《Finding Gilbert Blythe》Wanting Gilbert Blythe


"So you're definitely coming home for the summer?" Over the line, Marcy blows out a sigh of relief and Ridley lets out a small chuckle, knowing that Marcy shares the same feelings as she does. While she was able to pay a visit all throughout the Christmas Holidays, it hadn't been possible for Ridley to go back home to Marcy during Easter or any short breaks prior to that, as she would always find herself swamped with revision for upcoming tests and important exams, and more essays to write. But her important exams are all done and dusted and the summer holidays are approaching, leaving her with nothing – with the exception of packing – to worry about.

"I am, Marce." Ridley stares out the small window of her near-empty room, the one she's been sharing with Dee for almost an entire year of University. It can't have gone that quick, could it? "Wild horses wouldn't be able to stop me," Ridley adds just to reassure her sister who she knows will still continue to worry and doubt even after a proper confirmation.

"Have you sorted out where you'll be living for the next year?"

Ridley rolls her eyes in exasperation. "Marce," she hisses impatiently. "You know I sorted that months ago, didn't you? Dee has a distant uncle living nearby the campus and he is more than happy to rent out his guest room to both of us. And the fee isn't that bad either, considering how bloody expensive Oxford can be. And—"

"Alright, alright!" Marcy laughs. "I'm so sorry. I know. You're a grown woman now. It's just so...so hard to...to think about you doing things on your own, you know? I still remember filling out your sixth form applications with you, oh god, Rids—" Ridley's heart glows with affection at hearing Marcy's voice crack a little.

"You aren't crying are you?" Ridley mocks in a friendly way. Over the line, Marcy snorts.

"Yeah, no, Ridley Denvers. You aren't that special." She laughs. "I reserve my tears for special people."

"Speaking of special people..." Ridley's voice goes soft and husky. "How's your looove life going, Marcella Denvers?"

"Ridley!" Marcy sounds shocked, scandalised. "You know I'm totally done with men, don't you?"

"Well, alright." Ridley giggles. "Any special women in your life, Marcy?"

"Ridley, I don't bat for that team and you very well know that!"

"But what about that one time you kissed—"

"I was drunk!"

"But she—"

"Ridley," Marcy warns but Ridley is too busy laughing at her sister's obvious embarrassment. Oh, if she could only see her face right now! "Well!" Marcy continues in a very offended manner. "If you're going to tease me about my love life then I sure as hell will tease you about yours." She lets out a low, evil laugh. "So, how's your love life...carrots."

Ridley's heart stops for just a nanosecond. She does not reply. She cannot seem to be able to recover from Marcy's words. Carrots. She hasn't heard that nickname in months. She hasn't even heard from him, even after her apology.


"Ridley?" Marcy's teasing tone is replaced with concern.

"Oh! Er—yeah, I'm here. Bad connection. Couldn't hear you properly." The words quickly tumble out of her mouth. They're so rushed, so hurried and clumsy she knows for sure Marcy isn't buying it.

"Are you OK?" Marcy questions after a pause.

"Yeah!" Ridley winces at how high-pitched and nervous she sounds. Way to go, Captain Obvious! She chides herself angrily.

"Are you and...and Ben okay?"

And here it goes.

"Um, well, we..." Ridley sighs. "We haven't been speaking much lately."

"What?" Marcy sounds alarmed. "Did you guys have a fight?"

"Er...of a sort."

"Ridley, please."

"Alright!" Ridley groans. "Alright, we had a fight but it was my fault. It was over e-mail and yes, I know, it sounds so childish but I did apologise! He didn't respond so I assumed he didn't really want to talk to me so I didn't push it, either. I don't want to annoy him—"

"You don't want to annoy him." Marcy is angry and Ridley cannot begin to fathom why. "Ridley, you two are best friends! You shouldn't care whether you're annoying them or not because when you have a fight with your best friend, you do everything in your power to console them. You can't just leave it like that – it's – it's – well, it's just going to make things worse!"

"He could've at least put the effort—"

"You said it was your fault, Ridley," Marcy says with gritted teeth, "and while I do think fights are usually the fault of everyone involved in them, the person who instigates a fight is the one who needs to put the most effort in. Ben has been very good to you, Ridley, and he deserves that."

"I know he does!" Ridley is beginning to feel her temper building up again and her hands are shaking, her voice is trembling as she says the next few sentences: "I know he's been good to me, Marcy but there is no point trying to solve a problem that's – that's not even a problem! He and I – well, it's become more than just – just a silly fight between two friends, okay? It's—"

"Oh my god." Marcy lets out a gasp. "Did he finally tell you he—?"


"Oh my god!"

"But it was a year ago and I..."

"Oh, Ridley, don't tell me you—"

"Yes I did, but now—"

"Don't tell me you've finally realized how utterly stupid you were for rejecting the love of your life?" Marcy groans when Ridley gives no answer. "This is beginning to sound like the start of a very cliché Nicholas Sparks movie."



"Nicholas Sparks is a writer so, technically, it's beginning to sound like the start of a very cliché Nicholas Sparks novel."


"Yes but I was just saying—"

"Ridley!" Marcy blows out an annoyed sigh. "Okay, can we forget about bloody Nicholas Sparks and his stupid movies – books – whatever and focus on the fact that you have finally accepted that you're in love with Ben and you need to tell him before some other girl catches his fancy?"


"See, now that's the problem." Ridley shrugs, her skin prickling at the very idea of Ben and his stupid Jenna girlfriend. "He's already found some other girl."

"Oh, Rids."

"I know." Ridley shrugs again. "But it's whatever, now. Water under the bridge."

"Water under the bridge my arsehole!" Marcy snaps angrily. "I cannot believe you never told me about this! And you say it happened a year ago? Oh goodness me, all the trouble we could've saved if you'd just told me he confessed his feelings to you. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was going to!" Ridley retorts defensively and she knows it's the truth. She was going to tell Marcy the very day – she'd even left the café early for that very purpose so she could tell her older sister everything. But by the time she'd reached their small flat, Ridley had already changed her mind and decided it was not worth all the scolding Marcy would do. But it doesn't matter because now here she is, just a year later, being scolded anyway.

"You've left yourself in a very sticky situation here, Ridley Denvers."

"Oh thanks," Ridley replies sardonically, "I mean, I would never have guessed that on my own!"

"Enough of the sass, young lady." Ridley rolls her eyes at how parent-like Marcy sounds with her. She's her sister, for god's sake! She's supposed to not care about her love life! Marcy's supposed to support her and...and...and act like her sister.

"Now," Marcy continues in a very business-like manner. "Ridley Denvers, you are going to come home and you are going to tell Benjamin Blythe—"

"Butler," Ridley corrects.

"Yeah, like it makes a difference!" Marcy snaps. "Anyway, you are going to tell Benjamin that you love him, preferably, through an extremely soppy and romantic gesture that is going to guarantee your chances of finally getting laid—JOKING," she adds quickly, knowing Ridley would interrupt her with a furious objection, "and then you will both live happily ever after and I call dibs on being the godmother of your first born."

"Plot holes," Ridley says as soon as Marcy finishes speaking. "I can see so many plot holes. Plot hole number one: How do you know Benjamin's going to be back home for the summer? Plot hole number two: When – I'm sorry if – we ever even married and had kids, why would you be the godmother? You'd be their aunt anyway? And plot hole – the biggest one in fact – number three: What about Ben's girlfriend?"

"Oh Ben's definitely coming home for the summer," Marcy responds with confidence. "I ran into his dad just a few days ago and he was telling me how excited he was for 'the kids', obviously referring to you and Ben, to be back home. He's even planning to host a welcome home dinner for both of you guys. It seems like even Papa Butler doesn't know about what's going on between you two."

"A welcome home dinner?" Ridley whispers in horror. Shit! That would make things all the more awkward! Oh, perfect!

"Convenient, isn't it?" Marcy says. "And, I can still be your first born's godmother even if I'm their aunt. It's completely normal, you idiot, although I suppose I could give that one over to your friend Dee. I feel like that's a little too much to ask for." She laughs.

"We're not having kids."

"I thought you loved kids?"

"You know what I mean!"

"And lastly," Marcy says in a very sing-song voice, "about the girlfriend thing? Well, you said you haven't been speaking to him for some time. How do you even know he's with the girl, still? They could've broken up by now. I didn't hear his dad mentioning a girlfriend so it's obvious he didn't feel her existence too important to inform Mr Butler it."

Ridley bites her lip and she begrudgingly admits that Marcy's made a good enough point. She hasn't stayed in contact with Ben for a really long time. Who knows? He could've gone through a whole string of girlfriends by now! Maybe, just maybe, if luck is willing to be by her side, he's single again? She hasn't even seen many photos of Jenna and Ben together either. In fact – Ridley's eyes widen – now that she thinks about it, the last time she'd checked Jenna's profile (two weeks ago -- for the record) she'd noticed pictures of Ben and Jenna together had been missing!

"Okay, good point," she mutters unwillingly. "But suppose I really do tell Ben I love him. Why would he ever take me back, huh, Marcy? Answer that. I've been nothing but ridiculously selfish and hurtful towards him ever since his confession. He probably doesn't even love me anymore! I bet he—" Her breath catches in her throat and her eyes begin to water. "I bet he hates me," she finishes softly.

"Oh do stop the woe-is-me stuff, Rids, it's really beginning to get on my nerves!" Ridley can hear Marcy's patience beginning to thin out. "There's no point thinking about the consequences anymore!" she continues when Ridley does not reply. "You've already faced the consequences of rejecting the one person you've loved for so long. I'm sure you'll be able to handle whatever else fate decides to throw at you after you've confessed to him. You're a damn strong girl, Ridley Denvers. It runs in our family. The Denver women are a force to be reckoned with and I will most certainly not let the youngest and fiercest Denver girl to turn into a spineless, sobbing wreck that will let the love of her life slip from her fingers over fears that probably don't even exist! And when Marcella Ruth Denvers sets her mind on something, she will make it happen. Are we clear on that, hm?"

"I suppose."


"Yes, ma'am."

"Good, now hang up, you're wasting all my minutes on the phone."

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