《my roommate, seo 'binnie'? changbin x reader》ramen and soju


it's a new day. finally the end of the week. i have art and english literature today in the afternoon. i waltzed out my bedroom door as if nothing ever happened yesterday. i continued my usual routine of ignoring my roommate. pretending he doesn't exist. except today was different. "here." he handed me a bowl of cereal. i just stood there and stared in disbelief. "you're meant to take antidepressants with food you know that right?" he bossed. i bowed my head in thanks and sat on one of the bar stools at the kitchen counter. he brought his breakfast and sat right next to me on the other bar stool. my eyes didn't leave my cereal as i ate, trying to avoid eye contact at all costs.

"sorry." he mumbled. my head shot up in disbelief and i choked on the air i dramatically sucked in. "jeez calm down." he shouted, firmly but gently patting my back as i gained my breath back. "what are you sorry for?" i genuinely questioned with my eyes widened. he didn't reply for a while as he thought of how to put his words. "you're not actually annoying. i just had a headache at the time and extreme anger issues apparently." he stifled a laugh. damn he's actually really cute when he laughs. "you should do that more." i stated. "do what?" "smile."

after that, changbin and i didn't really talk much. we cleaned up after ourselves and changbin left for his class. i took my pills and vitamins and then proceeded to blare music through my phone and sing along while getting ready. i felt that my mood had lightened since changbin apologised. maybe he wasn't as bad as i was making him out to be?


i walked out the door and made my way to my art class. i entered the art room and took the same seat at the back as last time. after a few minutes, more students started entering along with the teacher. amongst the students, one came and sat right next to me. changbin. he showed a small wave and took his seat.

after about 30 minutes i began to get hungry, so i looked through my book bag for any food i might have. i found a banana that i actually stole from jisung's dorm to eat 3 days ago but i forgot about it. i took a few bites and began to eat it while copying down some of the teachers notes. i heard a chuckle and looked up to my right to see changbin covering his face and silently laughing at me. "what?" i narrowed my eyes at him. "nothing... you eat the same way as jisung. you both store food in your cheeks while you eat." he continued to hold a hand over his mouth to muffle his laughs. i continued to narrow my eyes at him while i violently bit into the banana. "i never said it was a bad thing."

after art, changbin and i parted ways without really saying anything. which is understandable because we just sort of got off bad terms? did we? i'm not sure. but i had english literature and let me tell you, it was boring as shit. i met some guy though, he seemed nice. he sat next to me and played naughts and crosses with me on spare pieces of paper. his name was jackson (YES JACKSON WANG FROM CHINA HAHAH ITS NOT A KPOP FF WITHOUT JACKSON). we had instantly clicked and we had the same sense of humour.


once i got back to my dorm, i internally groaned out of tiredness and went straight to the kitchen. it's friday and you know what that means. ramen and soju. i boiled water over the stove and added a pack of the uncooked noodles to the water that was currently being brought to a boil. "put another pack in there." i heard a random voice. i did so, adding the other packet and placing the lid over the top. i chopped up some spring onion and small chilli's to put over the top. after the noodles boiled, i added the contents from both packets, mixed it together with chopsticks, and cracked two eggs over the top and placed the lid back over the pot. after it was cooked, i brought the pot to the coffee table along with side bowls and the plate containing the spring onion and chilli, incase my roommate didn't like it a certain way.

"changbin! ramen." i called out before taking a seat on a cushion on the ground on one side of the coffee table. he soon came out and took in a deep breath of the aroma, then sat on the opposite side of the table to me. we both began to eat. "oh shit i forgot!" i abruptly got up and walked over to the pantry where a case of soju was sitting. i looked back and saw changbin looking at me i confusion. "soju?" i called out. he nodded in response, so i just grabbed the whole case of 6 and brought it to the table, along with two shot glasses.

we got through 3 bottles, shared between both of us. we were a lot more than just tipsy of we're being honest. for some reason we were talking about first kisses. "my first kiss was actually jeongin." i laughed hysterically as i closed the bottle up. "you kiss your best friends?" changbin looked shocked. "noooo no no no we were like.... 12 maybe? it was years ago and we never did it again." i threw my hands up in the air in defence and explained myself. changbin laughed in response. "i should get you drunk more often. maybe then you wouldn't be a raging asshole." i rested my head on the table as i spoke. "tch. you know, you shouldn't really be having alcohol on medication like that... i guess in moderation is alright... maybe." changbin was wondering to himself. "mmmhm." i mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

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