《Sparks (Wattson x Octane)》You are my love // Ch.23


It's been a couple hours since then, Crypto has told me what happened when I was still unconscious and apologized but it wasn't sincere;I could tell. I knew now things were going to be awkward between us. I start wandering around through the halls taking in the scenery around me, paintings, clocks and all the other little details I didn't pick up earlier since I got here.

I start to wonder how Octavio is doing, it was weird that he just left the lounge without saying anything. I start tapping my pointer finger against my lip repeatedly, "I wonder if he's okay...I hope he's okay." I start continually walking down the hall until I meet a dead end with a warn out sign that reads "STAFF ONLY" in big rusted red letters attached to a door.

I turn around to Anita passing by me, "Anita!" I shout before rushing toward her. There's sweat dripping down her body and a towel around her neck. "What's up?" she says using the towel to wipe the sweat off her forehead. "Have you...um...seen Octavio anywhere?" I anxiously ask.

"Oh him? I last saw him on top of the giant rocks near the beach while I was out for a quick run." a smirk starts to grow on her face, "So, are you and him on bad terms or something? He seemed pretty down you know." Octavio? Down? My urge to see him starts to grow stronger with every second that passes.

I discontinue the conversation by running without word down the hall to the exit, I felt bad for leaving Anita like that but I had to see him. I feel my heart racing as I run out to the beach looking for the "giant rock" Anita was telling me about. After countless minutes, I managed to find it. I look up to see partially empty bottles, gin bottles. I start to climb the rock and eventually making it to the top.


I look to see Octavio sitting on the edge gazing up into the night sky, taking sips of gin here and there. "Octy?" I quietly call out while slowly walking toward him hoping he would notice...but not a single response. I grab hold of my shirt clinging on cloth causing it to wrinkle. I make me way toward him and hug him from behind resting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Octy." I whimper


"It's not your fault."

He turns his head toward me and smiles out of the pain and suffering. "I'm sorry Nat...I just can't bring myself to be you know...myself right now. I think we should stay away from each other for now. Besides I know you wouldn't want to be around me because of what I did back there."

Him saying those words brought out something in me, I don't know what, Rage? Anger? I slap Octavio right across the face leaving a red marking on his cheek. I start to break realizing what i've done. "Octav-i'm so sorry I don't know what come over me I jus-"

He cups my face; pulling me close before he kisses me softly. "I deserved that, lo siento mi amor, I shouldn't have said that."

He grabs my arm and brings me to his front gesturing that I sit on his lap. I eventually make my way on his lap, he puts his arm around my shoulder as I rest my head against his chest causing me to hear his every heartbeat. I want to stay like this with him forever.

"The sky is very beautiful tonight." I look up at him, the stars reflecting off his beautiful brown eyes. He takes another sip of his gin. "I'm surprised you aren't already passed out drunk Octy." I giggle


He quickly looks at me with embarrassment, "What do you take me for a lightweight?" We make eye contact, it's silent for a few moments before we start to burst out laughing. "Well i'm going to be honest here, I do feel a little tipsy. he says rubbing the back of his head nervously.

I smile putting my arms around his neck leaning his head close to mine before closing my eyes and meeting my lips with his. I feel him press his tongue against my lips wanting me give him access; I open my eyes slightly in surprise and notice his eyes are slightly open as well, but his look...it was different. It was a sharp;hungry look filled with desire.

I close my eyes, opening my mouth slightly as he aggressively sticks his tongue inside my mouth. I can feel Octavio push his body forward causing me to lean farther back, I grab onto his sleeve holding myself up. "O-Octy..." I whisper embarrassingly before breaking the kiss. He smirks and goes in for more.

His warmth fills my body as he kisses me, his tongue moving with mine as he deepens the kiss even further. My heart races as I move my arms around his neck, kissing the night away in the moonlight. Octavio finally breaks the kiss and all that's left is string of saliva connecting both our lips. I look up at Octavio who is a panting, sweaty mess above me, that makes two of us.

I pull him close into an embrace and kiss his cheek softly.


"Te amo."

To Be Continued

//907 words//

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