《Assimilation (Octane X Wattson)》Part 3


I woke up, still in the chair I had sat in the night before, Nat was still sat across from me, asleep. I stood and looked at the clock that was on the wall '05:34' I thought, which wasn't the normal time I would awake, but I still went to get food. The moment I opened a cupboard, Bloodhound came around the corner, walking to stand next to me. 'Good morning, Felagi.' He said and I nodded, 'You want coffee?' I asked and he shook his head, then took some bird food and walked back to his room, I got extremely confused by Bloodhound.

I made a pot of coffee and drank most of it for myself, Makoa, came out and high-fived me, waking Nat up suddenly. 'What's happening?' She jolted up, and we laughed at her. 'Makoa high fived me,' I said, laughing, she looked flustered and embarrassed that we had woke her up, she walked off to her room and I looked at Makoa. 'I'll go check on her in a minute,' I said and he nodded, making himself and all of us breakfast, Makoa was quite the cook and when the people who normally cooked weren't here, he took it upon himself to do that.

I grabbed a plate of food, which Makoa made for each of us with 'a special taste of home' as he called it, which was kinda cool. I took the plates around to the different legends and then grabbed mine, I remembered earlier and thought about Wattson, I took hers and walked to her room.

She was sat on her bed, messing with her interceptor, I put the plate next to her and she looked at me, 'I apologise about earlier,' I said, and she put her finger up, shushing me in a way. 'It doesnt matter, look at this,' she showed me a piece of her inteceptor that was circular, and I looked at her, she could tell I was confused and laughed. 'We have a match later, who do you think you'll be with team-wise?' I asked and she shrugged, 'Hopefully you, I work better with you.' I smiled, then walked away to go and get ready.


'Dropship will leave in Five minutes,' I heard the announcer beckon over the speakers, apparently we were returning to King's Canyon today, which would be interesting. I ran to the hanger and sat on the ship, I was one of the last there for once. We were all talking about how we were going back and how it would be different, Revenant sat in the corner. 'Oi tin can,' I heard Mirage shout over at Revenant, he stood up, towering over him. He instantly sat down and Revenant let out a sinister laugh, 'Your all pathetic, say it to my face and stop being weak.' We all looked at him and he sat back down.

'Incoming into King's Canyon: Squads are:

Squad One: Octane, Wraith and Bangalore

Squad Two: Wattson, Bloodhound and Caustic

Squad Three: Revenant, Gibraltar and Pathfinder

Squad Four: Mirage, Crypto and Lifeline.'

I looked at Bangalore and Wraith, they seemed happy to be on the same team, I was sad that Natalie wasn't on the same team with me but it happens, so I was okay with it. We prepared to jump.

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