《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Thirteen.


"Lou," Jay chuckled, cooing after. "You look fine, he'll love it. Promise."

"But--what if he doesn't?" Louis pouted, adjusting his dress. "What if he--"

"Lou," Liam chuckled, "Quit worrying; it's Harry for God's sake. He'll probably faint or something."

Blushing, the crossdresser nodded as he picked up his mascara.

There was a knock at the door momwnts later and Louis hid behind Jay. The woman chuckled as her daughter, Georgia, opened the door.

"You must be Harry," the girl smirked, seeing Harry nod. "Lou's upstairs. I'm his cousin, Georgia."

"Harry," Liam smirked. "Come see him, he thinks you'll hate his outfit."

Harry chuckled, following the two teenagers and cooed when he saw his boyfriend slipping a light blue denim jacket over his shoulders.

"Aw, baby, you look adorable!" He gushed, hearing coos and kissed Louis' cheek. "You really do look great, Lou."

He was wearing a solid black dress, the denim jacket over it and a pair of black Van's. He wasn't one for Converse's; unlike Harry. He thought the Van's were cuter and they matched his dress.

Louis blushed, looking back at his smirking brother and gave him a small glare.

"No kids in my room while I'm gone," he teased, taking Harry's hand and laced their fingers. "Goes for you, too, Jay."

Jay crossed her arms and Liam chuckled, giving Harry a look. "Have him home by midnight, understood? Anytime later you won't have any hair."

The couple opposite of him gasped and Harry placed his hand on his chest, huffing, "And I thought we had something special," before winking at the lad and he and Louis left.

- - - - -

"So," Harry smirked. "What's your opinion on seeing Fifty Shades?"



"No," Harry chuckled. "My mom's saw it..." he grimaced after. "Jesus."

Louis chuckled, shrugging.

"I was thinking we could go see Alice In Wonderland," Harry shrugged. "Unless there's something else out you'd rather see."

"That one's fine," Louis played with their fingers. "I heard it was good; Georgia and her friends went to see it on her birthday."

Harry nodded, kissing his cheek and they got out. The older lad paid for the tickets and they went to the arcade until their movie showed.

"Which one do you want?" Harry chuckled after Louis pressed his nose against the case to the claw machine, looking inside of it like a little kid.

"The penguin's cute," Louis mumbled. Harry chuckled again, already getting tokens and wrapped one arm around Louis' abdomen, moving the joystick with the other and grinned when Louis pressed a kiss to his cheek after the little stuffed animal dropped into the box at the edge. He had an extra turn left, so he went for the little tiger that was near where the penguin was and smirked when Louis gave him a challenge.

"Bet I could beat you in air hockey!"

- - - - -

"How are you so good at this?" Louis whined as Harry pulled out a small turtle, smirking and tapped Louis' nose.

"When you're a momma's boy," Harry chuckled. "You become better."

Pouting, Louis stuck his tongue out and took Harry's hand. The movie was really good, they both enjoyed it. Louis' favorite part would have to have been where Alice battles the queen and such.

It was silent as Harry drove them to the park, besides the faint noise of Nina by Ed Sheeran playing on the radio. It was Harry's moms' favorite song, they'd always play it. Jessica even told her sons that if she ever had a girl, she was naming her Nina.


Louis bounced his knee to the beat and Harry pulled into the park lot, where they saw only a few cars. It was getting dark, almost 9pm but it was nice and breezy outside. The stars were twinkling, and Louis noticed a faint outline of a sports area down ahead.

"C'mon," Harry smirked, turning the ignition off and unbuckled his seatbelt. Louis did as well, exiting the car and adjusted his dress. Harry opened the back door and handed Louis a change of clothes. "Here."

"Out in the open?" Louis blushed, taking the items.

"No, silly," Harry chuckled. "There's a rest place down there that you can change in."

Louis nodded and Harry grabbed his own outfit to change in before grabbing something else and they walked down the empty field.

- - - - -

"You're serious," Louis looked around, seeing Harry twirl a ball on his finger. "You're really gonna play volleyball?"

"I want to help you," Harry shrugged. Louis grinned shyly and walked over to a section opposite of Harry, hands on his hips.

"Well, Curly, let's see what you got."

- - - - -

"You're such an idiot," Louis covered his mouth as he giggled. "How many times?"

"Five?" Harry shook his head. "Seriously didn't mean to fall that many times, to be honest. I was only hoping once or twice."

"You're nuts," Louis giggled again. Harry shrugged, rubbing Louis' knuckles with his thumb and pulled up in his boyfriend's driveway.

"Tomight was fun," Louis spoke after getting out with Harry, leaning against the side of the car. Harry bit his lip, standing in front of him and hummed quietly.

"I'm glad you liked it," he murmured. "So...about that kiss..."

Louis giggled, rolling his eyes. "Just kiss me, you fool."

Harry shrugged, one hand on the passenger side of his vehicle and the other on Louis' side. He leant down and captured Louis' lips with his softly. It was a chaste kiss, something soft. Yet it was romantic in Louis' mind.

"How was that?" Harry asked shyly and Louis giggled, telling him it was better than before and kissed him again.

"Goodnight, baby," Harry kissed his nose and Louis grinned, picking up his dress, jacket and penguin from the arcade after replying a soft, "Goodnight, Haz."

Harry watched as he walked to the front of his house, biting his lip and called out, "Hey, Lou?"

"Yeah?" Louis turned his head around once he reached the top step.

"Eight o'clock, next Friday night?"

Chuckling, Louis shrugged casually. "I can do that."

Harry chuckled, winking at him and got in the driver's side as Louis walked through the front door.

- - - - -

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