《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Eighteen.


Louis turned over, seeing Harry rubbing his side with a soft fond look on his face.

"Morning, lazy," Harry teased. Louis gave him a small glare and laid his head on his chest. He asked what time it was and nodded when Harry told him it was almost eleven. He propped himself up and rubbed his eyes, looking out the window and smirked.

Snow was everywhere.

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis, pulling him down and wrapped his limbs around him like a koala, smirking when his boyfriend squealed. He was so small, and Harry was almost twice his size. Not in height, but body size. He was wider and broader.

"Get off!" Louis whined. "Please!"

"No," Harry chuckled, kissing all over Louis' face. "You're comfy."

Louis groaned, calling Liam's name. "Help?" He squeaked once his brother peeked his head in the room. Louis looked between the two, watching Harry snuggle his head in his neck and cooed, pulling his phone out and snapped a picture.

"Nah," was all he said and walked out.

Louis groaned, huffing and let Harry stay where he was. He moved a hand and twirled some of his curls, unintentionally falling back asleep.

- - - - -

Harry slid a box across the floor to Liam, biting his lip. Liam looked at the tag, raising an eyebrow and opened it. Inside was a ton of games that Liam had never played but ue was wanting to. The oldest Tomlinson twin looked between the contents and his brother's boyfriend in awe. "Seriously?"

Harry shrugged. "Lou told me you wanted them.."

Liam grinned, thanking him and slid a box to Louis. The lad opened it after seeing his name on the tag and pulled out candles. Liam knew Louis loved candles, especially the vanilla or peppermint scented ones. They were his favorite. In the bottom of the box was a few gift cards -- a gift card to Victoria's Secret, Claire's, and Aeropostale. The first one made him blush and he thanked his twin with a giggle, putting the box beside him.


Harry opened a box that was from Liam, which had a watch in it. It was silver and looked really bright. He tried it on with Louis' help and thanked Liam, passing a bag to his boyfriend. "'S from my moms."

Louis nodded, carefully opening it and pulled out a card and a small box. He had gotten another VS gift card and 20 bucks cash. He opened the box, seeing a silver bracelet with an infinity charm on it and grinned. He took it out and Liam clasped it on his wrist for him.

Louis was given a large box with Baby and a smiley face written on it, then -Harry xx under it. He grinned, opening it carefully and opened the box, looking inside with wide eyes. The CD's and movies were on top, then a fuzzy blanket that was zebra print, a shit load of candy under that and another small box laid in the very bottom. Louis opened it, and closed it when he saw what was inside.

"I hate you."

Harry and Liam snickered as Louis pulled out a get out of jail free card from a Monopoly game.

"Well, you can try using it," Colton chuckled. "But I think my present is better." He whistled and a patter of paws slid across the floor. Louis turned his head back and squealed when he saw a small puppy racing into the room. It jumped on Colton's lap, snuggling against his stomach and Liam cooed, reaching out to pet it but jerked his hand back when the dog growled at him.

"Okay," he bit his lip. "Sorry!"

Louis giggled. "Hi there!" He carefully rubbed the top of its head and Harry did too.

"You three come up with a name," Colton chuckled. "This one was the only one left, and it's a boy."


Louis nodded. "Li? I kind of like the name Tank. He looks like a strong pup."

Liam pursed his lips and tilted his head to the side. "Hm...Tank. Sounds decent."

The pug yapped and jumped down, snuffing Harry's knee. Harry rubbed his back, twirling his tail and Louis cooed. The pup walked over to Liam, sniffed his hand and licked it. He jumped in his lap, curling into a small ball.

"Can we call you Tank, buddy?" Liam petted him, rubbing his tummy. The pug yapped, licking Liam's hand and he chuckled. "Guess that's a yes."

- - - - -

"I had another one for you," Harry crossed his legs, kissing Louis' forehead. Louis perked up, looking at his boyfriend curiously. Harry had already gotten his presents from Louis and Liam. He had gotten the watch and then cologne from Louis, and a dog tag necklace with his initials on it. He also got some band shirts and another Panic! At The Disco poster.


Harry nodded. "Yeah, I did..."

Louis bit his lip. Harry went through his duffle bag and picked up a small box, hiding it behind his back. "You probably didn't like that I got you alot for your birthday and Christmas, but I really wanted to do it."

Louis shrugged. Harry sat in front of him and placed a small box in his hand. "Open it."

Louis bit his lip and did so, closing the box and looked at Harry with wide eyes.

"I saw it when I went shopping with my moms," Harry looked at his boyfriend. "D-Do you like it? I thought it'd fit you--"

"Harry," Louis chuckled, moving over and planted a kiss on his lips. "I love it, thank you."

Harry took the box and opened it, clasping the necklace around Louis' neck. It had a charm on it that was a crown, and it had small diamonds on it.

"How could you afford all of this?" Louis whispered, looking around to see the boxes and stuff on the floor of his room. Harry only shrugged. "You didn't steal anything, did you?"

"No," Harry chuckled, crossing his legs. "I didn't. We all got a certain amount of money to spend."

Louis nodded, looking down at the item around his neck.


"Hm?" Louis glanced up and giggled when Harry kissed him softly, grinning when he felt Harry Eskimo kissing him.

"Will you go on another date with me?"

- - - - -

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