《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Fourteen.


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Rumors were going around about the two being together but they actually never comfirmed it. Harry had finally spoken about being bisexual, which got alot of attention. Now he's practically the king of the eleventh grade. With Noelle and Vova, they've died down a little (thank God), but Louis will still get those usual daily comments.

"Hey," Harry murmured. "Something's wrong, what's up?"

Louis shook his head, turning back to his locker.

"Lou..Baby," Harry sighed, stepping bhind his boyfriend and looked at him through the mirror. "What happened?"

"Nothing happened," Louis spoke auietly as he grabbed his things and closed his locker, turning around. "I'm just sick of everything."


Louis shrugged. "All the time I hear people say they're gonna try to get with you or whatever. One even said she'd sit on your face if you let her."

Harry shuddered, shaking his head and leaned down to give him an Eskimo kiss. "The only person I'd let sit on my face is you."

Pinks turning cheek, Louis smacked his arm and giggled.

"Who said it?"

"Some Taylor chick," Louis shrugged. "Ugly little bimbo, for sure."

Harry chuckled, looking down at his boyfriend quietly before kissing him. They heard small gasps and Louis smirked, giggling quietly and Harry grabbed his hand.

"That'll get 'em away, you think?"

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By the first month Harry and Louis were dating (which was a few days after the first kiss in the hallway), it was time for the volleyball team's first game. They knew they were up against a good school, so they had to do their best.

Louis tugged on the hem of his jersey nervously and walked to his spot, fixing his hair. He caught Harry's gaze and waved at him after his boyfriend did, grinning and turned his attention to his coach.


"Alright, team," Britt glanced at Louis, then Sophia. "We can't let the school down. We can do this, right?"

The members nodded.


"Right!" The team replied loudly. Britt smirked, patting Louis' shoulder.

"Show them what you got, Lou. Especially your little boyfriend, 'kay?"

"Okay," Louis blushed, giggling slightly and nodded. "Yeah, okay."

Sophia snickered, standing straight and Louis gripped his knees. On the back of his jersey was in large black print, with the number on the back.

"C'mon, Lou!" Harry whistled and so did Liam, also cheering for his girlfriend.

Louis bit his lip and waited for the cosches to start before catching the ball from Britt. He stood up, fixing himself before serving and smirking. An opposite team member returned the ball and Louis hit it back, hearing whistles around the gym.

Sophia hit it next and Louis walked backwards, following the ball and spiked it. He shook his stinging hand with a small smirk, skipping back to his spot after they announced his team had a point.

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The score was 9-5, Louis' team in the lead.

"Dude, you see the one over there?" A student whispered, pointing to Louis. "Look at that ass, bro."

The boy beside him whistled and replied, "I'd wreck it. For sure."

Liam cleared his throat, looking behind him at the two. "That's my little brother, and he's taken. So kindly excuse yourself before his boyfriend over here bashes your face in."

"Is that a threat?"

Harry looked behind him as well. "Maybe."

It was normal for team members to fall after returning the ball, obviously. So it was a moment that made Louis giggle after he and Sophia fell at the same time after both attempting to hit the volleyball, ending up with Louis returning it. The crossdresser stood, helping Sophia up and dusted his shorts off.


"You got this, Louis!" Britt yelled. "Put them arms to work!"

Louis nodded, hands on his wide hips and passed the ball back and forth. Sophia hit it next, making a point that scored what was now 11.

Everyone switched spots and Louis bit his lip. He was closer to his coach, able to hear her without having her yelling across the room. Sophia was behind him, prepared to pass.

Louis jumped as the ball went over the net and spiked it as hard as he could, sending it past the opposite team and landing them the winning goal. Sophia high fived him and the rest of the team (as well as Alton High) cheered for the win.

Louis recieved many high fives from his team mates and a big one from his coach. They went to the locker room and when Louis finished showering in the boys locker room he changed into his regular clothes and jogged out, meeting up with Harry and squeaked when his boyfriend pulled him to his chest.

"You did great, babe," Harry complimented, kissing his forehead. "They weren't as good as mom said they were."

Louis shrugged and kissed his boyfriend shyly. "They were okay, could've been a little more active and less lazy.

Harry nodded and Louis looked behind him, seeing his twin and his girlfriend race over to them.

"Liam says we should go out to eat or something," Sophia panted. "I say screw that and get ice cream."

"I'm down for the second one!" Louis laid his head on Harry's chest, giggling.

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