《my roommate, seo 'binnie'? changbin x reader》shut up


"that wasn't what it looked like." i stated.

"then what was it? you know.. i just find it funny how you'll get mad about me doing something with a girl in our dorm, but then you go ahead and do the exact same thing. i didn't even do it either you just accused me." he began walking closer towards the living area. damn why is he so mad? "nothing happened though. even if it did, my private life is MY private life so who are you to order my friends around like that?" i shot back. "oh so friends kiss each other do they?" my roommate fiercely rolled his eyes. "oh my god WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! i don't even see him like that." i kept trying to defend.

the argument got heated quickly and we just kept bickering on from there. "why do you even care?" i yelled. "just shut up." he ordered in a hushed and tired tone. "why shoul-." but before i could answer him with a bratty attitude, i felt a firm grip against my throat, focussing the pressure onto the sides of my neck to allow me to breathe. i stood there with my mouth agape, not saying a single word. he stared down into my eyes and i could feel his piercing gaze burn through my soul right now.

then, all in one smooth motion, his lips collided with mine. as he planted his lips onto mine, he gently but firmly pulled me closer by the grip he had secured earlier. i tensed up instantly at this sudden unexpected movement, but eased into it rather quickly as i tried to get my thoughts together. he pulled away and there i stood, a dumbfounded and red hot mess. "that got you to shut up." he smirked as he wiped his bottom lip with his thumb. i couldn't even collect my thoughts right now. this guy has insane mood swings. with that, he just walked off into his room and closed the door behind him. what. the. fuck. i need to tell jeongin.


i rushed out my dorm room and ran straight to my brother's dorm, considering jeongin spends his saturdays at jisung and seungmin's room. i knocked aggressively and waited for one of them to open the door. "hi seungmin. bye seungmin." i greeted and farewelled as i pushed past him and tackled jeongin. i pulled him into my brothers bedroom and pushed him to sit on the bed. "what do i do? what do i do?" i paced around the room like some sort of madwoman. i explained the whole thing, beginning to end without forgetting any minor detail. "he just kissed you like that? maybe i should try that..." my bestfriend thought aloud. "not helping." i muttered through clenched teeth.

after about 3 hours of staying at jisung's place, i went back to my dorm. i opened the dorm and saw my roommate making food in the kitchen. ah shit. do i bring it up? do i forget it even happened? "so.... about what happened before." changbin started. i interrupted on instinct, "forget about it, i know it was just a spur of the moment type thing and adrenaline took over you." god i need to shut up sometimes. "ah... okay." i couldn't help but notice the slight tone of.... disappointment? in his voice. was he disappointed? surely not.

the rest of that night was kinda awkward. we didn't really speak much but we caught each other giving off quick glimpses in one another's direction.

a phone began going off. i looked over to the noise and saw changbin answer it. i couldn't hear the other side, but just changbin's responses. "hello?" ...... "oh tomorrow?" ......... "WHAT?! uh- i mean yeah.... i can ask." ..... "okay bye. love you too." and with that he ended the call. "so.... my mom and dad are leaving for china tomorrow and..... my mom asked if i could go to breakfast with her.... and to bring you along." my jaw dropped. why does his mother want to see me again? did she really like me that much? "this is the last time." i warned and agreed to go with him. to be honest, i liked his mom. she was nice and she showed a lot of interest in me, which is something i didn't get a lot from my own mother.


i stood in my room, looking at my closet. what can i wear in front of rich people? after what felt like hours of searching, i pulled together a high waisted, tanned coloured, ribbed, fitted skirt that reached mid shin length with a small slit on the left leg. i didn't even know i had this skirt actually i'm pretty sure i bought it from target. i also picked out a long sleeve, black cropped top, which didn't show any skin considering the skirt was already high waisted. i paired it with the red bottoms i wore the first night i met my roommates mother, and some dainty silver jewellery.

(remember guys, y/n is meeting a multimillionaire family so she has to dress professional. this isn't my style either but it's classy.)

after i picked out my outfit, i laid in my bed and stressed about tomorrow. i hated needing to try and be someone else so that others would like me. but i guess i have to for changbin's sake. considering he's practically paying me to do this with food and expensive clothes, i might as well. after a while, i drifted off to sleep as the worrying thoughts in my mind slowly disappeared.

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