《my roommate, seo 'binnie'? changbin x reader》avoidance


"ohhh so that's why they call you binnie?" i questioned.

"it's still changbin to you thank you very much." he retorted. well ok then. who does this guy think he is? his eyes narrowed and his once questionable stare turned into a glare. "you're not scary." i walked off to my room with my bottle and closed the door.

"good morning." i walked out my room to see my roommate in the kitchen fixing himself a bowl of cereal. "fuck off." he replied. "damn bitch." i whispered under my breath. he turned around to face me. oh shit did he hear me? i coughed and he clicked his tongue and walked around the kitchen bench and sat on the bar stool and began to eat. i went into the kitchen to refill my water bottle and take my pills and vitamins before going back into my room and doing my morning routine.

"are you in the same art class as me?" i walked out my room in some long straight leg pants, a hoodie and doc martens. "don't know and don't care." my bitchy roommate responded. "okay well you will care considering it starts in hmmmmm 10 minutes?" i checked the time on my phone. his eyes immediately shot up and met mine before he rushed into his room which was opposite mine. with that, i left out the door and to the building my art class was in.

as i was taking my supplies out, it turns out changbin was in fact in the same art class as me. though he sat on the left side at the back while i was on the right at the back. in this session we were just learning about art history, which i've already learnt about so i was just zoning out. the session ended quicker than expected and i quickly rushed outside the building entrance, along with the rest of the line of students from my art class.


art was the only class i had on a monday so i went straight back to my dorm.

"i'm telling you he hates me." i spoke through my phone to my brother while i opened the door to my dorm room. as soon as i opened the door fully i was met with the eyes of changbin. oh no. he just gave me his familiar death stare. "i... gotta go." i hung up on my brother without saying goodbye. "ah.. nice weather isn't it?" i awkwardly smiled. his glare remained on my face. i awkwardly cleared my throat and went to the kitchen to take my afternoon pills. i am on a medication called fluoxetine because i was diagnosed with depression and complex ptsd when i was a child. this just helps lessen the chances of my fight or flight being triggered often and decreases the chance of panic attacks too. the only real bad thing about it is that it can sometimes mess up my emotions. sometimes i will be upset about something, but won't be able to cry or even feel real sadness.

me and changbin have been avoiding each other all day, pretending we don't even exist to one another. i was hanging out in jisung's dorm with hyunjin. to be honest, hyunjin is like.... god in human form. he's just so pretty i don't understand? after i ate most of jisung's food i decided to take my leave. i wished them all goodnight and left back to my dorm. i quietly snuck through the door and went straight to my room, avoiding my roommate at all costs.

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