《my roommate, seo 'binnie'? changbin x reader》boobs


that night, we arrived back at the campus and entered our dorm room. the first thing i did was take my heels off and it was the best feeling in that moment. i walked into my room and got undressed and did my night time routine. before i knew it, i had fallen asleep.

i woke up around 10am, ready to prepare for my 2 afternoon classes. "good mor- put a shirt on you whore." i walked out my bedroom door to be met with my brother roaming around the kitchen shirtless in my own dorm room. "why are you even here?" i covered my eyes. "well me and changbin went to the gym with chan and we were comparing boob sizes." what? what does that even mean? "and you had to do that in my kitchen?" i scoffed, wondering where chan and changbin were. as if he could read my mind, my brother informed me that chan went back to his dorm and changbin was showering. "okay get out you smell weird and now you've ruined my appetite." i pushed my brother out the door.

"why were you comparing boob sizes with my brother?" was the only thing that came out of my mouth when i sensed changbin's presence in the room. "we weren't comparing i was just trying to prove a point." he laughed at my sudden outburst of confusion. "my point was proven... i have the biggest boobs." he continued. what the fuck is happening? "i'm sure you do." i sarcastically agreed. he didn't look too pleased with my tone. "want me to prove it?" he began lifting his shirt in front of me. "AHH AH AH NO!" i yelled and stood up and pulled his shirt back down as he laughed. now that i think about it, i should've seen yes. i mean it's not like i've never seen a shirtless man in my life but.... i would like to see a shirtless seo changbin.


changbin and i later walked to art class together in a comfortable silence. we had an partnered assignment set for us in which changbin and i automatically teamed up, considering he was sitting next to me. the assignment was to pick an artist, one different artist per partner, and draw each other in that artists style. this bitch better not draw me looking like peppa pig or something. we had 2 weeks to finish this outside of class hours so i wasn't too worried about it.

"binnie!" i called. "don't call me that." the said male responded. "okay whatever. anyways, i'm starting that drama you were talking to seungmin about... what's it called... oh! 'hell is other people' do you wanna watch too?" i offered. lately me and changbin have been getting along quite well. he now jokes around with me as he would with our other friends. "oh yeah hold on." he called from his room. he walked out in sweats and a white fitted tank top with damp hair, indicating he had just showered. now tell me how am i supposed to focus on a show while this man is whoring out in front of me like that? IS THAT A NIPPLE PIERCING IMPRINT?

changbin and i sat on the same double seated couch, but it seemed like we were very far away from each other. as the 1st episode ended, i turned the tv off because it was getting late. "those people in that residence are so unsettling." changbin let out his opinion. i thought for a moment as i looked back at him. i watching him intently as he scrolled through his phone. suddenly, before i could even think before i spoke, "is that a nipple piercing?" i should really start thinking before i speak these days. "yep." oh. he wasn't phased by it. okay then that wasn't so bad. "wanna see?" nevermind. he smirked slightly before grabbing the remote and turning some random tv show on.


i abruptly woke up from falling in my dream. the room was dark, the only source of lighting coming from the dimly lit tv so i assumed it was midnight. i looked over to my left to see changbin fast asleep on that side of the couch. he actually looks peaceful right now. i put half of my blanket over his legs and went back to sleep, not being bothered to return to my bed.

how i woke up like this..... i can't answer that question. my legs were entangled with my roommates while his head rested on my shoulder, the blanket covering his whole body up to his neck. it was warm and i didn't want to leave that warmth i had been longing for. damn maybe i'm just touch starved. i felt changbin move so i quickly jolted back and got up off the couch as if nothing happened. "morning." i greeted, my cheeks probably flushed. "hi." he groaned. his sleepy voice is by far the hottest sleepy voice i've ever heard.

changbin went to the gym about an hour after he woke up. it was saturday so i had no plans. that was until jackson messaged me. he asked me if i wanted to hang out but i told him i couldn't be bothered getting ready or going out, so he offered to come hang out in my dorm. everything was going well. we ate instant ramen and talked about random things while we sat on the couch. that was until he began to lean in forward. now in a situation like this, i've learned that i'm not the best at shutting someone down. if someone goes for something like this without asking or saying anything, i tend to just let it happen because i'm scared of what will happen. he leaned closer and placed one hand on my shoulder.

"out!" i heard a firm deep voice from across the room which snapped me out of my worries. i lightly pushed jackson off of me and stood up, guilt written all over my face. i'm not sure why i was feeling and looking so guilty, after all i didn't do anything wrong. there he was, my roommate, standing at the door, holding it open and pointing outwards, signalling jackson to leave. "until next time." jackson turned around and smirked at me before throwing his hands in the air in defence and walking out the dorm door.

"that wasn't what it looked like."

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