《Soul x Reader x Kid》Soul x Reader x Kid part 8


* A Real experience of mine, Including the singing through the halls and my teacher telling me to sit down.

I also came up with the perfect thing to say to Professor Stein. "You're creepy like the Undertaker." :) They must be brothers.

You wake up with the sun in your face. As you open your eyes and sit up, you can see the sun shining through Maka's window. You smile and push your hair out of your face. Today's gonna be a good day. You think to yourself. You wake up in the absolute perfect mood. You woke up to have-

It all dragged down by memories of yesterday. The missing teachers. The murder of 5 kids. The circle.

You frown, and pull yourself out of bed. Soul's in the kitchen cooking breakfast, and it seems like he only burnt a little bit of it. "Morning!" He said brightly, flipping a pancake in the air. It hits the ground with a light flop.

"Hey." You say flatly. Eyeing the pancake on the floor, you say "That's why I don't let you cook me breakfast."

He sticks his tongue out you. "Ok Grumpy. Work your kitchen magic and make this better."

You don't know what, but something about being in the kitchen makes you happy. As you put a perfectly cooked pancake on Soul's plate, you smile at him and put your hands on your hips. "And that's how you cook a pancake."

He laughed, and started eating. You finished cooking the remainder of the pancakes, and put them on another plate. taking a few, you start eating. "Where's Maka?"

"She left early. Went to go get some new books with Davis."

"In the way I'm thinking?" You say with an arched eyebrow.


"Haha, no. I think Davis would wet himself if she wanted to go out with him."

You laugh. "I can see that."

After your second last class, you, Soul, and Kid walked through the halls laughing. It all started with Kid saying "Did you see the NOT kid sassing me earlier?"

Soul laughs. "Oh yeah! ____, it was so funny. She was swaying her hips and moving her hand like a waterfall."

You grin at him. "Can you demonstrate?"

So, as your walking through the halls, you Soul and Kid are all doing your sassiest moves. *

"No Kid, it's more like this!" You say, doing a sassy move.

"Hey ____!" Someone yells your name.

You turn. Tsugumi runs up to you, followed by MeMe and another blond girl.

"Has Class Crescent moon decided yet?" She asked.

In the background, the blond girl said "Who's this MeMe? She doesn't look familiar.."

MeMe looks at her. "Didn't you hear Tsugumi call her _____ a few seconds ago? I thought I was the only forgetful one Anya."

Anya looked frustrated. "That's not what I meant."

You turn to Tsugumi. "Yeah. I can't tell you exactly who because they want their privacy, but it's either me, Soul, or Death the Kid."

She looks over at them. They're still doing their stupid sassy dances. You laugh as Maka runs and hits Soul with her book. "You were supposed to come to the library with me!"

"Hey Maka," You and Kid say through buckets of laughter.

"Hey ____, Kid. Have you seen Tsubaki or Black*Star?" She asks.

"Nope. Anyways, later Tsugumi!" You say, and giving her a wave you join Maka, Kid, and Soul. Maka winks at her as you walk away. You walk into Dissection with Doctor Stein while singing Bohemian Rhasphody with Kid, Soul, and Black*Star who met up with you.


As you finish, Soul does another sassy dance and says "M-M-M-M and that's how it's done."

You laugh loudly with everyone else. The other students in the class are laughing too, and it seems like Kid, Soul, and your's positive energy made everyone happy.

Dr. Stein ignores the laughter and frowns at you. "Please take your seat."

You nod, and sit down in your normal seat. Kid sits behind you, and Soul sits to your right.

"Now today's dissection is....."

"Ech. That was so gross, you don't even know."

"I was sitting right next to you ___."

"But Davis, it was a GUY. That means I had to see, like, guy organs!"

"They're the same as female organs."

"But it was in a guy's body!" You complained to Davis.

But before you could finish complaining, Davis' phone beeped. He whipped it out. Then he gave you a grin. " 'Were meating @ MooV teater 5- Black*Star' " He read out loud.

You laugh. "The only thing he spelt right was his name."

He looks at you. "You can read that?"

You nod. "Yeah. It says ' We're meeting at the movie theater in 5- Black*Star."

He looks at you. "You're amazing. Let's go."

You smile. "Thanks."

"Where's _____?" Tsubaki asked.

Soul and Kid met each other's eyes.

"Hey Guys! Sorry Davis and I are late!" You say, waving as you enter the theater. Kid and Soul's eyes flood with relief.

"Huh? Whatever New girl! Come on! Let's grab our tickets!" Black*Star says to you.

You groan. "I've been here for a few weeks, so why am I still new girl?"

He shrugs. "I don't know. Now move it new girl. I want good seats."

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