《my roommate, seo 'binnie'? changbin x reader》doing the nasty?


monday morning. art class. ugh.

i woke up, got dressed, did my morning routine and took my pills and went straight out the door, successfully managing to avoid changbin. my art class seemed like it was on the other side of the world. this campus was huge, well it is a multi million dollar university.

people who come here are either rich, upcoming idols, upcoming medical experts or scholarship kids. i am one of the scholarship kids. my scholarship was in art, therefore my main subject here is art. i'm not sure if i actually want to do something with art in the future, but i do enjoy music and children so i was thinking of teaching music to students abroad, hence the english literature subject. my first music class starts this tuesday, as this class started a bit later than the rest of mine.

art class went by quickly, with changbin sitting on the opposite side of the room, still avoiding me. it's probably better off this way. i don't do well with assholes, i'd probably end up punching him in the throat of he got on my nerves again.

"you asshole!" i heard from inside of my dorm room. huh? i slowly stuck my key in and turned the doorknob, being as quiet as i can. i walked through the door. "i told you why she's like this and you still can't stop being so selfish?" is that jisung's voice? is he talking about me? i suddenly walked to where the conversation was being held, in the living area. changbin was sitting on the couch, while my brother was standing and throwing his arms around in the air as he spoke. his head snapped towards me as i stood near the entrance.

"y/n i.." my brother began. "it's not your place to speak freely about my issues. especially to someone like him." i side eyed my roommate sitting on the couch as i focussed my gaze back onto my brother. he just stayed silent. i scoffed and walked into my room. i cant believe this idiot. why is he acting like i'm 10 years old and blabbing off to everyone about my private life.


i heard the front door close, indicating that my brother had left. after i dressed into some sweats and took off my makeup, i went into the kitchen to make myself a bagel. "y/n can we talk?" i heard from the couch, where my roommate was still seated. "no." i smiled back. "please?" he insisted.

i gave in and went over to the couch and sat on the empty spot. "yes?" i ushered him to say what he wanted to say. "i'm sor.." "see this is what i didn't want. your sympathy." i interrupted his apology. now that i look at it, i probably should've let him finish but he's a dick so he deserved it. "i wasn't gonna give you sympathy." he stated. "that's usually what a random apology is for right?" i rhetorically asked. "well maybe if you let me finish then we could get this over with." he rolled his eyes back at me. "go on then." "well.... you could be nicer too you know?" is he really trying to defend himself by blaming me right now? "oooohhhh i wanna punch you so hard right now." i laughed and got up to attend back to my bagel.

we didn't speak for the rest of the night, which was good in a way. the next day i attended my music class. and just to my luck, my amazingly lovely roommate was also in that class. great. we didn't do much, just some intro stuff.

after my philosophy class, i went back to the dorm. as i opened the door i heard a female voice. "changbin you're so good at this." HUH??????? i swung the door open in shock making sure they weren't doing the nasty on the couch of all places. changbin's head turned back to face my shocked expression. i laughed hysterically out of nowhere. "it's good to see you can be nice to at least one person." i wiped away my fake tears and strolled over to my room.


after a few minutes i heard the front door shut, followed by a knock on my bedroom door. "y/n?" i heard. "what?" i responded. "can i come in?" "whatever." i granted access as the door slowly creaked open. "damn it's dark in here." my roommate chuckled. "what would you like?" i asked in a fake polite tone. "that.... wasn't what it looked like." he pointed back outside the room, indicating what happened on the couch. "oh so you weren't about to get down with that girl on the COUCH? come on the couch of all places?" i was disgusted but thank god i walked in before the couch became forbidden. "with her? pfft."

he took a few steps into my room and began to open the blinds. "i was helping her with some shit for music." "so then why was she taking off her jacket?" i retorted. "uhh it is the middle of summer." "yOu'Re sOooOoOo gOOd aT tHis ChAnGBiN." i mimicked her voice dramatically in which he chuckled in response. he walked over to my bed which i was sitting on and leaned in a bit closer. "is someone jealous?" he smiled. why is he so close? is he testing me? two can play at that game. i grabbed a fist full of his shirt and pulled him closer. "now why would i be?" it was my turn to smile now. with that, he pushed back up and coughed awkwardly, being caught off guard. "that's enough of that." he stated before leaving my room and closing the door behind him.

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