《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Twenty.


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After a while, after Louis calmed down, he asked Harry to dance with him. He was tipsy, for some reason. He was hyper, but dizzy. He had a little buzz. Kind of like when you get high, that buzz you get? It's like that.

Harry put his cup to the side and kissed Louis' cheek. He held Louis' hip as they walked to the dance floor and half the crowd cheered as Going Down For Real blared through the speakers. If Louis wasn't in a skirt, he'd totally be in the dance competition they were doing. Ask Liam and Sophia, he dances all the time and used to take dance classes. He could do ballet, hip hop, break dance, anything.

Louis was holding onto Harry to try and stay up, leaning against him. Harry's arm was protectively around his waist. Louis jumped whenhe felt another hand on his shoulder and looked up.

"Are you drunk?" Liam asked.

"No, I'm Louis!" Louis booped his nose. "Silly Lima!"

"It's Liam, love," Harry chuckled.

"Hush, Hazelnut," Louis giggled. "I'm a lil' tipsy, but not drunk."

"Has he been involved with alcohol before?" Harry asked Liam, who nodded.

"Yeah. I wouldn't bring it up when he's sober, though..."

Nodding, Harry rubbed Louis' side. Louis rolled his lips, kissing Liam's cheek. "Love ya, Lima!"

"Love you, too," Liam ruffled his hair, chuckling. "I'm gonna be with Sophia if you need me, Haz."

Harry nodded. Louis pulled Harry to a corner as Liam walked away and kissed him, laughing. "You're so handsome, y'know?"

"Nah, not really," Harry shrugged. "But thank you, lovely."

Louis kissed his cheek, murmuring a, "Welcome," and Harry told him he had to go pee. So the crossdresser went to the kitchen and Harry went to the bathroom.


Louis sat down and picked up his cup (he knew it because he wrote his name on it with a smiley face) and took another drink. It tasted sour like before but he really wanted to avoid the soda.

Louis swirled his cup around some and crossed one leg over the other. He had a bad feeling in his gut, and he didn't know what it was.

He heard a whistle and out of the corner of his eye saw a lad sit next to him. "My, my, aren't you somethin'."

Louis ignored him, glancing around for any sign of Harry, Sophia or Liam. Hell, maybe just anyone he got along with from Liam's team or the volleyball team.

"How about you an' me go somewhere else?" The guy put his arm around Louis' shoulders. "Maybe...my place? You seem bored."

"I'm waiting for someone," Louis moved out of his grasp, starting to walk away. He was tempted to run, but he's in heels and with the little buzz he has he's afraid he'll get sick.

"Don't touch me!" Louis snapped when the guy grabbed his side. "I have a boyfriend, asshole."

"Hm, do you?" Louis' breath hitched as the guy pulled Louis' lower half against his crotch and he started panicking. "Babe, he's not here."

"Let me go!" Louis screamed, elbowing him and shoving him backwards and turned around. "I've told you, I have a boyfriend. I'm not interested." He took his heels off, tossed his empty cup in the trash and ran over to the DJ stand where Sophia was. He was close to having an anxiety attack, it brought back memories of his past. He needed support.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," Sophia put her hand on his forehead. "Damn, Lou. What happened?"

Louis winced when he heard smashing and his eyes widened when he heard Harry's voice.


"Lay another fucking finger on him, Grimshaw, and I'll snap your neck. You hear me?" Harry pushed him back, making him stumble. "You know he's Liam's brother. You know he's dating me. Leave. Him. Alone."

Louis hid his face, blinking away frightened tears. He didn't want to ruin his makeup, and he certainly didn't want to attract attention. Too late for that, though.

Harry walked into the living room and strode towards Louis, pulling him into his chest. "Are you okay?"

Louis nodded, holding onto him. "Yeah..I think."

Harry kissed his forehead, then his lips and grabbed Louis' jacket. "C'mon."

Louis grabbed his heels and followed Harry outside, swallowing. He put his heels on, closing his eyes as Harry put his jacket on for him and they walked to Harry's car.

"What happened?" Harry murmured. "Cause some guys were telling me Nick was touching you."

"He was," Louis sighed. "He said I was "something" and asked me if I wanted to go to his place or whatever...I told him I had a boyfriend and he wouldn't leave me alone," he swallowed. Harry rubbed his arm, moving to grab his hand.

"He grabbed my sides," Louis whispered. "And grinded on me, Haz," he swallowed again, hiding his face and buried it in Harry's chest. "I feel horrible."


"Because..it makes me feel like I cheated on you or something," Louis whimpered. Harry sighed, wrapping his arms around Louis.

"Lou, it's okay..you didn't do anything. You tried getting away and you did before he could do anything."

Louis shakily closed his eyes. "It brought back past memories," he sighed.

"With Calum?"

Louis nodded. "Yeah.."

Harry kissed his forehead and checked the time. "It's almost midnight."


Harry nodded. "In twenty minutes."

- - - - -

Louis stayed close to Harry the rest of the night.

Everyone gathered around the living room to watch the ball drop. Louis looked around, seeing Liam walk over with an arm around Sophia's waist.

"Hey, lovebirds," Harry smirked.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked his twin. "Sophia told me what happened. I was about to choke him until everyone kept telling me Harry scared him off."

"I'm fine." Was Louis' reply. "I'm just a little shook up."

Liam nodded, turning the volume down on the stereo. "Three minutes!"

Louis chuckled, kissing Harry's cheek. It was quiet between the two until they started counting from sixty.

"Sophia," Liam cleared his throat. "You know I love you, right?"

Sophia nodded. "Yeah..why?"

Liam swallowed and Louis rose an eyebrow.

"These past four years have been the best I've ever had, because I got to spend them with you," Liam murmured. "When you told me the news last week, I cried, honestly. I'm scared...but I think we can make good parents, don't you?"

Sophia nodded. "Yeah.."

Liam looked at the tv screen. Twenty seconds.

"Sophia," Liam reached into his pocket. "I wanna raise this child with you. I wanna be the best father I can be, give this baby the life you never had and do the same for you.." he bit his lip and got down on one knee. Louis gasped and covered his mouth, watching Sophia do the same.

"Marry me?" Liam whispered as he opened a small box. Louis squealed, cooing as Sophia nodded and tilted his head back to look at Harry.

"Happy New Year, Lou," Harry murmured as people screamed the three words when the ball dropped. Louis chuckled, kissing him and turned around, laying his head on his chest.

"Happy New Year, Hazelnut."

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