《Random x Reader one-shots》Hiccup x reader I love you


I was flying over Berk as I spotted him...

Hiccup. The guy I had been crushing on for like ever. And now when he is Berks new chief, Everything just becomes more and more peaceful.

He looks up and smiles at me. He shows me to come down. I fly down with my d/t d/n.

-Hey Hiccup! I say cheerily.

-Hey Y/N! Hey I was just wondering, weren't your dad the chief supporter or something like that? Hiccup asks. My dad died when it was war between dragon and human.

-Yeah, I think so... Why? I ask.

-I was wondering if you'd want to be a Dragon rider? Hiccup asks.

-Wait... You want ME in your gang? I ask shocked.

-Yeah, we've seen what you do to protect the island from unfriendly people. We think we would need someone like you. Hiccup says.

-So what do you say?

-Yes! I'd love to! When do we start? I ask excitedly.


2 months later...

I had now been in the gang for two months, and I felt welcomed by everybody. But Hiccup had been distant lately... We were best friends before the incident with my dad, because when my dad died I isolated myself from everyone else. But why do he keep me out. When I see him talk to the others and I come to say hello, he uses excuses like:

"I'm coming toothless!" Or "I think I left something in my... uh, yeah" and runs away!

Is it something that I've said?

Meanwhile with Hiccup...

What is happening to me? Why do I shut Y/N out? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?

I just need to breath...

I have been madly in love with Y/N ever since we were little... And now when I can't really hold it in, I need to make excuses for why I can't be with her. I even used "I need to go on the toilet" And I were away for 2 HOURS!


I would hope it would be easier... But it's just becoming harder and harder to try NOT to tell her.

-Hiccup! Hiccup! I hear the twins shout.

-There is like 12 ships with dragon hunters out there! They say out of breath.

-What!? I say

-We said: THERE ARE-

-I know what you said! I say and run to toothless.

-Everyone, get on your dragons! I shout, and everyone does as I tell them... Even Y/N.

-Uh... Y/N you can stay on the island and keep watch while we fight them, I try. Astrid looks angrily at me. She's the only one that knows about my love for her.

-No! Y/N says sternly.

-I'm not going to let you shut me out! I'm coming with you, wether you like it or not! Y/N says. I sigh.

-C'mon, we have no time to lose! Astrid shouts.

Third person POV

As the young Vikings land on the biggest ship, they notice something odd...

It's empty.

-Eh... Snotlout and Y/N can search up here, while me and Astrid goes under deck. Hiccup says.

-No! You know, I actually feel like being with Snotlout today! Astrid says and pushes Y/N to stand beside Hiccup. Y/N and Hiccup blushes.

-C'mon! Go on! Astrid says as Y/N and Hiccup starts making their way down.

They look in every corner, but doesn't find anything. They hear the others scream something, but they couldn't make out what they said, so they ignored it. But suddenly, a GIGANTIC rock comes down and almost hits Hiccup. Y/N on the other hand, gets squished.

-Y/N! Hiccup shouts and runs to her.

-Toothless, help me out here! He says while trying to push the big rock off of her legs.

-No... Hiccup whispers while getting tears in his eyes.

The others on the island drove the dragon hunters, but Hiccup sat there with an mostly dead Y/N in his arms. Everyone else landed on the boat and started to tear up as they watch their friend slowly slipping away.


-Please Y/N... Don't go... I want you here.... No. I NEED you here.. Hiccup whispers through sobs. He couldn't stand seeing her like this.

-I love you... He says. It's all she ever wanted to hear.

-Hi... Hiccup....Y/N says weakly. Hiccup looks at her.

-I love you to, she says and smiles weakly. She places her hand on Hiccups cheek. He places his own hand on hers, and smiles back.

She then falls out of consciousness.

2 years later...

Just another day for Hiccup and his mom.

But ever since Y/N got into a coma, Hiccup had visited her every day.

He did that today too. He places a blue flower by her head, and kisses her cheek. Hiccup turns around and is just about to leave.

But suddenly Y/N wakes up.

-Hiccup... she says weakly. Hiccup turns around in the speed of light.

-Y/N! He says and runs back to her bed and hugs her.

-How long have I been out? She asks.

-For two years... Astrid answers from behind Hiccup, who starts to cry happy tears.

Suddenly the whole gang stands there with tears in their eyes.

-I love you... Hiccup says and looks deep into Y/N's eyes.

-I love you too... Y/N answers.

Hiccup then goes down on one knee.

-Do you Y/N want to marry me? He asks.

-Yes! Of course! Y/N answers.

Hiccup then spins Y/N around, and they both laugh.

They then they kiss in a sweet loving way.

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