《Soul x Reader x Kid》Soul x Reader x Kid part 5


The beauty of the room hit you as fast as the delicious smells room the kitchen. In a large, domed roof room, the wall paper was black with grey vertical stripes, and glassy black tiled floors. The foyer was a large room, and on the walls every few feet was a different instrument. There was a keyboard, a guitar, a lightly polished trumpet, and pretty much every other instrument you could name.

To your left, there was a staircase the swirled around the dome shaped room slightly before leading to a landing with a large black door. Directly in front of you is another one of the large black doors.

Your heels click loudly and echo against the large ceiling. You glance at Soul. "Do I take my shoes off?"

"Nah. Mom won't care." Soul says, walking to the door directly in front of you.

As he opens it, you come across another domed roof room, but this one has a magnificent sky light. Underneath there is a beautiful living room, with the same wall paper and flooring as the room before. But in contrast with the religious black everything, there are red couches around a small black coffee table. There is a large flat screen TV in this room, and Underneath it on either sides were expensive looking speakers connected to a music player. Soft classical music trickled from it as Soul led you to a new room.

Then the Dining room. This room is rectangular, and in contrast with the previous rooms, has a flat roof with a skylight, which illuminates the same wallpaper and flooring. A dark black stained wooden table stood in the middle of the room with a lovely red table cloth covering the middle strip of the table, but leaving the rest to be seen. Matching black chairs with red cushions sat perfectly tucked in, waiting to be sat on.

Through the next black door, there is the Kitchen. It is white wallpaper with black flooring, and the counters of the room have a similar coloured top to the floor, and the base similar to the wall colouring. The fridge is white with a black wave going through it, and the counter connects to it the way it does to the stove. The stove was black with a white top, and the dishwasher was a dark grey. The sink had a white basin and a black tap. There was a Island counter with the same design as the ones against the walls, and beside it sat black and white bar stools. On one of these bar stools, Wes was sitting talking to a beautiful platnum blond girl with a glass of white wine in her hand. By the stove, a tall, brunette lady stood, stirring away at a pot. Next to her was a man who, although not that old, had white hair like Soul and Wes.

They turned as you and Soul entered the room.

"Ah! Soul! Welcome home!" The brunette lady said, walking over to Soul and giving him a big hug. Mom, he mouthed to you.

I guess that means the blond is Wes' girlfriend- her name was Lacie, I think. You say silently to yourself. The brunette stops hugging Soul and extends her hand to you. "My name is Miania Evans. It's wonderful to meet such a beautiful young lady."


You shake her hand the way you were taught in band, feeling yourself blush. "My name is ___. The pleasure's mine."

"Welcome to our home, ____." The white haired man says. "My name is Coran Evans."

You smile. When Soul had told you that he needed you to be his girlfriend, you mean when he asked you to pretend to be his girlfriend, you had thought they were terrible people. But the smiling faces looking at you seemed far from sinister. You accepted a glass of water from Miania and sat down on the third bar stool next to Wes. His girlfriend looks at you. "Hey ___. My name's Sarah." You blink. Sarah? I thought her name was Lacie!

But you smile. "Nice to meet you Sarah."

Before the conversation can get any farther, an eight year old girl that looked like Wes bounded in. "I thought I heard Soul!" She said looking around. You smile softly. Wow. She's so cute!

But as she finds you and Soul sitting on the bar stools, she drops her jaw. "Wha? Soul got a girlfriend? Is that even POSSIBLE?"

She skipped around to look at you. She was skinny, and her white hair was in pigtails being secured by two red ribbons tied into bows. Her dress was black and red, and she wore small black flats.

Soul rolled his eyes. "I can have a girlfriend you know. This is ____."

She looks at you. "Wow! She's really pretty!" You blush. "How'd he manage to get not only a girlfriend, but a pretty one?"

Soul opened his mouth to say what looked like extremely offensive comments but then was interrupted by Lacie again.

"Never mind. I don't want to know. Anyways ____," Lacie said, turning to you, "What instrument do you play?"

Even as a weapon you could still sense curiosity in the souls behind you.

You smile at her. "I'm a flutist."

Miania clapped her hands and turned to face you. "Oh, that's absolutely wonderful! You'll have to play for us sometime!"

You smile. "I'd love to."

Wes and Soul got up from their chairs at the same time. "Granny's here." they said and rushed to the front door. You smiled at their enthusiasm.

You hear the voice of an old woman. She says something in a harsh tone and there is a large thump. No one reacts except for you. Biting your lip, you turn away from the door.

You turn back though when you hear it open. A chubby woman with salt and pepper hair comes in. She's wearing a dark blue Dress and she holds a dark cane in her right hand. She's got Soul and Wes on each arm, and they lead her to a stool. You get up quickly to offer your stool, but "Granny" waves it away.

She smiles grandly at you. "Hello Dearie."

"Hello. My name is ____. What may I call you?" You say, trying to act formal.

"Call me Granny dearie. No formality needed, not with this old girl."


You smile, but it's not forced. Granny seems like a person who you could see yourself looking for at family meetings- WHAT AM I THINKING????? You snap mentally at yourself. I must of meant if I was in their family. Like I was Lacie. Yes. That must have been it. Or if she was in mine. Not like me joining their family through marriage......

"Do you know why I carry a cane Dearie?" Granny asks, bringing you back to reality.

You shake your head. "No, Why?"

"For these two," Granny said, pointing it menacingly at Wes and Soul. They duck. You laugh. Lacie comes over and gives Granny a big hug, having been in another room when she came in.

Sarah won't look at Granny, and Granny won't look at Sarah. The tension is crazy. Taking another sip of water, you look at Soul. He's smiling softly and looking at you, and when he sees you looking at him he quickly turns away, blushing.

"Hey ___!"

"M?" You say turning forwards. You see Lacie standing in front of you. "Yes Lacie?"

"Mom and Dad say it's time for dinner. Come on! Will you sit next to me?"

You smile. "If it's okay with everyone."

But when you get to the table, you sit down next to Miania at the head and Soul sits next to you. Granny sits across from you on the other side of Miania, and Lacie quickly sits next to her, figuring it was the best she was gonna get. Coran sat at the other head, with Sarah to his right and Wes to his left.

The table seems to have been eaten by the food on the table. A massive roasted turkey sits on the tale, surrounded by sausages wrapped in bacon. Next to that there is a beautiful array of vegetables, from carrots to potatoes to corn to asparagus. There are home made buns, each golden brown and fluffy, and a stick of butter on a elegant silver holder sits next to it. A bowl of mash potatoes sits next to cranberry sauce, and beside that sauce there is cocktail sauce for the shrimp getting passed around.

Everyone reaches in and serves them self. As soon as the chatter started, Miania turns to you. "So ____," She says as you help yourself to a bun. "What are you thinking of doing as a career?"

"At home I was a band member of The Muses. But my ultimate dream is to become part of The Sacred Night. However, if that doesn't work I'm going to become a music teacher." You say. It wasn't entirely a lie, as you had been in The Muses and you had been told by friends that you should try and get into The Sacred Night.. But you didn't know what your dream was, at least not yet.

"Ah. My Grandmother was once the conductor of The Sacred Night."

"Was she really?" You say curiously.

"Yes. Sharon was quite the artist, Wasn't she Miania?" Granny said, becoming part of the conversation. At the far end of the table, you could see Wes, Lacie and Coran trying to see who could shove the most carrots in their mouth. Classy.

"Oh yes. She was wonderful." Miania said, Now she turned to Soul. "Soul, sweetie," She said quietly even though her look was as hard of stone. "How are you doing on the piano?"

"Same as always Mom." He mumbled quietly.

"Have you learned any new songs Soul?" She asked in the same voice as earlier. Lacie dropped a carrot from her mouth as Wes and Coran shoved another one in.

"One or two." He said, still looking at his plate.

"What are they called?"

"Beat of the Soul and Silent Hills."

Miania didn't look at Soul anymore and returned to her food. "Very well Soul. Try to learn more and make sure they're more advanced."

"Yes Mom." He said. He snuck you a grin from where he had his face hidden.

After this, you look at Coran and Wes. They look like chipmunks, as both of their cheeks are filled to the brim. Miania sent a glare down the table at Coran and he started chewing his carrots. Following his father's example, Wes too started chewing. But the trouble he was going to get in didn't stop him from winking at you.

"Hey ___!" Lacie said to you.

"Yes Lacie?"

"When did you first meet Soul?"

"A few weeks ago when I moved here."

Coran finished his carrots and shook his head. "You're Jason's daughter, correct?"

"Yeah." You say, taking a bite of mash potatoes.

"When you were younger your father would bring you on business trips here in Death City. I'd bring Soul with me, once I had met you. You guys were around 5."

You look at Soul. "That was you?"

"I can't believe you even remember that far back." Soul says, shaking his head.

You smile at him. "You're saying you don't remember?"

"Of course I remember."

You smile and shake your head. But while you're smiling, Granny is still ignoring Sarah. She seems to go out of her way to ask Wes to give her stuff, and not her.

Mentally shrugging, you continue eating. It's the best food you've had in your life. You're stuffed to the brim when Miania brings out chocolate lava cake and brownies covered with chocolate mousse.

Miania hands you a piece of cake and you smile. "Thank-you." You say.

"No problem ___." She smiles back.

When dessert is done, you all head into the living room. You're still silently dreaming of the tasty cake when Soul pulls you aside. "Now's when the real testing begins. They won't hesitate to ask you whatever. I believe in you ___." Soul said. Giving you a quick kiss on the lips, he heads into the living room.

You put your hand on your mouth. Well, I've kissed two boys in two days. You think to yourself, I guess this is what's called guilty pleasure.

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