《Random x Reader one-shots》Father! Maui x Child! Reader Hibiscus flower


This was requested by @Kinsey_Dixon and I think it was a wonderful idea! Let's go!


"The storms took over the sea, and out in the cold nowhere was a little basket floating around. If you listened very closely, you could hear it cry. In the basket was a little baby

(boy/girl) and she was afraid.

Meanwhile, a very famous demi god sat by a warm fire next to his new made friend.

They could hear the thunder, slowly coming towards Motonoui.

But the Demi god sensed that something was wrong.

-What is it Maui? The girl asks.

-Wait here Moana, I'll be right back. Maui says and goes out into the storm. He could hear soft crying, like it came from a little baby.

He angrily turned into an eagle and flied over the ocean. He didn't want another kid to have his fate.

-Maui! No! Moana shouts after him. But Maui didn't stop. He was determined to find the source of the crying.

He flied right outside the island, and there he saw it. A little yellow basket floated right at the bottom of a GIANT wave! His eyes widened and he dived down to save the little homeless kid. And just before the wave could drown the baby, he took it in his arms, but they both got forced down into the water. Maui swam as fast as he could to the surface and flew back to the island. He landed right under the nearest palm tree. He was scared to death!

What if the baby had died?! What if he had killed it!? What if-

Suddenly a little cry was heard from the soaked clothes the baby was wrapped in. Maui looked at it as it opened her/his e/c eyes. She/he was so small and so cute!


Moana, who had seen everything Maui did came running, but stoped right by them, and watched as the little scene was happening.

Maui looked down at the so small bundle of joy.

-I want to keep him/her.. He says. Moana looked confused at him, but then understood what he meant. He wanted to keep the baby.

-Only if you take care of it yourself, she said sternly, but jokingly.

-I'll do anything as long as I can raise it.... Maui said and looked at Moana, who thought it was a joke, until Maui looked in all seriousness in her eyes.

-Sure, I mean, why not? She says and smiled softly. Maui smiled back, and then smiled at the little baby. He/she giggled.

-I'm going to name you Y/N, He said and kissed her forehead. The baby started to giggle even more.

-Y/N... My little Hibiscus flower, he said."

-So that's how you found me? Y/N asks with tears in her/his eyes.

-Yeah... Hey, I'm sorry kid that it's not what you expected, Maui says. 13 years you get told that your life has been a big lie. It's DEFINITELY NOT what you want!

Y/N cries.

-Then it means I can't live with you for the rest of your life! I can't stand not being with you. Getting your hugs and kisses, plus your awesome stories of how you've saved the world! Y/N says through his/her sobs and sniffles.

-But I didn't get to finish the story... Maui says. Y/N looks at her/his father.

-The same night I begged the gods so I could keep you. They gave you my powers, Maui says.

-That's why somethings has gone completely wrong.

Y/N looks with shock at her/his father.

-So... I'm immortal to? He/she asks.

-Yep. I'm sorry for not telling you? Maui asks.

Y/N tackle hugs his/her father.

-You're the best dad ever! He/she says.

-I could never leave you somewhere without feeling guilty. And that's why I saved you that night... Maui says.

-I love you my little Hibiscus...

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