《Kookv oneshots》Enemies


"Eek! I can't wait to go to the carnival!" Jimin exclaims "Me too!" Taehyung smiles as they sat beside each other in the bus

"Okay everyone! I just want to say that you will be handcuffed to your partners" The teacher smiled, Someone raised their hand up "But why? Isn't that not fair?"

"Well..For the past months I've been monitoring your behaviour with different classmates..So, today is a good day to get along with your classmates that you don't like."

"Eesh..I at least hope I'll be with Yoongi" Jimin said slouching down which makes Taehyung giggle

After 25 minutes they arrived and they all stood beside their bestfriends or crushes. "Eh?" Jungkook looked at the teacher "Taehyung, Really?" He said annoyed

"Yes, You 2 aren't the friend type, So don't cause any weird things that can get you kicked or else I'm gonna have to monitor you 2" The teacher explained handcuffing them

Jimin took a picture and showed it to everyone else "Jimin!" Taehyung exclaimed trying to run to his friend but because him and Jungkook were handcuffed the 2 fell

"You idiot!" Jungkook says sitting down, Taehyung pouted and they got up "Okay, Everyone go have fun!" The teacher smiled

Jungkook and Taehyung tried to walk different directions but were stuck back together "Where were you going?" Taehyung asked annoyed. "The haunted house" Jungkook mumbled

"Oh..Well let's go to the plane ride!" Taehyung smiled with puppy eyes.

Jungkook gulps "Fine whatever, But we are gonna go to the haunted house afterwards" He said annoyed "Yay!" Taehyung started to run to the line making Jungkook have to run too.

Taehyung waited excitedly "Ugh this is embarrassing to be seen here.." Jungkook groaned "What do you mean?" Taehyung scoffed


"This is a kid's ride, And I see our classmates taking photos!" Jungkook exclaimed making Taehyung sulk "Okayyy?"

"Ooh!" The 2 get on a red plane "Hm.." Jungkook looked "Didn't you say you were afraid of heights?" Jungkook asked in a mocking tone

"Well yeahhhh, But it's fine" Taehyung smiled and the ride started, Taehyung was having the life of his time while Jungkook tried to hide his face


"Wasn't that fun?" Taehyung asked energized "No, Now let's go to the haunted house" Jungkook said walking, Taehyung gulped "Really? What about..Something else?" He asked with a soft smile

Jungkook shakes his head and they enter, It was dark. Taehyung held Jungkook's hand embarrassed, Jungkook raised an eyebrow but didn't pay attention to Taehyung

After a while a 'ghost' appeared making Taehyung scream "Pfft" Jungkook laughs as they continue to walk, Taehyung hugged Jungkook's arm

"Uh..You okay?" Jungkook asks a crying Taehyung, "N-No!" He exclaims sniffing

They stop and move to the side for the other people to walk "What's wrong?" Jungkook asks a bit concerned "I...I'm scared of gh-ghosts.." Taehyung admitted scared

Jungkook was about to make fun of him but it seemed like the male was actually scared. Taehyung fell on his knees weak "Hey Hey, You could hug me if something happens" Jungkook says crouching down

Taehyung looked up at Jungkook and nods "Good, Now could we continue?" He asks gently. Taehyung stands up and holds Jungkook's hand.

They continue and once something appears Taehyung hugs Jungkook's left arm

They eventually finished and Taehyung came out shaking "Wasn't that exciting?" Jungkook chuckles forgetting about what Taehyung told him

He glances at Taehyung who has dried tears on his cheeks, He was sweating and his bangs were covering his eyes


"Um.." He seemed a bit concerned "Do you wanna grab some food?" Jungkook asked awkwardly, Taehyung nodded and they walked to the snack cart.

"2 cotton candies please" Jungkook said as he paid, He gave Taehyung the pink one "Th-Thanks.." Taehyung said eating it

The 2 walk a bit before they stop "Hey, You okay?" Jungkook asks brushing Taehyung's bangs away to see Taehyung's eyes red

"Mm.." Taehyung nods still shivering, Jungkook takes off his jacket and puts it on Taehyung "Let's go do something else, How about..Oh! That game where you can win a stuffed bear" Jungkook says pointing

Taehyung's face lit up making Jungkook smile secretly "I'll play it for you if you want, Do you want the blue bear?" He asks. Taehyung shakes his head and points at a light brown bear with a cape

"Okay" The 2 walk and Jungkook gives the person 2 coins before starting to play, Taehyung waited excitedly and Jungkook wins "The bear with the cape please" Jungkook smiles

The worker nods and grabs it, Jungkook takes it and gives it to Taehyung who smiled. "Are you 2 in a relationship?" The person asks

Jungkook glances at the person "No, We're just classmates" He says before they walk away "Wanna go rollerskating?" Jungkook asks as they stop at a ring where people were having fun, Some of their classmates too.

"I don't know how to.." Taehyung shrugs hugging the bear, "It's fine, I can teach you" Jungkook smiles while Taehyung puts the bear in his small-ish backpack

Taehyung nods and they store their shoes and backpacks somewhere while putting their rollerskates


"Jungkook!" Taehyung exclaimed, Jungkook chuckled to him "Are you that bad?" He asks.

"I told you I don't know.." Taehyung sulked while Jungkook held Taehyung's hand


"Well you 2 boys have been getting along..Would you like me to unlock your handcuffs?" The teacher asks with a soft smile, The 2 males look at each other "Yes please"

"Ah~ That feels much better" Taehyung said rubbing his wrist, The teacher walks away. "Hm.." Taehyung looked around with hands on his hips

Jungkook just smiled staring at Taehyung

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