《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Nineteen.


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Louis walked downstairs, biting his lip. "Li? Papa?"

"In here!" Liam called out, his voice echoing from the kitchen. The crossdresser followed, softly walking in with his arms around his stomach insecurely. Tank yapped at the boy, earning a soft giggle and Louis laid his head on Liam's shoulder.

"I don't feel good," he pouted. Liam cooed, wrapping his arms around Lou and kissed his temple.

"Where's Harry?" Colton asked, picking up Tank. It was almost New Years, and it was freezing. It had started to snow more, and Louis thinks he has a cold.

"He's out of town," the boy sighed. "Visiting both of his mom's families."

Liam cooed. "Aw, 'm sorry babe. Do you wanna see if Soph can come over and we can do something?"

Louis nodded. "I have something for her, so why not?"

- - - - -

Louis felt the blankets over him being removed and a body jumped on him, kissing his cheek. "Aw, my Lou Lou!"

"Get off," the boy groaned. "Liam, please!"

"No. Sophia's here."

Louis sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Bring her up here. I'm not moving." He didn't want to move. He was warm and his bed welcomed him peacefully.

"I'm right here," Sophia chuckled. "Hi Lou."

Louis greeted her with a, "Hola," and laid his head on Liam's shoulder. He closed his eyes, feeling a kiss on his cheek. Sophia played with his hair and they talked casually until Louis' phone went off.

"Yo," Sophia answered it. "Oh, hi Harry!"

"Give me!" Louis' eyes shot open and he groaned, holding his forehead. He took the phone from Sophia, shooing his brother and his girlfriend out of his room. "Hey."

"Hi baby," Harry smirked.

"Hi," he chuckled. "Aren't you with your other family?" He didn't want to be a bother...


"We're all driving somewhere-- Tyler, scoot over!" Harry elbowed his brother, sitting on his sibling. "I think we're going back to Chesire."

"Sounds fun.." Louis hummed.

"You sound different," Harry noticed.

"I feel like shit," the boy replied.

"Aw," Harry pouted, "What's wrong?"

"My head hurts," Louis sniffled. "I'm tired and my stomach hurts. Papa said I have a fever, too.."

Harry cooed, punching his brother in the nuts and smirked when he yelped, groaning. "Aw, baby, 'm sorry...I'll be home Thursday. Momma, Thursday, right? Yeah, if not Thursday then Friday."

Louis groaned. "But that's so far away!"

"I know," Harry made the same kind of whine. "I miss you."

"I miss you more," Louis giggled.

"Ha! No," Harry chuckled. "I miss you more."

"If you could please shut up, and stop being so fucking cute," Louis heard someone's voice, "that'd be lovely."

"Fuck off, Chey," Harry huffed.


"My aunt," Harry sighed. "She's a twat."

"I heard that!"

Louis giggled, not knowing he was now on speaker. "Babe, don't be mean."

"Baby, I do what I want." Harry smirked. Louis muttered a, "fuck you," and chuckled.

"No! Liam, get out!" Louis threw a pillow at his twin. "Dammit, brothers, man."

"You're telling me," Tyler scoffed. "Harry just punched me in the dick not too long ago."

Louis was quiet for a minute. "Harry Edward, am I on fucking speaker?!"

"Louis William, maybe."

Louis gasped. "I hate you."

"No you dont."

"Fuck off."

Harry snickered. "We're here." He took it of of speaker. "I'll call you later, yeah?"

"Mkay," the boy softly hummed.

"Bye, Lou."

"Bye," Louis quietly replied and hung up. He groaned, hiding his face under a pillow.


Thursday needs to hurry the hell up.

- - - - -

It was now New Years Eve, and Harry should be here any minute.

Louis adjusted his skirt, sighing and looked in the mirror. Hopefully Colton wouldn't say "That's too exposing!" or "Change. That looks trashy," because he likes the outfit. Even though Colton is okay with him being a crossdresser, there are some things he thinks Louis should wear a little longer than original.

Before the doorbell rang the door was opened. Louis was in his room, everyone else was downstairs.

Louis looked over his outfit, sighing and picked up his necklace Harry got him for Christmas. He was wearing a black skirt and a sheer white top with a white tank top underneath. He didn't know what shoes to wear, though.

After a few minutes of debating he picked out a pair of black heels. They weren't tall, just a few inches. He was probably now 5'11, instead of 5'9.

Harry was still taller.

Louis sprayed some perfume on and sighed contently, looking at the doorway to see Harry frozen still in awe.

"Holy...whoa," he whispered, walking to Louis. "Baby. You look...wow."

"Thanks," the younger lad giggled. He kissed Harry's cheek, picking up a black leather jacket. "Let's go party," he teased.

- - - - -

Sophia was hosting a New Years party and everyone was invited. Except for the people she despised. Liam's basketball team friends were invited, some of the volleyball team members, and alot of other students. Her parenrs were gone for the weekend, and it's not her first party she's held.

It's the first one Louis' been to, though. He's scared. Is there alcohol? Weed? Well, he's smoked weed before so that's okay. He just had a bad past with alcohol and he doesn't really want to be around it.

Harry released his hand, wrapping his arm around his lower back and set his hand on his hip. He kissed his temple, opening the door to Sophia's large house and the two walked in.

- - - - -

Louis sat down on Harry's lap, kissing his lips softly. "I'm burning up."

Harry chuckled. "Well, there's like...fifty people in here. I'm getting a little warm myself."

Louis sighed, crossing one leg over the other, exposing more of his thighs some. He should've worn a longer skirt, but he guesses it'll be okay.

Harry put his hand on Louis' thigh, rubbing his thumb on it. "'S this okay? I don't wanna push past your limits.."

"It's fine," Louis kissed his cheek. "Thanks for asking, too."

Harry nodded. He looked around and asked Louis if he wanted something to drink and Louis shrugged, standing up. He told him he would be back, kissed him and Harry watched as his boyfriend walked away.

Louis felt something in his stomach, more like a bad feeling but he ignored it. He grabbed two cups, filled one up with Coke and the other with punch. He walked back to Harry, who was close to suffocating.

Clearing his throat, Louis put the cups on the counter behind Harry and pulled the girl on his lap off of him. "I don't know who the hell you think you are," he plopped himself down on Harry's thighs, "But you need to back up."

"What're you gonna do about it, Freaklinson?"

"Oi," Harry snapped. "I think I know what he would do. I tried getting you off of me and you decided to think you wanted to be cute and try to kiss me."

Louis rose an eyebrow. "Skank." He snorted, picking his cup up and casually took a dink of it. "He's taken, sorry babe."

Louis watched the girl scowl and stand up. She stomped away, shoving people as she went on and Louis shrugged. He looked back at Harry, giggling and kissed him.

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