《Soul x Reader x Kid》Soul's Ending


"Kid... I can't."

His face screwed up in confusion. "What do you mean 'you can't' ? What could be more important then saving the DWMA?"

"I made a promise to Soul."

"And you're telling me THAT'S Why you're putting the whole DWMA at risk?"

"Shut up Kid, ok! So I'm being stupid! But if killing a kishin by yourself is so easy go do it!" You stormed off. You went straight home. You packed your bags immediately. Soul came in. "_____? Are you ok?"

"Perfect. I can't wait to go tomorrow."


The beach house was simply the most beautiful place you had ever seen. It was open concept, and had a lot of windows. A lot. You took the room next to Soul's, one that overlooked the beautiful beach and a forest at the same time.

"I swear, his family is LOADED." You muttered to yourself as you flopped on the bed. "I had no idea the Evans were this rich."

There was a knock on your door. You sat up as Soul walked in. "Hey ______. You settled okay? I was thinking you and I could go for a walk-"

Wes ran down the hall into your room. "Hah! There you are! ______, are you any good at tubing?"

Before Soul could say "Don't do it!" You nodded.

He grinned. "Awesome! That makes 4! Sorry Soul, you don't get to come! But get into your swimsuit!" He said quickly before running into the hall once more.

You looked at Soul. He ran his hand through your hair. "Dad has a speed boat and a four seater tube. He gets my mom to drive the boat and then him, Wes, and Lacie have a tubing challenge. I don't like doing it- my head hurts too much. I act as a spotter."

You smiled. "Sounds like fun."

"Don't be reckless, alright? If it gets to be too much, signal it to me. Don't let winning get in the way of your safety."


"If not for you, for me?"

You leaned in and kissed him. He blushed. "Now get out of my room so I can change." With a final shove, you pushed him through the door. You slid on your favourite swimsuit and headed down to the beach.

Wes greeted you with the rules. "If you fall in, signal slow down, or signal stop you're out. The spotter, otherwise known as Soul, will signal stop and turn around. Got it?" You nod. Wes grins. "Awesome. Let's go."


You hit a massive bump and you flew into the air. You tightened your grip on the handles and prepared for an even larger bump. Lacie, who was sitting behind you, flew into the air and into the water. Soul signalled for stop, and the boat turned around to pick her up. She climbed up the swim deck, and it looked like she was laughing. Soul gave you a thumbs up, and you gave him a thumbs up back.


And like that you three were off again. You were going so fast- you looked to the right and when you looked back to the front you were somewhere completely different on the lake.

Your head was hurting a little, but not a lot. You guess that because he was older his head hurt more, so Coran signalled stop. You and Wes both moved to the back when Coran got on the boat and took the wheel.

You were going even faster then before- Wes was going everywhere. You hit another large bump and had a hand ripped from the handle. You quickly lunged for it as you hit the seat. Good you did too. Wes had been in a similar situation except he didn't grab it in time- he went flying backwards. You made sure he had hit the water before turning to Soul. As you turned around to get him, you bumped off the tube- and landed close to Wes.

"Hah! I won!" You grinned at him.

"But you fell in!" he grinned back.

"I fell in last! I had already won!" You bantered back with a smile.

"No! You weren't supposed to get wet at all! So nobody won!"

You laughed. Miania helped you and Wes out of the lake with a large grin on her face. "Congratulations _____!"

"Thank you!" You said.

Soul grinned as he pulled you to him. He kissed you sweetly. "And now the winner has a prize."

He took your hand and led you to the front of the boat. You sat together on the cushioned seats. It was still pretty bumpy up there though- you fell on Soul's lap on a bump. He pulled you closer and kissed you.

You blushed, then leaned in for more.


After dinner you and Soul took a walk on the beach. "It's so beautiful." You said as you walked hand in hand with him.

He smiled. "I'm glad you enjoy it."

You looked away from him. "Soul..... there's been a question on my mind for a while now..... and I need an answer."

He gulped. "What is it?"

"Your mom and dad are such amazing cooks- why do you suck so bad in the kitchen?"

He laughed. "Here I was, expecting something deep and emotional, and what do I get? 'You suck at cooking!' " You laughed before kissing him.

He looked at you. "My turn for a question. Do you love me?"

You kissed him. "More than I've loved anything."

He looked at you. "Then will-"

You laughed and put your index finger on his mouth. "One question per turn. And you didn't answer my last question either!"

He sighed then smiled. "What's your next question?"

"How would you react if I pushed you into the water?"

"I didn't cook growing up- and I would pull you in with me."


You shrug and push him in. "I wanted to get wet anyways."

He laughed and pulled you in deeper water. "My question now." He started pulling a Ziploc bag out of his pocket. You didn't get to see what was in it though, because Lacie was at the shore yelling at you two.

"Hey! Are you guys drowning? Mom said to check!"

You laugh and turn to face her. "We're okay!"

Soul sighed and placed the Ziploc bag back into his pocket as you started swimming back to shore. She looked at you. "_____ you're fully dressed!"

You smiled but your thoughts were on what could have just happened.

What was in that bag?


The next day you all went out for a picnic. There was burgers, potato salad, lemonade, coslaw, pasta salad, corn on the cob, and some apple pie for dessert. It was, of course, yummy like ususal.

After lunch you and Soul walked around the park. You came across a small stream surrounded by some trees.

"It's so pretty...."

Soul grabbed your hand and pulled you close. "_____, remember last night when you said you loved me more than anything?"

You gave him a look. "Yes."

"And then I tried to ask you my second question and you pushed me in the water?"


"I'd like you to answer my second question."

You nod. "Okay."

He pulls away and gets on one knee. WAIT WHAT??????????? "Then will-" THAT WAS WHAT HE SAID LAST NIGHT!!!!!!! THAT WAS THE START OF-

"Will you marry me?"

You placed your hand over your mouth and stared at the beautiful silver ring. "Soul.... we're 13...."

"I love you more than anything, and you said you loved me the same way. Lacie loves you, mom loves you, dad loves you, we all do." You felt a tear start to fall down your cheek. "Wouldn't you like to make me and my family the happiest on the planet?"

You threw your arms around him, and the impact sent the two of you tumbling over and you landed underneath Soul. "Ok." You whispered before kissing him.



"Huh? Lacie? What's wrong?"

"EWWWWWW! WES LOOK AT SOUL AND ______!!!!!" Wes turned the corner and saw Soul on top of _____, kissing her.

Wes smiled. "I guess she said yes."

Lacie looked at him. "What?"

"Nothing. Even Mom and Dad don't know. "

"No, what is it?"

"Today Soul said he was going to ask _____ to marry him."


"What the hell? I don't need a corset, this isn't the 1800's!" You complained as Tsubaki tightened the next row.

Your mom sat next to you. "Come on, _____, today's the most important day of your life!"

"I thought the day I graduate college is the most important thing."

Your mom places a finger on your lip. "Ssh. Weddings are more important. Just don't tell Daddy I said that."

Tsubaki laughed and tightened the last row. Handing you the dress, you slid it on. Stepping into your white heels, you looked at yourself in the mirror. A beautiful 18 year old grinned back at you. Your mom silently re-positioned your veil on your head.

There was a knock on the door. Your father came in. "It's time to go."


Lacie was your flower girl, and she gave you a big wink before heading down the aisle. Maka, your maid of honor followed.

"On your right foot princess." Your dad said.

"Dad, that's your left!"

"Too late now!"

You met Soul's eyes as you reached the alter. He happily took your hands before facing the alter.

"Today we are gathered to witness..." yada yada yada. Can you please get to the point? You thought while smiling.

Finally the priest looked at the ring bearer and he came over. You think it was Soul's uncle or something. He then looked at you two. "Your vows?"

Soul took his ring and slid it on your finger. "I, Soul Evans, take you ______, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness."

You took your ring and his uncle or whatever walked away. "I, _____, take you, Soul Evans, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness."

The priest smiled again. "You may now kiss the bride."

You threw your bouquet as Soul pulled you in for a kiss. He lifted you off your feet and led you down the aisle. As he put you down you clutched at his chest. "That was scary!!! Don't do that again!"

He gave you a flirty smile. "And if I do?"

"I'll kick you!"

He kissed you.

You looked at him seriously. "You owe me $20."

He laughed. "I had heard that was the going rate for your kisses."

"Technically, doesn't he owe you $40?"

You turned and saw Kid. "Kid! I didn't think you made it!" you said hugging him.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world." He whispered in your ear.

Soul laughed. "Apparently the one at the alter was on the house."

Kid gave a cracked smile. "Apparently."


You and Soul grew up to have 3 children, The first a boy, and the last two girls. The oldest boy and girl both looked like Soul- but your youngest daughter looked just like you. You and Soul lived in a large house for the rest of your life. All of your children had exceptional careers, and none of them were forced to play music although they all did anyways.

But you and Soul were happy, and that was all that mattered.

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