and began looking back down at my phone.

for the last time i'm not a pedo.

also i feel like you are the type of person that would be disappointed if i haven't watched all of harry potter.


AND Do you still need first aid kid or did u find a some??

i am disappointed

and yeah i probably should get some bandages or something

i go look around for a place

so if u don't want me to call you pedo what should i call you

go get first aid!!

and you can call me spider

i'm going i'm goin

and ok ms spider

y/n changed Unknown?? to ms spider

what should i call you??

you my dear friend can call me drumroll please ...........

Mentally unstable

Ms spider changed Unkown to kid

yeah saw that coming


anyway gotta go get some stuff bye ms spider.

bye kid

y/n pov

I look back up from my phone looking around to see if I can spot any pharmacy's around. after walking around aimlessly for 20 minuets in Queens I find a small pharmacy. I walk inside the door setting of a bell, I am hit with the familiar scent of hand sanitizer as I make my way over to the first aid section(like with bandaids. and shit). My eyes reading all the labels quickly but everything is to expensive. I count my money

"4, 10, 20, 5. $4.35i" I mumble. My attention it turned to a small red pouch labelled a pocket first aid . I grab at the find turning it over to see the price $4. I think about it although this wold be great for a while, should really save some money for food but that is a problem for future y/n I think to myself. I walk up to the checkout smiling a painful smile at the old lady behind the register.

"just this thank you" I say handing her the small red pouch. I looked down at her nametag Barbra it read in all caps. At first she was confused as to why I needed first aid but after taking a look at my face her expression turns into a scoul.


Narbras pov

Wow just another teenager getting into street fights looking for attention. the trouble maker smiles at me once again and i return it sarcastically.

"your total is $4.20" i say scanning the item. the beat teen counts the little money in her hand an hands it all over

"thank you Barbra and keep the change." they say walking back out the door.

3rd person pov

Y/n walks out an makes her way to a park with public toilets. She walks into the small room looking at herself in the mirror. Turning the water on in the sink she grabs numerous paper towels from the dispenser wetting them under the tap. she wipes the blood off of her forehead to reveal a larger gash than she originally thought. Y/n opens the red pouch taking in its inventory. Inevitably she reaches for the small vial of rubbing alcohol pouring some onto a folded paper towel applying it to the wound. Wincing a bit at the contact, she finishes cleaning the wound before applying paper stitches to close it. she did a similar process to the rest of the wounds. throwing the rubbish in the bin, turning the water off and leaving quickly. Afterwards she went and sat under a tree checking her phone surprised when she saw 4 unread text messages from ms spider.

ms spider

kid did you find some first aid?? sent 30 min ago

hello kid are you alright. sent 23 min ago

kid are you okay sent 14 min ago

come on did u find something send 8min ago


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