《Ready Or Not ✔✔》Chapter 1


I grinned at the play fight Wade and I were having. We were arguing about what our favorite places in oasis was.


: No! I think the best place is the Beach that used to be on that island that sunk, Hawaii.

Bish no! It's (favorite place)! That place is amazing.

How about this; they're both equally the best 😌

Ugh Fineeee

Well as much as I 'love' talking to you, Im going to go into the oasis for a few.

Talk later!


UgH FiNe! Talk later doofus.

I sighed and stared at his profile head, it became inactive a minute ago.

'That doofus just loves the oasis to much, aye.'

I ended up throwing my phone to the side and joining into the oasis as well.

I logged into the main room and immediately got a call from Aceh. I picked it up.

"Hey (g.t). I've been waiting for you to join for awhile now." Aceh said.

"Sorry Aceh. I was.. caught up in things." I smiled, thinking of Wade.

"OoOoO is it a certain someone perhaps?" Aceh teased.

I blushed and shook my head, laughing at how Aceh wiggled his brows.

"Maybbee~" I shyly said.

"Anyways, talk later about this. There's a battle you should join with me. I'll meet ya there." Aceh hung up.

I didn't even get time to answer.

So I ended up teleporting to the battle.


I was in the middle of shooting someone when a call came into my vision. I joined it with no hesitation, knowing it was Parzival.

"Sup Parzival." I greeted, grinning at the character.

Aceh popped up in my vision as well as he joined the call.

"Hey (g.t), Aceh." Parzival greeted, smiling.

"What up Z?" Aceh asked


"The next race starts in 20 minutes. What the hell are you two up to?" Z asked.

"Oh you know" I jumped and rolled away from a bomb, "Slaughtering not so innocent people, the usual."

"Is that Daito?" Z asked as he squinted.

It was cute, I admit.

"Daito and Sho." Aech stated.

I shot the person attacking the two, and saw them bow to me in thanks. I saluted back with a wink.

The two guys talked about the artifact as I just ignored them, jumping through the exit portal.

A bit later Z called again, "Guys 10 minutes the race is starting."

Aceh rolled his eyes, "Kay mom. I heard you."

I chuckled, "Im on my way Parzival."

Z nodded and ended the call again.

I shook my head and made my way over to the portal that takes me to the race.

Jumping into the portal and walking up to Aceh and Parzival.

I simply waved at them and went through my inventory to check out my bikes fuel. I took it out of my pocket and glanced at the two.

"How'd you two get here before me?" I asked as I threw my bike down next to Aceh's huge truck.

"You probably had to make a pit stop at the hair salon." Aceh joked.

"Ha ha." I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes, "Nah. This is all natural."

I flipped my hair at them and crossed my arms, grinning.

"Hey (g.t)." Z grinned, greeting me. We did a handshake we both made up.

"Heya." I said and turned to Aceh, fist bumping him.

"I saved ya both spots." Aceh said.

"I have to head to the back." Z stated and started to walk off.


"Skim coins from crashed cars? That's just sad man." Aech said

"Fuels low." Z shrugged and walked off.

Aech said something as Z chuckled, I didn't hear whatever it was since I was mounting my bike. I slid on my helmet, the visor stayed up.

I looked back at Z to see him already gazing at me. I smirked and flipped down my bike visor, turning to face forward again.

"First to the key!" I heard Z yell.

Aceh and I yelled back, "First to the egg."

The alarm thing went off, signaling that the race is beginning. Fireworks went off as we started to drive off.

I quickly skitted past knocked down IOI cars and almost got decapitated by a flying wheel. I dunked just in time.

"(G.t) watch out!" I heard Parzival yell.

I rolled my eyes playfully, even though he couldn't see me, and smirked at the boy.

"Don't worry Z. I got this." I smirked and zoomed forward.

Aceh cut up IOIs in his way and I skillfully avoided the train.

"You guys seeing this?" Z asked as we looked to see what he was fussing about.

"That bike?" I asked.

It looked familiar.

"No not the bike! Forget the bike. It's the girl." Z stated.

I drove next to her and noticed it was Arty.

Z frowned on about her as I smiled at my friend.

"Oh her Arty." I grinned as she turned to me, surprised.

"Hey (g.t). Long time no see huh?" She smiled at me as we both avoided more crashed IOIs

"(G.t)?? You know her!?" Z basically yelled.

I rolled my eyes at him playfully and hung up on him.

We got to the dinosaur and I swerved, almost ramming into Parzival.

"I thought I said to be careful!" He scolded through the window.

"I'm trying! It's a little hard to." I swerved again.

I felt a pain in my elbow as I yelped in surprise. I think I just elbowed my dresser again..

"(G.t)?? (G.t)? You okay?" Z yelled.

I nodded and continued through the pain. It will go away eventually anyways.

We got to the Godzilla part as I tried to continue through. Arty and Z in front of me. Z skidded to a stop as I kept going.

Arcy eventually stopped two, and I realised I was to late by now.

"Bail!! Bail!" Z yelled.

He grabbed my wrist and we swing around. Toppling to the floor quick, me landing on top of the boy.

My bike was smashed into tiny pieces.

I looked down at the boy and threw my helmet off, he just stared at me

"Really Z? I had that." I said stubbornly.

"Well obviously not." He argued back as he held my hips lightly.

I looked down at him and realised our position, blushing as I got up quickly and helped him up.

"Sorry.." I mumbled.

I held my elbow and winced

"It's alright, hey you okay?" Parzival asked as I nodded simply.

"Peachy." I groaned.

I lifted my headset slightly so I was in the game yet but could see my elbow. And rolled up my sleeve. It was bleeding slightly but bruised.

"Damn." I heard Arcy say as she walked up to us.

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