《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Nine.


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"Liam," Louis bit his lip, trying not to squeal. "Guess what?"


"I made the team."

Liam gasped, glancing at his brother and made a squealing noise before pulling him down onto his lap by his hips and hugging him tight. "Aw, Lou! That's amazing!"

Louis hummed, grinning and nodded. "Captain."

Liam let out a loud squeal, making almost everyone's head turn to look at them and Louis blushed, getting off of his brother and sat in the seat next to him. It was lunch time, none of the drama or gossip talk hasn't happened yet since Noelle or Vova haven't shown up. Harry wasn't around either, but Louis knew he had a test to re-take so he had a good excuse.

"--and then, I go up to look at the results and see that neither of us made the team!" Vova huffed as she and Noelle walked in the cafeteria. "Fucking Freaklinson made the captain, and the only decent looking twin's girlfriend got the second spot."

Louis shrugged, unlocking his phone and texted Harry before going onto Kik and messaging Sophia.

"Boo hoo," Louis rolled his eyes. "Don't you have some hair appointment to go to?"

Liam looked to the side and smirked whe he heard some snickers going around. His twin has been ignoring the two for a few days, shooting back snarky remarks when he could and Harry would always get a pat on the back by Liam. Louis' been different since Harry came around -- a good different. A very good different.

"Coming from the thot who doesn't kow how to leave someone alone," Hary sat next to his boyfriend and both Tomlinson twins shook their heads. Harry turned his head to the side and quietly told Louis, "Momma wants to talk to you."



"Her room," Harry shrugged. "I think it's a team meeting or something."

Louis nodded, telling his brother where he was going and left the room.

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"Hey, Lou," Mrs. Eden grinned. "C'mon in."

Louis sighed quietly, closing the door and adjusted his jumper before sitting in the seat next to Harry's mother. The woman was on her laptop, putting in Harry's grade for the re-take he had done.

"Harry said you wanted to talk to me," the crossdresser mumbled. Mrs. Eden nodded, humming in agreement and closed her computer.

"About a few things."

Louis nodded, swallowing and hoping for the best.

"So what's the deal between you, Noelle and Vova?" The woman asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are they..bullying you?"

Louis nodded.

"For how long?"

Pursing his lips in thought, Louis replied, "As long as I can remember, actually."

Mrs. Eden sighed, tsking. "They were probably raised in barns. Coming from America, the south and all, our boys stood up or themselves. My boys in particular know not to bully someone just because they're either gay, or a crossdresser, whatever."

Louis nodded, looking down at his nails. The polish was starting to chip off, and he had the urge to bite them. He always has that urge when he's nervous.

"That's why I didn't choose either of them for the team," Mrs. Eden shrugged. "They were bullying a teammate and one of them said a homophobic term that kind of hurt. But it's whatever, y'know?"

Louis nodded, sighing. "It sucks, honestly. Everyone thinks I'm a transgender when I just like the comfort of girls clothes and makeup and all. I'll wear boy clothes sometimes but not all, if you know what I mean."


His teacher nodded, "I know exactly what you mean. The other thing I wanted to talk about is Harry."

Louis swallowed and he glanced at the woman beside him.

"Nothing bad, I was just wondering if something is going on between you two," Mrs. Eden shrugged.

Louis nodded with a bitten lip and sighed quietly. "Yeah..we're dating."

Cooing softly and seeing Louis blush, Mrs. Eden asked, "How long?"

"Just a few days," Louis shrugged. "Next Tuesday will be a week, I think."

Harry's mom nodded, grinning. "He's been talking non-stop about you, just so you know."

Louis grinned lightly as well, feeling his cheeks heat up again and there was a small knock at the doorway.

"Speaking of the devil," Mrs. Eden teased and Louis pouted.

"I kind of like to think he's an angel, actually," he replied as Harry walked in the room.

"Talking about me?" Harry sat on Louis' lap and Louis let out a groan, huffing.

"You're huge," he breathed and Harry shrugged, smugly looking at his mother. Mrs. Eden shook her head, rolling her eyes and Harry pouted when Louis tried pushing him off of him.

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