《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Fifteen.


"Damn, how many new kids are we getting?" Louis groaned as he and Harry walked down the hall, swinging their laced fingers back and forth slowly. They were informed earlier in the morning there would be new students at their school and Louis was puzzled.

Shrugging, Harry replied, "Dunno. How many this time?"

"Like...three," Louis sighed. "One is from Australia and the others are Chinese exchange ones."

Harry nodded, walking over to Louis' locker and smirked when he got it open. Louis trusts him, so he gave him his locker combination and he has Harry's.

"Winter Break is in a few days," Harry hummed, grabbing Louis' backpack for him. "What're you doing?"

"Probably nothing," Louis replied. "My birthday is on the twenty-fourth, we probably won't even be doing much then."

Smirking, Harry closed the locker and got in his own. "And New Years?"

"We'll probably go to Jay's or something," the crossdresser shrugged. "It's always boring this time of year."

"It hasn't snowed," Harry pouted. He loved the snow. It sparkled and he always threw snowballs at Tyler's face. Louis shrugged, taking his hand and they went to Gym.

- - - - -

Louis froze, paling and didn't move. His eyes were focused on the person mere yards away and he could feel his heart wanting to escape his chest.

"Lou?" Harry moved some of the boy's hair out of his face. "What's wrong?"

Louis swallowed, shaking his head and sprinted to the locker room. Liam gave Harry a confused look and Harry shrugged, sighing. Liam then followed eye trail to where Harry was looking and his eyes widened.

"My God," he whispered, dropping his bag and ran to the room where Louis was. He saw his brother opening a bottle and swallowed a pill dry, shaking his head and rubbed his face.


"Is that really him?" Liam asked and Louis nodded. "Christ...what are you gonna do?"

Louis wasn't sure, but he knew he had to stay away from the new student. He wasn't good. He was bad -- real bad. Liam hated him. Their fathers hated him. Hell, most of his family hates him because of what he done.

Louis looked at himself in the mirror and sighed, biting his lip.

"I'll just have to ignore him, I guess."

Sighing, his twin walked up and rubbed his shoulder.

- - - - -

Louis had to get the thoughts out of his head. He couldn't do volleyball at the moment, he'd hurt someone. Basketball? Maybe. Footie? Possibly.

Louis looked around and bit his lip, jogging to the monkey bar looking item and gripped the top of it. He jumped, slipping his legs between his arms and swung upside down, fixing his shirt to where his tummy wouldn't be exposed.

"Don't fall!" He heard his boyfriend tease and grinned as he flipped off, landing on his feet. He was decent at gymnastics -- if he didn't end up playing volleyball he would've been a gymnast, maybe.

Harry walked over and kissed his boyfriend's forehead before doing the same thing Louis did, except he sat on top of it and didn't swing.

Louis joined him, sitting opposite of him and watched the class do a free sports day.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, nudging Louis' knee with his foot and gave him a little pout when he wouldn't answer. "Baby."

Louis snapped out of his trance and looked over. "Hm?"

"Are you okay?" Harry asked and Louis nodded, sighing.

"I will be," he replied and moved over so Harry could sit next to him. He did, lacing their fingers and Louis kissed him, not noticing that the new student was shooting daggers through his boyfriend's skull.

- - - - -

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