《Kookv oneshots》Omega human
"Jungkook! Why won't you show a little mercy?" Lian asks crying, "The fuck you mean? Why would I show mercy to a bunch of killers?" The alpha asks
"You could..Let them change you know?!" The male omega yells, Jungkook clicks his tounge on his cheek feeling a bit furious "It's not up to you to make the decisions. You're just my weak mate"
Lian's heart broke when he heard that "I see, You just accepted me as your mate because you needed one.." "Who said I needed one? I accepted you because you had nowhere else to go!" Jungkook yells with red eyesi
Lian backed up with tears in his eyes, He just nodded scared of his mate "God you're so annoying, If it wasn't for me you would've been killed"
"You mean for me? Don't remember you killed your old mate Jimin..You killed him and you were given a second chance.." Lian spoke which makes Jungkook freeze in his tracks
"I told you not to mention his name.." Jungkook whispers "I TOLD YOU TO NEVER SPEAK OF HIM" He yells holding a dagger that had some type of liquid on it, It wasn't blood though..
Lian flinched "Wh-Why can't I? Me and Jimin are one person..I'm allowed to speak about him" He said trying to be rebellious. Jungkook gritted his teeth and without thinking he stabbed his mate in the stomach
Yoongi who was watching flinched from the corner of the wall, Blood spilled everywhere and Lian fell in Jungkook's arms with wide eyes
Jungkook's eyes widen realizing what he just did, He stabbed his mate..Again.."Kook...You put..Wolfsbane on the dagger?" Lian asks looking up at Jungkook weakly while smiling
"I guess this is how he died.." Lian said "Human.." He spoke softly before closing his eyes, Jungkook held Lian in his arms, The male was now unconscious and cold
"Fuck..Fuck..FUCK!" Jungkook yells falling to his knees with the male on his lap "Not again..Please no.." He cried
Yoongi's eyes widen, Jungkook's mate..Was killed again. Jimin first died when he pissed off Jungkook just like how Lian now died. He wanted to run and comfort his bestfriend but that might accidently get him killed too
He watched as Jungkook stood up while Lian's body was lying there, His clothes soaked with blood
Jungkook stared at the body that glowed blue before the skin turned pale white, He sighs.
Jungkook looked around boredly, He was in the human world. He keeps having nightmares of Jimin and Lian, He could hear them talking to him..
He had passed Lian's soul to a human when it was supposed to be for someone else in the wolf world. Now he was looking for someone who looked similar to Lian
He scanned the place and he froze seeing a male help a child get to their mother who hugged him crying. He looked around and watched as the parents walked away with their child
He could see the blonde sitting down on a bench in front of the beautiful lake, Jungkook gulps and decides to sit beside Taehyung. The 2 males didn't look at each other and looks at the ducks in the lake
"Woah! Are you 2 a couple?" A female teenager asks with her friends, Jungkook and the blonde both looked confused, They both look at each other and realizes their styles were kinda opposite
Taehyung smiles and looks at the friend group "No..Just friends" He says making the group say "Aw man"
"Shame, We read a book earlier that their was 2 couples, One wore darker clothes and looked hotter while the other wore more cuter and pastel-ish clothing and was really cute" A male said sighing
"That's just a story" Jungkook says leaning back on the bench "Yeah we know that Mr. Smarty pants" A male said with hands on their hips which makes Jungkook chuckle
The friend group walks away and suddenly it was awkward "Unbelievable that they thought we were a couple..Right?" Taehyung spoke awkwardly
Jungkook hummed in response, Taehyung scooted closer to Jungkook "My name's Taehyung, What's your name?" He asks. "Jungkook.." The male spoke in a harsh way
Taehyung pouts "Good to know" He huffs, Jungkook glances at the male who was staring at him "What?" He asks making the other look away blushing
"I just..Never seen you around before, Are you new here?" Taehyung asked with red cheeks, "Hm..Well I'm from Busan, I travelled to America for a while.." Jungkook lies
"Wah~ That sounds cool!" Taehyung exclaims, Jungkook nods. "Wanna be friends?" The blonde asks making Jungkook confused
"You're just gonna ask a stranger if they wanna be friends with you? Psht, What if they're a killer or something" Jungkook asks looking at the lake with crossed arms
"Well..Yeah? How else are you supposed to make friends?" Taehyung asks with duck lips, Jungkook glances at him "How old are you anyways?"
"Well I'm 19.." Taehyung shrugs "Mm..Okay then, I'm 22.." Jungkook lies as he's more than 2000 years old. "Cool!" Taehyung smiles still staring at Jungkook
"Wanna come over to my house?" Taehyung asks which makes Jungkook look at him weirdly "The fuck?"
"That's a bad word" Taehyung exclaimed covering Jungkook's mouth with his hand, Jungkook slaps Taehyung's hand away annoyed "Who invites a stranger to their house?"
"Me of course! I trust you" Taehyung says with a tilted head, Jungkook looks Taehyung up and down. He seems the type someone would be nice to him but rape him
"I see then" Jungkook shrugs, Taehyung sulks "So yes or no?". Jungkook stands up "Fine.." 'Only doing this because you're so goddamn annoying, You might even be my 3rd mate'
"Do you not have parents?" Jungkook asks while entering Taehyung's home, "No..That's why I have to do jobs for money.." Taehyung shrugs
"Oh? What's your jobs?" Jungkook asks with a raised eyebrows, "Erm..I'm not comfortable talking about it, But let's say it has something to do with my body" Taehyung gulps
Jungkook looks confused but just nods, He looks around and finds a book about wolfs. He panicked a bit but looked at the book and saw it was just a fake story
He glances at Taehyung who's on the phone, He seems uncomfortable and scared while talking to someone
"I'm sorry..I'm unavailable today.." Taehyung says scared while he flinches, Jungkook frowns as Taehyung hangs up. The male wipes his eyes and walks over to Jungkook cheerfully
"I actually brought you to my house cause I um.." Taehyung rubs his arm "Did you need money?" Jungkook asks unamused
"Ma-Maybe for pleasure..? Lots of men here give me money in exchange for money.." Taehyung says with red cheeks as he was embarrassed, He looked so innocent but sold his body multiple of times
Jungkook frowns "I'm not that type of person" He says reaching into his pocket of his hoodie, "O-Oh..Sorry to bother you then.." Taehyung looks down quietly
He hears a sigh "Here" Jungkook says, Taehyung looks and finds Jungkook holding 678 million won. Taehyung's eyes widen "I refuse to use your body so you can have food" Jungkook spoke
Taehyung starts to cry and he hugged Jungkook who was shocked "Thank you Thank you!" The blonde repeats, Jungkook just pats Taehyung's back
Taehyung let go and bowed "I finally have enough money for my Mom's surgery.." The male cried
"Huh? I thought you said you didn't have parents?" Jungkook asks, Taehyung wipes his eyes "My dad was cheating on my Mom as she was blind and left us, Her family and His family refused to help me as they found out I was using my body for money so my Mom can see.."
"They called me a disgrace when I was just trying to help my Mom to see so she can also get a job, I never really went to school as everyone kept finding out my secret"
Jungkook was a bit heartbroken by Taehyung's story, He knows he shouldn't be staying in the human world or spending his human money "If you need anymore money..Just go to the park and I'll be there"
"That's unnecessary..I don't want you loosing your money" Taehyung frowns, Jungkook pats Taehyung's head "I bet it's tiring for you to those nasty things with people just for small amount of money.." Jungkook spoke
After some months Taehyung and Jungkook got really close but still Taehyung's mother was blind and was put in a nursing home as he couldn't afford taking care of both of them
"Kookie!" Taehyung exclaimed hugging Jungkook who went to his house, Jungkook monitored Taehyung with his special power as he was an alpha
Jungkook held Taehyung by the waist with a soft chuckle, He then frowns seeing a hickey on Taehyung's neck "Taehyung..? Did you have sex with someone again for money?" Jungkook asks furious
Taehyung didn't understand why Jungkook would get so angry when he has sex with people for money, Jungkook keeps saying if he needs money he should come to him but the male keeps refuses
The blonde stayed silent still having his arms wrapped around Jungkook's neck "I.." He spoke "If you needed money for food just come to me! Or I could buy you food!" Jungkook exclaimed closing the front door
"You weren't here for a week and I didn't bother using your money!" Taehyung exclaimed
Jungkook pulls Taehyung away furious "Did you like the sex, Huh?" Jungkook asks jealous, Taehyung frowns "Of course not- I did it so I can eat"
The black haired sighs and looks at Taehyung who stood there with furrowed eyebrows "Fine.." 'If you get fucked by an rouge who found their way in the human world you can die..'
Taehyung frowns "You know I'm not that type of person.." He spoke gently, Jungkook caresses Taehyung's face "I know, I'm just worried one day your body will give up and you'll be a sex slave to someone"
As Jungkook said that to Taehyung the male whimpers "Is something wrong?" Jungkook asks concerned
"M-My stomach..It hurts..Again.." The blonde says holding onto Jungkook, The black haired felt Taehyung's forehead and he was burning hot 'Fuck..Is he actually holding Lian and Jimin's omega DNA?'
Jungkook picks Taehyung up "Feeling okay?" He asks "N-No idiot! It hurts!" Taehyung yells
The male enters the room and it smelled like sex "Ew, You did it in your room!?" Jungkook asks moving into a different room, "Ye-Yeah.." The male mutters
Jungkook places Taehyung down onto the bed and places blankets on him in case if he did have the scent, Taehyung was about to argue he's sweating not cold but he suddenly felt cold
"Mngh.." The male squirms around, "Shh.." Jungkook says stroking Taehyung's forehead and hair
"Kookie.." Taehyung mumbles, The sweaty male sees wolf ears and tail appear on Jungkook but disappears
His eyes widen but he was too much in pain "Is th-this because of se-sex..?" He asks scared, Jungkook was gonna lie but then that'll upset Taehyung "No Tae, Just get some rest..Okay?"
Taehyung nods and closes his eyes, It wasn't long before Taehyung fell asleep, Jungkook picks the male up and opens a portal to his castle like home in the other world
He enters with Taehyung in his arms, He froze seeing 2 wolfs making out. The 2 find their alpha staring at them, They bow embarrassed
"Continue.." Jungkook says walking to his room, The 2 wolfs looks confused
Taehyung rubs his eyes, He found himself in a dark room. He looked confused and exits the room "Jungkook..?" He calls out confused
The place looked pretty big which confused him VERY much. "Huh? Who are you?" A male asks. Taehyung looks at him "I'm Taehyung..Where am I?"
Seokjin realized that this was the human Jungkook kept talking about that he thinks is a wolf that Jimin and Lian's soul went in.
"Oh! You're in Jungkook's home, You aren't allowed out and if you see anyone around here it's just his friends" Seokjin smiles lying, "Uh.." Taehyung pouted inside thinking that he was Jungkook's only bestfriend
"I can get Jungkook for you if you'd like" Seokjin says looking around "That'd be great, Thank you" Taehyung bows entering Jungkook's room again
After a few minutes Jungkook walked into his room "Tae?" He asks with a smile, Taehyung peeked his head from under the bed "Hey Kook" He smiles exiting the bed
"Why are you under my bed?" Jungkook asks chuckling "It was cold" Taehyung shrugs "And you have a very thin and cold blanket" The blonde adds
"Ah" Jungkook nods "You hungry?" He asks, "Yep!" Taehyung jumps up and down. "Uh..Are these cosplay costumes? They look so realistic.." Taehyung says pointing at Jungkook's wolf ears and tail
Jungkook's eyes widen and he makes them disappear "What do you mean?" He lies, "Oh- Nevermind, Just my imagination" Taehyung smiles while Jungkook led him to the kitchen
Taehyung blinks seeing some chefs cook "Oh sorry, I was expecting to have some guests tonight.." Jungkook awkwardly chuckled. "Ah? I could go home! I don't want to invade your plans" Taehyung smiles
"No no, It's fine!" Jungkook exclaims, Taehyung nods "Alpha! The noodles are ready for tonight" A chef says noticing Jungkook
"Alpha? Is that your nickname here?" Taehyung asks Jungkook giggling, "Err- Ye-Yes, And um..That's good, May Taehyung and I taste test them?" Jungkook answers
"Of course" The chef walked back into the inside of the kitchen where you cook, "Huh, Alpha is a weird nickname" Taehyung shrug
Jungkook nods as the 2 sit on the tall chairs that were seated in front of a counter.
A female walks in and places the noodles in front of them "Is this..spicy?" Taehyung asks nervously, "Hm? No..We were planning on only putting hot sauce and spices if they wish" She answers walking away
"Don't like spicy things, huh?" Jungkook asks drinking water "No, Not really a fan" Taehyung shrugs.
The 2 eat "Yum~ This tastes so good!" Taehyung exclaimed eating, Jungkook chuckles "It is.." He mumbled eating too
The 2 finished and the same female took the dirty dishes and walked back in
"Are they your friends?" Taehyung asks, "Nope, My staff/workers" Jungkook shrugs. "Woah..You have workers in your house? The handsome man told me they were your friends.." Taehyung says with wide eyes
'Really Seokjin? My friends?' "Ah..It's just..Erm.."
"Alpha, The rouges have been spotted outside the walls. What are your orders?" Yoongi asks entering the kitchen, Taehyung looked confused "Rouges? Walls? Alpha again? Orders?" Taehyung glances at Jungkook confused
Jungkook squeezed the empty banana milk bottle, Yoongi's eyes widen "Oh- Uh..We'll talk later Jungkook.." He said casually while walking back carefully "No one talk to Jungkook, He's busy" He says to the crowd that wanted to talk to their alpha
"Ha..It's nothing, Just a game we're playing" Jungkook chuckles "It includes climbing tall moutains then jump down with only a rope if you fail to eat your spicy food" He adds so Taehyung wouldn't want to play the 'game'
"Oh.." Taehyung nods "Where do you live anyways? This place seems pretty big and everyone calls you alpha here?" He asks. "A private place" Jungkook lies
"Woah! You're so cute!" Taehyung exclaims patting someone's head, Jungkook looked confused and sees Taehyung patting Namjoon's ears
"Kook..Is this the..Person?" He asks annoyed, "Yeah. Be gentle with him" Jungkook giggles while grabbing Taehyung's arm
"Wowie..Everyone here loves to dress up, Hm?" Taehyung asks looking at Jungkook, The black haired and the tall male seem to be staring at eachother with small nods
Taehyung pouts feeling as if he's left out so he annoyed the 2 by poking them
"I know, But he reminds me of Lian and Jimin..I'm sure he's them"
"Yes please, And tell everyone that they cannot call me alpha or say anything about rouges.."
"Okay that's enough, I have to go" Namjoon says walking away, Taehyung raises an eyebrow "C'mon Tae, I got some art supplies and I know you love art" Jungkook smiles
"Ooh..Let's go!"
"Yup, He has the DNA of a wolf..A male omega.." Seokjin answers looking at the tests, Jungkook's eyes widen "Is it possible..That Lian and Jimin's soul is in him?" Jungkook asks
"There is, But how are you gonna bring the news to Taehyung?" Seokjin asks, "...I'll just tell him straight forward, And explain to him on how I'm 2000+ years old" The alpha sighs
Seokjin giggles
"Taehyung?" Jungkook poked Taehyung's body "Ah shit" He face palms, He told the boy everything and the male was too overwhelmed to the point where he passed out
Jungkook bit his bottom lip seeing Taehyung's hickey, He hated the fact that his now 3rd mate has had sex with multiple people. He shakes his head.
He got too angry thinking of the thought of Taehyung moaning someone else..His eyes glowed red and looked at the male
Before Jungkook could react his wolf had taken over and was sucking Taehyung's neck
'No! You idiot, We'll accidently give him our mark!'
Jungkook just watched as his wolf finished, He stared at the now mark he made, All he needs to do is have sex with Taehyung and they'll be mates
He got embarrassed and fleed the room.
Taehyung was outside amazed "TAEHYUNG" He hears someone yell. Taehyung looks back and sees Jungkook running towards him "The hell are you doing? You aren't allowed outside" Jungkook exclaimed grabbing Taehyung's wrist harshly
Taehyung whinced "K-Kook.." He says weakly, Jungkook dragged Taehyung inside and threw him on the floor "Jungkook I'm sorry-" Taehyung said teary eyed
Taehyung gasps when he sees a dead body next to him, Jungkook just stared at him. Taehyung at this point was crying "I'm just trying to protect you.."
Jungkook says crouching down, Taehyung backed up a bit. Jungkook's eyes widen, His now mate was scared of him "Tae.." He says with a shaky voice
Taehyung squirmed into a corner of the room, Jungkook looks down at his lap
'Great going'
'He's my bestfriend and my now mate..'
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