《my roommate, seo 'binnie'? changbin x reader》elevator


changbin checked his watch. "should be ready now. come let's go." he smiled and tugged lightly by our intertwined fingers. "ready? what's ready?" i followed behind, hand still in his. he lead me to an elevator and gestured his hand inwards. "after you." he offered as i bowed my head slightly in thanks before entering the small rectangular space, changbin following after me. he pressed a button that read 'level 2' and stood beside me as the elevator started shifting. "you look really pretty." i heard from my right, suddenly breaking the silence. i turned towards my flustered roommate. "thank you. so do you... I MEAN you look handsome." now i was the flustered roommate. the said handsome male snickered, "i know i'm pretty." he stated while motioning a sassy hair flip with the nonexistent hair that reaches his shoulders.

when the elevator stopped, changbin and i walked out into a dark themed hallway. as we reached the end, changbin opened a door that led to a small candlelit room, contained with a deep ebony table and two chairs on either side which are sat relatively close to each other. "woah." i beam at the beautiful lit room as i take a step in before changbin. as i walk over to a seat, changbin follows behind me and pulls it out for me, pushing it back in as i sit down. "i'll be back." the gentleman like man states before leaving the room. as i sit and wait for my date to return, i think about what has happened so far. this has been a really good date so far, despite him ignoring me of nervousness.

"i'm baaaaacckkk." the familiar voice sang as he strode through the door with his hands behind his back as if he was hiding something. as he neared the table on the opposing side of me, he quickly whipped out his hands and raised them to each side of his face to reveal two brown mcdonalds bags. "surprise." he shook the bags lightly and scrunched his nose and i was honestly the cutest thing i have ever seen from a man. "if there's one thing i know about you, it's that if you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, it would be instant ramen or f/f (favourite food from mcdonalds)." he bragged about his knowledge as one of his muscular arms reached over the table to place what i assumed was my food in front of me. "it's a remake of our 'first' date." he quoted with his fingers. "except this time it's real."


by the time changbin and i finish eating and conversing, it's around 8pm. i got to know changbin a lot more tonight and got to experience a goofy side i never imagined he would have. tonight's experience with him made me realise that this is the happiest i've been in a long time, and it's all thanks to my roommate of whom i once despised.

we entered the elevator again and i motioned towards the back to lean myself against the cold metal handrail poles morphed into the elevator walls. changbin pressed the button that read 'level one' and joined me, back in the place we were standing the first time. as the elevator started to move into motion, me and the handsome man beside me glanced at each other simultaneously. as if we could read each other's minds, the both of us leaned in quickly to close the gap between us as our lips met for the...... third time now?

changbin's hand rested gently, cupping the side of my face while my forearms weighed on his broad shoulders. there was a sudden shift in movement and all of a sudden, i was back in my original position against the hand railing, while changbin leaned over, hands gripping the cold metal on either side of my hips. our lips moved in perfect synchronisation as my hands roamed from his shoulders to his chest. suddenly, a ding was heard, indicating it was time for the elevator doors to open. ruining the elevators plans, changbin broke the kiss for the first time and leaned his torso back, reaching his arm out for the emergency stop button and smashing his finger onto it. he turned back to face me and stared for a few seconds and smiled to himself, diving back in for his lips to meet mine once again.


after what seemed like forever and only a millisecond at the same time, changbin pulled back and took a deep breath. i also was deeply panting for air as if i had just run a 2,000 metre marathon. "holy shit i can't breathe." i laughed and gasped, still desperately inhaling as much oxygen my lungs could withhold. changbin let out a breathy chuckle and planted a peck on my forehead. his finger then pressed onto another button which immediately opened the elevator doors back up. he held his elbow out in expectation of me to link arms with him, and i did so. we strolled out the elevator together and out of the familiar cream coloured building into the pitch black night of outside.

"thank you for tonight. i had fun." i thanked changbin after we arrived at our dorm and got ourselves comfortable on the couch. "i had fun too." a genuine smile spread across his flawless face.

we spent a while sprawled out on the couch. i flicked through tv channels while changbin scrolled through his phone and we sat together in a comfortable silence, just appreciating each other's presence. changbin's head fell onto my shoulder as he stared intently at his dimmed phone screen. i tensed a bit at the sudden movement, but then rested my head atop of his own. my thoughts started building up in my mind, the tv volume being just a blur in the background of my overtaking thoughts. do i like him? does he like me? we kissed before the first date what if he's just using me? what if i do something to fuck this up? what if he leaves? .....like everyone else.

"y/n." i was snapped out of my overwhelming thoughts by the call of my name. "what's wrong?" the man that was once laid on my shoulder asked me. he moved his hand slowly onto my hands that were fidgeting with each other. it's a habit. whenever i overthink, get anxious or concentrate hard, i either fidget with my hands, tap my feet or fingers, or bite on my lips. "it's nothing." i displayed a fake smile in hopes he would buy it. he didn't. how did he know something was wrong though? "i know what anxious movement looks like. scratching and tossing your fingers around being one of them." he informed me as if he could read my mind. "really it's nothing. i always do this. i overthink the smallest things but i'll be fine by tomorrow." i assured. will i? will i be okay tomorrow? "i'll let it go this time. but if i catch you again you better spill." he pointed his finger close to my face and furrowed his eyebrows in an attempt to look stern.


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