《Soul x Reader x Kid》Soul x Reader x Kid part 11


The first time you woke up you couldn't open your eyes. But you heard Nygus talking outside.

"When you go te see her, don't be afraid if she doesn't remember you."

Aww, that's sad. you thought. Some girl can't remember her friends.

"What?? Why??" said a really familiar voice.

"____ hit her head pretty hard. She may have brain damage and she may not. We won't know until she wakes up and is functional."

The conversation went silent. Woah, That's creepy. you thought. There's another girl here with the exact same name as me with memory loss.

It took a minute for you to realize they were talking about you. WHAT??? WHAT CAN'T I REMEMBER??? WHAT AM I FORGETTING??? You thought worriedly. But you couldn't keep your eyes open. You fought it, but still went back to sleep.


The second time you woke up, you heard the voices of company.

"Hey, is she even alive?"

"Try and be considerate Black*Star. "

"It's OK Tsubaki. Considerate has never been in Black*Star's nature."


"Yes Maka?"

".... That was actually kind of funny...."

"Are you saying I can't make jokes??"

"No, I'm saying you can't make GOOD ones."

"Why you little-!!"

You turned in bed with a grunt. You brought your hands up to your eyes with a grunt.


Davis. Sweet Davis. You smiled at the sound of his voice. He put his hand on the side of your bed. You touched it and pushed a finger down. His hand twitched. It was your old signal for "Hey, let's mess with these people!"

He pulled his hand back, meaning he got the signal. You turned again so you were lying on your back and sat up. You rubbed your eyes. You looked around the room curiously.


Death the Kid touched your arm. "_____?"

You looked at him and gave him a blank face. "Huh? Who are you?"

His face fell.

Davis was now sitting in the corner of the room, trying not to laugh. He knew you knew.

You looked at the machine hooked up to your arm. "What?? What is this????"

"_____," Soul said softly.

"What's going on here?!?! I Deserve to know!" You looked strongly at all of your friends.

Nygus walked in. "I'm guessing she doesn't know anything?"

They all nodded sadly. Nygus turned to you, giving you a brief description of your life at the DWMA.

"I know." You said.

"You what??" They all said, turning quickly to face you.

Davis stopped trying not to laugh and was actually laughing in the corner.

You smiled and started laughing. "I know. I over heard you talking in the corridor about memory loss. I thought it would be fun to come back into this world in a way that would make my father proud."

Maka, Black*Star, Tsubaki, Liz, and Patty started laughing. Soul and Kid remained straight-faced for a few seconds before laughing too. Nygus shook her head at you. "If you can walk, you have some visitors."

You look around the room and point at your friends. Nygus shook her head at you. "Other visitors."

You tilt your head at her. "Did they give their names?"

Nygus nodded. "It's your parents, Jason and Jean."

You quickly fall back so your head hits you pillow. "I'm asleep!" You tell her.

She frowns at you. "Come on, it's your parents! They flew all this way to see you!"

You look at her seriously. "That doesn't mean I want to see them."

The door opened. You saw a glimpse of your mom and you quickly shut your eyes and pretended to sleep.


Your mom's stare fixed onto you. "Is she still sleeping?" She asked Nygus.

Nygus shook her head. "She was awake 10 seconds ago."

Thanks for covering for me Nygus. You thought sarcastically.

"She's really tired though- she fell asleep pretty fast after waking up." Soul told them.

"Of course, that's only to be expected. Have you seen Father yet? I'm sure he wants to see you two, it's been so many years since he's seen you together as partners." Kid said.

"If she's only sleeping, I guess it wouldn't hurt to drop by the Death Room and remember Franken? That one weird kid? Well I thought I saw him teaching. Wouldn't it be nice to drop by?" Your mom said.

"Yes dear." Your father muttered.

The door closed behind them, and you shot up. "Wait a minute, My parents were partners???? EWWWWW!!!!!"

Soul looked at you. "What's 'eww' about that?"

"It's just so... ech."

Maka laughed. "How long are you going to fake sleep?"

"Until Nygus lets me go home."

You all turn to her. "Sure, why not?" She shrugs. "You're perfectly fine as far as I can see."

"Awesome. Where are my clothes so I can leave the school without my parents knowing?" You ask.

Nygus shook her head. "If you wanna go you have to see your parents."

"I don't wanna."

"Too bad. I'm not keeping you, and it's only proper that you at least say hello."

You frown. "Fine."


You were dressed and walking through the halls with Kid and Soul.

"Why don't you want to talk to them anyways?" Soul asked.

"I left home in a bad way. I- I also don't want to deal with the '_________! You're alright!!!! Oh ______, don't scare me like that EVER again!!!' " You say.

You turn. All you heard was "______!" Before a large impact hit you on the back.

"Mom????" You asked trying to see who it was.

"No silly! It's me!" You turned. It was one of your friends from Class Crescent Moon.

You looked at Soul and Kid. "See what having my parents at school does to me?"

Kid shook his head.

"It makes me paranoid!!!!!!" You said.

"_____? Sweetie?"

"No No No No No No No!" You muttered under your breath. You looked over, and sure enough there was your mom.

"Umm, I'll, uh, see you later ____!" Your friends says and bolts.

As your mom hugs you, Your dad shakes Soul's hand.

"Hun, why didn't you write?" Your mom asks.

"I was busy." You said from your mom's death grip. When she finally let go of you, you listen to Soul and your dad's conversation.

"Mr. Evans, it's great to be seeing you. By any chance, could you pass a message to your dad for me?"

Soul nodded. "Sure, no prob."

"Ask him if he's gotten in the shipments yet. My clients are waiting."

You looked at him and sighed. "Really Dad?"

He looked seriously at you. "These instruments aren't going to sell themselves."


You were pleased to find out that (finally) the rest of your stuff had come in the mail. Your bed was set up, and on top of it, as if it were a present, sat your flute with all it's sheet music. You spent the rest of the night practicing.

One time Maka came in on you playing. "Jeez _____, You're so good!"

You looked at her. "Are you serious? I'm really out of shape!"

She looked at you strangely and then walked out. You were pretty sure you heard Soul say, "My god, she's out of shape? My parents are going to try and kidnap her, she's so good."

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