《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Eight.




"C'mere," Harry whined, pouting. "Please?"


"Because," Harry whined again. "I wanna ask you something."

"Ask me right here, stupid."

They were sitting across from eachother on Louis' bed, school books in front of them. They were supposed to be studying but Harry really wanted to ask Louis something important.

Harry sighed, closing his textbook and closed Louis'. The crossdresser gasped, smacking Harry's bicep.

"Hey! I was studying!"

"Studying is for nerds," Harry teased, pushing Louis back onto the bed snd climbed on top of him. Louis let out a little giggle, playing with Harry's hair and tapped his nose with a silver polished finger.

"What did you want to ask me?" He quietly asked, looking into Harry's eyes shyly and Harry bit his lip. It was a few days after practice and nothing has happened, thank God.

"Hm, you know what...forget it, you'll say no," Harry sighed, sitting up.

"Uh-uh," Louis defended, pulling him back down by his shirt. "You interrupted my studying, you're telling me."

Harry sighed, shrugging. "Fine, fine...I um..I was wondering if maybe..--"

"Get on with it," Louis teased, poking his nose.

"You're just gonna say no, Lou, it's no use."

Louis rolled his eyes, scoffing. "You're either asking me to go on a date with you or be your boyfriend, aren't you."


"Which one?"

"The second one."

Louis let out a small chuckle and scrunched his nose when Harry kissed it.

"Lou, I'm serious...I really like you and all..."

"I know," Louis mumbled. "And I like you alot, too, but aren't you afraid you're gonna get bullied because of me?"

What if things messed up? They've known eachother for a short period of time but Louis does like his friend. But Noelle and Vova? Things could end up messy. The same with Niall and Zayn. What if Harry got tortured for dating Tommo the Tranny? He's practically popular -- it could ruin his rep.


"Screw them," Harry shrugged. "If they have a problem with it they can kiss my ass."

"What ass?"

"Hey," Harry pouted, sitting up and crossed his arms. "That's mean."

Louis shrugged. "Look who my brother is, Haz."

"You still haven't answered my question."

"What question?"

"Don't play games with me, you," Harry tapped Louis' bottom lip with his index finger. "You know what I'm trying to ask you."

"So you really don't care?"


That surprises Louis.

"If they find out Noelle will just be worse, Harry," Louis swallowed. "Liam doesn't want me going back to my past addiction because of her."

"If she does anything, baby, she won't have a head," Harry defended. "Neither will that Vova thot."

"Did you just call her a thot?"


"You're terrible."

"And you're cute," Harry hummed, leaning down. "So what do you say?"

"You're not gonna leave me alone, are you?" Louis whined.


Louis chuckled, leaning up and moved some of Harry's hair out of his face. "Sure, why not?"

"So it's a yes?"

"It's a yes," Louis giggled. "I'll be your boyfriend, Haz."

"Thank God," Harry breathed, laying his head on Louis' shoulder.

"Get off of me, you're heavy."

- - - - -

Louis walked down the hall and looked at the paper taped beside the gym doors, reading the results to who made it on the team. He bit his lip, nodding to himself and walked down to his grade hall and to his locker.

He felt familiar arms wrap around his shoulders and he could see Harry rest his chin on his arm beside the left side of Louis' head.


"Goodmorning, baby," he grinned and Louis did too.

"Hi, stranger," he teased, removing his backpack and got his books out. Harry chuckled, kissing the back of his head and laced their fingers after Louis shut his locker.

"C'mon," the crossdresser smirked, "I wanna show you something."

Harry nodded, following his boyfriend as the lad lead him down the hall and to the gym. Harry looked over the results sheet and smiled, pulling Louis into a hug.

"Aw, baby, you made captain!" He cooed, hearing Louis giggle. "Even though it was mainly because of me. I helped mum and all."

"You chose me?" Louis looked up shyly, seeing Harry nod and hum in agreement. "Why? Noelle kept tripping me and all."

"Exactly why she isn't on there," Harry smirked. "Same with Vova."

"Cheeky," Louis teased, leaning up and kissed his cheek. "Let's go to class."

- - - - -

Louis sat in his seat in Art and watched Harry converse with his mother before sitting down next to him.

"Momma wants to know if you'd like to come over for dinner sometime this week," Harry chuckled. "You can meet my other mom and my brother, too."

Louis nodded, laying his head on Harry's shoulder. "When?"

"She was thinking Friday, and you could spend the weekend or something again."

Louis nodded. "Yeah, I'll come."

"Good," Harry squeezed his hand. "I don't wanna be alone with just them. They're boring."

Mrs. Eden gave Harry a look and Harry grinned teasingly, waving. Louis shook his head, rolling his eyes and wished Liam wasn't on varisty so he could tell him the news in person instead of over the phone.

- - - - -

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