《Ready Or Not ✔✔》Chapter 8


Previously On Ready Or Not:

I was grabbing the bombs I think they were, and placing them in holes that were six feet apart.

"(G.t)?" I swear I heard Parzival.

"Z? Z??" I breathed out and let out a sigh when he answered.

"(G.t) I'm tapped into your feed so don't say anything, I'm going to get you out."

"Z, I'm scared.." I cried out, mumbling.

"It'll be okay (g.t), I'll make sure you get out safe. Just be careful." Z stated

Your POV

"So explain to me what I have to do again" I said with a shaky breath as I watched a bright orb surround my area.

"A release handle is above your head at 9 o'clock, and 3 o'clock. Pull them together. Inside is a lever. Grab it with your right hand and slide it to your left. It should release you." He stated.

I did so and literally clawed at the helmet to get it loose. I sighed in relieve as the door opened, I got my wrists and ankle loose again.

"Z you have to raise an army." I stated into the headset, closing my door again.

"(G.t) you need to get out, what are you planning??" He asked, distressed.

"Wait for my signal." I said.

"Signal?" He asked again.

"I'm gonna take down that shield." I stated and ran off to the crowd.

He cried out my gamer name before I ended the call like thing.

I ran out of my cube I was imprisoned in and followed a crowd to the area all the other sixers were at. I walked into Sorrentos room and saw a woman in his chair.

"Who are you?" I asked in a defensive stance.

"Who are you?" She asked back.


"I'm (Y.n).." I Stated.

"As In the (y.n) (l.n)? You're (g.t)!" She exclaimed and soon enough was in shock

"And you are?" I asked yet again, she sounded familiar.

"Samantha Cook, but I'm known as Artim3s." She stated.

Parzival popped up on the screen as a live show.

"Citizens of the oasis, I am Parzival the first to the key. You may be wondering why I'm here. It's because all our lives are being threatened, a force field is now around the third key. Some of you lost your friends, family or loved ones because of Sorrento. But because of him and the oasis, I've made the best friend's.. and as cringy as it sounds, I've found love. And I don't wanna loose that because of this douche bag Nolan Sorrento!" Parzival stated

"Wait-" I didn't finish my sentence since she dragged me behind a couch to hide.

We somehow escaped and got into the sixers room again

We were gonna escape but we're both pushed into a vest to fight Parzivals army.

I logged into the fighting area and stepped aside to talk to Artim3s.

"How did you even get here?" I questioned.

"I got here from saving wa- I mean Parzival, how about you." She smirked

"A guy that saved my life before saw me and I freaked, saving his by distracting the IOI. They figured out I am (g.t) and captured me." I stated plainly

"Artim3s I know we hate eachother, but we have to work together to break this orb." I stated.

She thought for a moment and nodded.

"Fine. Let's go." She agreed and ran off.

I followed her to near the orb and we hit behind a huge pillar.

I pulled out a drone from my inventory and controlled it to the orb, making sure that one IOI didn't see it. Aritim3s used the mic to chant the verse.


The orb blew up as we watched parzivals army attack.

I got on top of a huge IOI drone and plunged into Parzivals windshield as he shot it down.

"Heya Z." I grinned as I sat normally in the passenger seat, and took off the IOI helmet.

"(G.t)??" He glanced at me, "Are you in the sixers room??"

I looked away from him and avoided the question

"They're playing Adventure, I'm sure that game is the one to play." I stated as he swerved.

"Oh that makes perfect sense, since that game is the one that Halliday played most." He started to drone on.

I chuckled and shook my head, "Yeah Z."

"Hey, youre calling me Z again." Parzival noticed and smiled slightly.

"I guess I am.." I smiled at him and focused back on the fight.

We focused back on killing people when Aceh threw us Chucky. I punched it and Z threw it out, earning a few kills.

"Ah he has a Godzilla." I stated as it attacked Aceh's robot.

"Z get to the bridge." I stated as we dove off.

Godzilla's tail hit us as the whole car went flying. I groaned and got out with Z, we started to run around to avoid being killed by Sorrento.

I fell and was about to get stepped on when Diato saved me.

"Oh, hey Diato." I smiled out.

He nodded in response as Parzival grabbed my arm and dragged me behind him.

Diato died as I caught up to Artim3s, getting in Aceh's robot hand with her.

"Go win the challenge Z!" I told him as I ran after her

Artim3s shot the eye and I threw in a crazy ball that exploded.

It did explode a moment later. Aceh took Artim3s and I to the blown up bridge and laid across it to help Sho and Parzival. Artim3s and I stood on the other side nearest the castle, trying to help them cross.

They crossed as Aceh and the robot went into the lava, having a thumbs up before he died.

"(G.t) we've got this! You need to log out!" Parzival yelled

"You too Arty!" Sho added.

We both were crouched and looking over our shoulders, watching Sorrento go through the IOI members to find us.

I glanced at Parzival, then at Artim3s.

"You guys are in trouble, aren't you? You have to get out, both of you" He asked.

"Not the time Wade." Artim3s stated.

I coughed, surprised and looked up at my best friend. He.. what-

"Oh my *beeping* god! Wade Watts?? Ohhh am I so gonna kill you when I get back." I grumbled at him

I handed him my coin, I suspected it has something to do with an extra life.

"Keep this safe. I'll know if you don't, I do know all." I stated, still dropping hints.

"Get out of IOI and meet us at river south." He said, grabbing my face lightly and making me look at him.

He pressed his forehead against mine.

"You'll forgive me." He mumbled.

And he shot me. I looked at Parzival like he betrayed me and saw that sho shot Samantha.

I dropped my controllers and sat there, until a man came up.

"Get it back together sixer, back to respawn." He stated.

I nodded and ran off, following Samantha and starting to take off that terrible white jacket.

I was to find Wade.

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