《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Twenty Three.


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"No! You can't make me!"

"You will," she growled, "Or I'll make your boyfriend suffer."

"He'll suffer either way...I don't want that."

"Oh boo hoo, dammit. Just do it."

- - - - -

Louis looked down at his shoes, focusing on them as he walked down the hallways. He could hear laughter from other students and he squeaked when he bumped into someone else's chest.

"Long time no see, eh?"

Louis looked up and gulped. "S-Sorry.."

Niall smirked. "Just get to class, babe."

"D-Don't call me babe," Louis moved and walked off. He walked to his locker and looked around.

"Where's Harry?" Louis looked at Liam. Liam shrugged, sighing.


Louis sighed, opening his locker and put everything away. They had a guest speaker in Art, so they didn't need anything.

He had a bad feeling in his stomach, and he didn't know what it was.

- - - - -

By the time Louis got home, Harry hadn't replied to his texts or called him back. He was worried. He didn't have Britt or Jessica's number, or Tyler's...he didn't want to go to his house in case they were doing something.

Louis sighed, wondering what to do.

- - - - -

Thump, thump, thump.

"I can't do this."

Thump, thump, thump.

"You will."

"But babe, I don't wanna hurt his feelings..."

"You're already tricking him, now c'mon. Boo, get the camera ready."

She nodded, doing so and smirked.

- - - - -

Louis waited, and waited, and waited.

You have reached the voicemail box of --

Louis groaned as he hung up. "Dammit!"

Tank yapped at him, jumping on his stomach. Louis sighed, closing his eyes and put his phone on his chest.


Tank curled up on his tummy, sneezing and closed his eyes.

"You're gettin' fat," Louis groaned. Tank sneezed again, letting out a little purr like noise. Louis rubbed his back, sighing.

Around midnight, Louis' phone kept going off. Not calls, but texts.

He picked it up, sighing and unlocked it as pictures were sent to him from an unknown number.

Pictures of...Harry?

Louis scrolled through them, eyes widening.

Harry touching a girl.

Harry kissing a girl..

Taking her clothes off...

"Oh my God..." Louis whimpered as tears welled up in his eyes.

It was pictures of Harry and Noelle.

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