《my roommate, seo 'binnie'? changbin x reader》unexpected visit


"good morning miss." i greeted my older boss as i walked through the doors of the cafe, starting a morning shift. "good morning dear. here is your apron." she handed me some black fabric and gestured for me to put it on, so i did so.

today i learned the basics of handling cash and the register, working the coffee machine and keeping a tidy workspace. i work 9 to 5 days on wednesdays but the time seemed to fly by, probably because i was kept busy all day. after i finished my shift, i bid farewell to my boss and swung the door open, stepping into the fresh breeze of the evening.

"where've you been?" i was greeted as soon as i swung open my dormitory door. "hello to you too changbin." i retorted as i locked the door behind me and began my way to my bedroom. i am not in the mood for his bipolar behaviour right now. i am tired and when i'm tired i get moody. "hi." he began. "now where were you?" i sighed loudly. "oh my god why are you acting like my father? i have my own life you know?" i aggressively shut the door behind me as i entered my room. i don't have to tell him my whereabouts who does he think he is?

as my eyes slowly lifted, i was faced with a dark room. my room. i rolled out of bed and shuffled outside. i woke up early enough to get ready for my afternoon classes without rushing. i took in the time i had alone in my dorm, considering changbin was attending his morning classes right now.

it was a pretty relaxing day. i had english literature which meant i had to avoid jackson the whole time after that couch incident. i couldn't face him now after that. i also had music, which changbin was in. he acted like nothing happened and just kept talking to me like usual. whoever said girls are hard to figure out, clearly haven't met seo changbin.


the rest of the week soon enough came to a finish and it was now saturday. i got up, got dressed and ready for my shift at the cafe. it was early so changbin would still be sleeping. thank god i didn't have to see him first thing in the morning.

it was oddly quiet today with not that many customers. i broke into a conversation with my sweet boss while i continued cleaning the front counter. i heard a bell from the front of the cafe, indicating someone had just walked in. i began putting the cleaning supplies away. "hello, what can i get for y-...." as i looked up, i saw no one other than changbin..... and a girl? i looked closely, making sure to get a good inspection without seeming like i was staring for too long. it's the same girl i saw him with on our couch.

"what are you doing here?" my roommate asked, wide eyed. "what does it look like i'm doing?" i sneered, narrowing my eyes. "omg binnie! this is your roommate right?" a high pitched squeal came out of the girl beside him. i let out an unexpected chuckle before quickly covering my mouth with my hand. "go sit down i'll order." changbin growled deeply at the girl to his left, and she did as he said. "listen it's not...." he began. "okay cool i don't care what do you want?" i interrupted, pushing any type of disappointment i had to the back of my brain. he made the order and i added the total together, while my boss began making the drinks.

he waited at the counter while the drinks were being made. "have a nice day." i shoved the two warm drinks in front of him, not even bothering to put on a fake smile and instead, just let my natural resting bitch face take control. he nodded in thanks and walked off.


the rest of the shift, i was trying to keep my back turned to where changbin and the other girl were seated. although i would glance over here and there without getting caught, i just couldn't believe i was so stupid. how could i fall for these dumb tricks that i've already fallen for before?

the bell rang again a bit after 5pm while i was cleaning. "sorry we're closed!" i called out, without looking up from my current activity of mopping the floor. no response. i looked up to be met with.... changbin? "why are you here?" i snarled. my boss walked in from the back of the kitchen. "oh? y/n honey is this your friend?" she smiled her sweet smile, crinkling her eyes. as i was about to respond 'NO', i was interrupted.

"hello ma'am." my roommate bowed. "do you mind if i wait until y/n here is finished? i'm going to walk her home." please don't. my boss fell right into it. "aww of course. what a sweet man, y/n you can go now you've done enough." she spoke as her eyes stayed glued on changbin. i internally sighed as i walked over towards the kitchen to put the bucket and mop away. "he is handsome." the small lady whispered to me as i passed her, i snapped my head back to her with a shocked expression on my face, immediately laughing as soon as she broke into laughter.

"why are you waking me home?" i spoke up after we exited the cafe. "why not?" the male replied. i didn't even bother replying back to his stupid question and just kept walking, my eyes focussed on the footpath in front of me. "is someone jealoussss~?" he spoke up again. that's it. i've had enough. "ACTUALLY, changbin, no. i'm not jealous. i just don't appreciate being led on and then ignored all of a sudden. like who does that? clarification is the bare minimum and i can't even get that because your attitudes are always switching up!" i breathed out angrily.

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